研究生英译汉练习 Sentence Translation.
1. The clean perfection of fresh snow recalls the world before it was man's. 一场大雪刚下过,
2. Early in October a dusting of snow appears on the surrounding mountain summits; gradually it
worked its way lower until one morning we wake up to find that the snow has reached us. 十月初,周围山峰铺了一层薄薄的雪,雪一天天向山下延伸。有一天早上我们醒来,突然发现雪已经铺到我们脚跟前了。
3. Give the river a day, and it will give you a memory to last a lifetime. 花一天时间来游览这
4, Below, lights gleam as they do nowhere else on the river. 在下面,万家灯火在河面上闪烁,这种景色别处看不到。
5. Such evidence convinces me that the ancient Egyptians and their contemporaries were far
more accomplished mariners than once believed. 这些实证使我确信,古代埃及人及其同时
6. I decided that photography and I weren't meant for each other. My pictures were so dull. 我
7. The city has risen to commercial prominence. 这个城市发展成为了很重要的商业中心。
8. Even the ameba is a far smaller and far more powerful
information processor than today’s best
chips. If nature can do it, scientists feel challenged to try it too. 比今天最好的电脑小得多的
9. The surprising thing about computers is not that they think less well than a man, but they
think at alt. 电子计算机令人惊奇的并不在于它思维比人差,而是它竟然能够思维。
10. We shake hands once more and I walked out of the factory. Enriched. 相互再次握手之后,我
11. Closer inspection reveals some surprises. 进一步观察之后,我们发现了出乎意料的东西。
12. We do things the way we do because we like doing them that way. 我们之所以这样做,是因
13. Night comes alive on the streets. 夜幕降临,街上一派热闹景象。
14. There's a specific information on why they're designed and built the way they are. But mere
words can't do such machines justice. 关于机器的设计构造,有专门的说明书。仅仅从文
15. I was struck by the chilling thought, \"Am I lost'?\" It was to become an altogether too familiar
question in the months ahead. “我迷路了吗?”这个想法使我不寒而栗。这个念头几个
16. The seedlings of the tulip appear as small grass-like plants that give little hint of future glory.
17. One American writer wrote about the Grand Canyon: “Leave it as it is. You cannot improve on
it. The ages have been at work on it, and man can only mar it.”一位美国作家这样谈到科罗
18. Each generation of the ships dwarfed the last. 后来造出来的船都使原来的船相形见绌。
19. The past permeates of the city which is well-acquainted with all the ages and civilizations. 这
20. Though the 21st century is making increasing inroads, other centuries live on here in manners,
arts, and customs. 尽管21世纪的东西越来越多,人们的风俗、艺术、习惯还保留着以前世纪的影响。
21. Is it possible to see everything in the museum in one day? That depends. If you're determined
to read every descriptive label at every exhibit, you'll spend five full days. 一天之内可以参观完整个博物馆吗?那不一定。如果你想看清每件展品的说明标签,你得花上整整五天时间。
22. Children under 12 fly for one third less. 12岁以下儿童机票便宜三分之一。
23 By mid-July nearly 2/3 of the 3,100 counties of the U.S. had been placed on the federal
emergency drought list. 到7月中旬,美国3,100个县中约2/3的地方被列为旱情紧急县。
24. It would be most disastrous if even a rumor of it were given out. 甚至只要有一点点风声漏
25. The explanation is pretty thin. 这种解释简直说不过去。 26. Both sides thought that the peace proposal was one they could accept with dignity. 双方认为,
27. The significance of' these incidents wasn't lost on us. 这些事件引起了我们的重视。
28. Man's sudden concern for the environment has introduced a new dimension into international
relations. 人们突然关心起环境问题,因而我们必须从新的角度来看国际关系。
29. A new student is kept on probation for one semester. 新学生规定要见习一学期。
30. Relations are rather strained. 彼此关系相当紧张。
31. Even after his melancholia, there still remained the conflict between his pleasure in life and his
recognition that he must become an anchorite and ascetic. 就在他治好了抑郁症之后,他心中仍然存在着冲突。一方面,他追求生活享乐,另一方面,他也承认他该去当隐士,尝试一下禁欲。
32. According to him everything is uncanny that ought to have remained hidden and secret and yet
comes to light? 他认为,所有本应隐秘但却暴露出来的都是令人不可思议的东西。
33. These can hardly qualify me to be a teacher. 我很难因此成为一个合格教师。
34. His common sense told him that these were bad people. 他凭尝试知道这些人是坏人。
35. Trees will reclaim the land by 2010. 到2010年这片土地上
36. This is a problem which you are going to see in your lifetime. 在你有生之年你是可以看到
37. Rivers have what man most longs in his own life and thought --- a capacity to get renewal and
replenishment, continual energy, creativity, cleansing. 河流具有不断更新和补充的能力,永远保持着活力、创造精神和自洁能力。这正是人在一生中最向往的东西。
38.I'm personally convinced that a sweet tooth is encouraged by parents putting sugar in
children's tea and cereal. 我深信吃甜食的习惯是父母经常在麦片和茶里放糖造成的。39. It is clear that of two bodies having the same weight the most stable one is that whose center
of gravity has to be lifted through larger vertical distance when we overturn it. 很明显,重量相当的两个物体中,重心低的更稳,想翻转这个物体就得把其重心抬高一些。
40.The hot day followed its inevitable course. 夏天随之而至。
41. The past put on flesh again and walked through her brain. 过去再一次出现在她的脑中,变得鲜活起来
42. Strict silence was maintained in the boat, a silence broken only by the rhythmical monotonous
sound of the oars.
43. His shirt wet between his shoulder blades and under his armpits.
44. But it was the haunting loneliness, the resigned desolation in the voice that he listened to.
45. He had been the background to all her other thoughts. 他以前知道她所有的其他想法的背景
46. It was as though in all the years she had made a huge circle that had finally reached its starting
point again.
这些年好像是一个巨大的圈一样,她最终又回到了原点。 47. His fist shot out and caught her on the side of the face. 他抓住她,突然一拳打在她脸上。
48. Let us compare a housewife who takes care of the house and does the cooking,
with a maid who is paid for doing the exactly the same work. 让我们比较一下打扫房间做饭的家庭主妇和做着完全相同工作的女佣。
49. I thought the memory of the hour I came down that glen a bridegroom would be
less fascinating than the anticipation that I was soon, in a few months, or, possibly, weeks, to be carried up and laid in its lovely hollow!
50. If we are right in regarding as a daydream the story made by him, there is no
further need to apologize for rejecting it.