艾滋病的作文 篇一
艾滋病,这位人类的“生命杀手”如同一粒尘土,悄悄地降临在不幸者的身上,如同一个恶魔,凶恶地使不幸者悲痛绝望;如同一位死神无情地剥夺了绝望者的灵魂……。 艾滋病是一种有艾滋病毒,即人类免疫缺陷病毒入侵人体后破坏人体免疫功能,使人体发生多种不可治愈的感染和肿瘤,最后导致被感染死亡的一种严重传染病。从它降临人类的那一天开始,它惊醒了沉睡中的我们,使我们认识了艾滋,了解了艾滋,惧怕了艾滋,远离了艾滋病人。
中国每14秒便增加一名艾滋病患者,世界每天新增1.4万人,按照这个飞奔般的速度发展,人类将被这个可怕的“生命杀手”赶尽杀绝。那么我们应该怎么办呢? 我们都知道,艾滋病是靠性传播、母婴传播和血液传播的,它威胁着每个人和每个家庭。因此,预防艾滋病是全人类的责任。我们中学生更应该从以下几点做起: 1、洁身自爱,遵守性道德是预防性传播传染艾滋病的根本
措施。所以我们中学生要从自己做起,懂得自尊自爱,不去做那些不该做的事,把心思都集中在学习上,不去看那些色情的东西,控制自己的情感,真正把精力放在学习上,争取更大的进步,才能使自己不堕落。这样就能迈出了预防艾滋病的第一步。 2、远离毒品。避免共享针头,禁止吸毒,减少血液接触。
3、防止交叉传染。避免不必要的输血、注射;严禁使用没 有严格消毒的不安全拔牙和打耳洞等。
4、注意个人卫生,集体卫生,不共用别人的东西,时时注意保护自己的身体健康。 我认为只要我们从以上四个方面做起,相信我们就肯定能把艾滋病挡在健康的大门外。同学们,请让我们的生命之花永远都开放着吧,让我们的生命蜡烛永远都亮着吧。
艾滋病的作文 篇二
浓浓的亲情总是可以感动天地,相信只要我们坚定信念、爱心永驻、真情奉献、心连心定能遏制艾滋病的蔓延、滋长,一定会变得更美好。 拥抱艾滋病患者,与他们处在同一片蓝天下!
艾滋病英语作文 篇三
AIDS, stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is a deadly disease. It malfunctions the human body's defence system, making the infected person extremely vulnerable to diseases, and eventually cause death.
There are many ways in which the spread of AIDS is sexual transmission, mother to child, blood transmission and share needle. AIDS is a great threat to young people, sexual transmission is the main mode of transmission sexual transmission is the unprotected sex with an infected partner, including the homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual. There are many ways to fight against AIDS, we should take protection measures when we have sex, and you need to do exercise more, and eat more foods that can resistant to AIDS, such as bananas.
If there are AIDS patients in your side, please don't discriminate and stay away from them, they need our help and encouragement. We should work together to fight AIDS, to make life better and healthy.
艾滋病的作文 篇四
艾滋病英语作文 篇五
Heard these things, you must know the importance of life? Yeah, the beginning of life is a candle, until your mother give you some wick, you begin to write the first sentence for precious life poetry. Until you will be called yi ah yi ah, will speak mother, a shake a put to walk, will say many, many words, have thought, will feel everything is so beautiful. Till now, did you know if our lives of AIDS, just never see butterflies dance track and spring like washed the sky this truth? If you out the candle, that you see will be darkness, not light.
In order to not let us lose precious life much earlier, from now on, please look around the size of the details.
The classmates! Please drive your mom and dad, relatives and friends, let everybody pay attention to personal hygiene, AIDS is not with us! Let us shout loudly: AIDS prevention! Cherish precious life!
艾滋病英语作文 篇六
The uniting of the world around the AIDS epidemic is without prior example. As the number of AIDS cases around the world rapidly increases, nations are showing great focus in battling this mon enemy — attacking rich and poor countries the same.
By 89, almost every nation on earth had established a program educating its people about AIDS, according to Jonathan Mann, director of the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Program on AIDS. At that time, 143 countries had reported one or more AIDS cases. In addition to national AIDS programs, working together internationally has begun. Through open exchanges of scientific facts as well as support of international organizations such as the World Health Organization, all nations can join efforts to fight against this life-threatening disease. According to WHO, this international effort has produced two critical developments: first, there is an amazing level of world—wide focus, using world scientists and international sharing of human and economic resources to fight AIDS. Second, the work of governments, organizations, and businesses has been followed by the very high activity of people - as singles, families, and munities.
The Influence of AIDS
The rise of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) around the earth has represented a major challenge to medical progress both in developed and in less - developed countries. The past forty years saw great success in the control of spreading diseases and great strides toward achieving health for all by the year 2000 (a major WHO goal) through improved basic health care, food, cleanliness, and immunization(免疫) programs.
Yet, because of its sudden start and rapid spread, AIDS could soon wipe out this progress. By the end of 1988, more than 一三0,000 cases of AIDS were reported, but, because of under reporting, there may actually be more than 350,000 cases. Also, at least five million persons likely have the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (艾滋病病毒), which causes AIDS. That means as many as 400,000 new cases of AIDS could occur in the next few years - more than doubling the present total. Caring for AIDS patients could seriously stress economic resources even in richer countries.
Preventing one case of AIDS means preventing many future cases, while preventing a case of measles(麻疹) or malaria(疟疾) in Africa would have little effect on its spreading, since those diseases are already mon in many countries. Resources devoted to AIDS testing, care, and education could also be used to battle other, more-known diseases in developing countries. Stopping the Spread
AIDS spreads only in limited ways and can be prevented through informed and mature behavior. Encouraging such behavior depends on understanding the different ways AIDS is spread around the world. AIDS spreads in three basic ways: first, through sexual intercourse(性交); second, through contact with diseased blood; and third from an HIV mother to her baby. The actual patterns of spreading of the AIDS virus change from culture to culture.
Spreading of AIDS in North America, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand and parts of Latin America occurs most often among homosexual(同性恋) or bisexual(双性恋) men and intravenous (IV) (静脉内注射的) drug users(吸毒者), most often in city areas. Heterosexual(异性之间的) spreading is low, but there is danger that the spread of AIDS from male(男性) IV-drug users to their female(女性) partners could increase the appearance of AIDS in the heterosexual population.
In sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, particularly the Caribbean, most cases occur among heterosexuals, and spreading from mother-to-child is mon. Spreading through homosexual contact and IV-drug use almost does not exist.
In Eastern Europe, northern Africa, the eastern Mediterranean, Asia, and most of the Pacific, fewer cases of AIDS, usually among drug users, have been reported thus far. The WHO estimates that Bangkok, Thailand IV-drug users having the AIDS virus increased from less than 1 percent in August 1987 to 30 percent one year later. Reaching Out
WHO believes that, as AIDS bees more mon, the disease promises to unite the world to a degree never seen before. In just two years, the international plan against AIDS has grown from ideas to practice, from speeches to action. WHO is certain that, together, we will triumph over AIDS rather than allow the disease and the fears, worries, and prejudices(偏见) which go with it to overpower us.
艾滋病的作文700字 篇七
哈尔滨的“立冬”奇冷奇冷,滴水成冰。市民出门都裹得严严实实的,恨不得早些走进温暖的空调房。在这样寒冷的天气里,为了迎接世界艾滋病日的到来,我一个人站在冷清的中央大街上,向往来的路人发放预防艾滋病的宣传资料,为防艾事业做一份微薄的贡献。 无论人家背后如何指指点点,还是路人“高枕无忧”的态度,我都没有在意。我能做的,就是用自己的力量将防艾知识送入人们心中。
在发放宣传资料时,一位穿着入时的女士接到传单,“白”了我一眼后将传单扔到地上。那一刻我很心痛,望着她的背影,我明白志愿者的道路绝非坦途,但这却更坚定了我的决心。 更恼人的是人们的世俗与偏见。我在附近的一家建筑工地发宣传资料,一群工人拿过传
单后不屑地笑了起来:愿啥病啥病吧,我们干活哪能听你吹嘘?我急忙为他们讲解艾滋病的预防知识。然而,我的讲解也是徒劳的。我默然无语,心想:“一个人没有预防知识,就等于没有健康,没有健康,又何谈劳动?” 三个小时后,天色暗了下来,我已发了2300份宣传资料,还有些剩余,我便抓紧时间,趁着天黑之前发放完毕。这时,一位好心的老奶奶向我多要了几张,要为我“减负”。我说,自己的目的是让大家对艾滋病有所认识,完全出于自愿。四个小时内,我发放了宣传资料3000余份。天气虽然寒冷,但我的心滚烫、情火热。 防艾的脚步还在继续,不曾停滞,也永远不会停滞。
艾滋病的作文 篇八
我们攻击人类的杀手锏是:攻击人体免疫系统。我们将人体免疫系统最重要的T4淋巴细胞作为攻击目标,从而使整个人体免疫系统遭到破坏,最终使人们丧失了对各种疾病的抵抗能力而导致死亡。令我们自豪的是:迄今为止,人类尚不能根除生存于感染者体内的我们。 我们的存在让很多的人心惊肉跳。这很多的人当然不光光是指感染了我们的人。感染了我们的人固然要承受着巨大的痛苦和折磨,他们周围的人也将生活在恐惧阴影中。看到那些因怕被感染而冷淡远离患者的人们,我就忍不住对人类的轻蔑:凭什么时候说他们是最有智慧的动物,瞧那些大块头的胆小鬼,根本不敢与病人拥抱,握手,一起进餐。他们中有些人明知道与患者有社交场合的接触不会传播艾滋病,可还是不敢。嘻嘻,真傻!不过这也足见我们艾滋病毒的威力。
不过,也有些人让我们害怕,他们都非常了解我们的传播能力,他们不怕与艾滋患者接触,在患者最脆弱的时候给予他们关爱,理解与沟通,让病人和感染者与医护人员合作,积极接受治疗。他们还向身边所有的人传播他们的知识和灌输他们的观念。全然不顾我们艾滋病毒的隐私,把我们所有秘密展现在人们的面前。更令我们病毒气愤的是:这些人还把每年的12月1日当作世界艾滋病日,他们在这一天前后活动得尤为猖獗,大有置我们于灭绝之地的气势。他们大谈“热爱生命,远离艾滋”,还弄出个艾滋病大使,让很多人跟着转,如果让这些人占了人类的主流,我们艾滋病毒可就永无宁日了。我不知道是不是已经有人了解了我不愿让人们了解的弱点:就是有点欺软怕硬,人们怕我,我会更嚣张,更疯狂;人们不怕我的时候,我就要害怕了。因为那意谓着我们的末日就要来临。 真到了那时人类就要庆祝了吧?