

2021-01-19 来源:小奈知识网
1.我将在最后一年 守职而不废 处义而不回 永远和人民在一起。

In my last year in office I will not waver in carrying out my duties and will remain true to my conviction. I will always be with the people

守职而不废,处义而不回 源于《素书》,意即:恪守信义,而不稍加改变;受到嫌疑,而能居义而不反顾。

2.我将像一匹负轭的老马 不到最后一刻绝不松套。

In my last year in office I will be as committed as ever as an old steed.


3.入则恳恳以尽忠 出则谦谦以自悔 我将坚守这个做人的准则 并把希望留给后人。

When one is in office he should discharge his duty conscientiously

When leaving office he should conduct himself with humility and exercise self-reflection

I will adhere to this principle in conducting myself and I place hope on the next generation

入则恳恳以尽忠 出则谦谦以自悔 语出《庙堂忠告》。为政忠告(元)张养浩著。原文为“臣之於君也,入则恳恳以尽忠,出则谦谦以自悔,凡所白於上者,不可泄於外而伐诸人,善则归君,过则归己”

4.我秉承 苟利国家生死以 岂因祸福避趋之的信念 为国家服务整整四十五年。

I have devoted 45years of my life to the service of this country remaining committed to the conviction that I shall dedicate myself to the interests of the country in life and death irrespective of personal will and woe.

1842年林则徐被充军伊犁,途经西安:“力微任重久神疲,再竭衰庸定不支?苟利国家生死以 岂因祸福避趋之 ?谪居正是君恩厚,养拙刚于戍卒宜。戏与山妻谈故事,试吟断送老头皮“——《赴戍登程口占示家人》。林则徐过世前要求家人把这句话刻在自己的墓碑上。

5.知我罪我 期为春秋。

There are people who will appreciate what I have done but there are also people who will criticize me. Ultimately history will have the final say.


6.09年在这里讲了富春山居图的故事 精诚所至啊 金石为开。我高兴的得知 这幅分离很久的富春山居图终于在台北合璧展出 这反应出中华文化具有强大的向心力和震撼力。我虽不能至 但心向往之。

In 2009 I told the story about the painting of Fuchun Mountain. I believe that without most sincerity no difficulty is insurmountable. I‟m encouraged to learn that the two pieces of this painting which have been apart from each other for so long will finally put on display as one piece in Taipei.This shows that the Chinese culture has strong cohesiveness and inspiration. I wish that i could have been able to go and see for myself.

(富春山居图 元朝画家黄公望作品。明末因火烧成一大一小两端。前段藏于浙江省博物馆 后段在台北故宫博物院。2011年 6月1日 前卷与后卷在台北故宫合展。)

7.我想起了 台湾割让了之后 台中有一位诗人 叫 林朝崧 他曾经写过一句诗:晴天再补虽无术 缺月重圆会有时。

At this moment I cannot help but recall a poem written by a person from central Taiwan by the name LinChaosong he wrote the name shortly after Taiwan was ceded. The poem reads “There is no way to mend the hill in my heart. But there will be a day when the half moon becomes full again”.

出自《送吕厚庵秀才东归二首》 原文: 晴天再补虽无术 缺月重圆会有时。珍重来衣归故里 相思寄我采薇诗。

林朝崧 清 字俊堂,号痴仙,台湾彰化人。林朝崧出身于武功之家,其父亲林利卿、族伯林文察、族兄林朝栋均是清朝同治、光绪年间颇有战功的将领。林朝崧作为栎社的发起人和首任理事,在台湾地方文学发展史上占有重要地位,被誉为“全台诗界泰斗”。

8.住有其居。 并不意味着住者有其屋。

We have set the target of providing adequent housing for all people

But this does not mean each and everyone has own his home.

9.2003 年我曾经去过一次香港 我在那里用了黄遵宪先生的一句诗来形容:寸寸河山寸寸金

During my visit to HK back in 2003 my quoted the line from the poem written by Mr. HuangZunxian to express how I feel about HK he wrote every inch of the rivers and mountains of the lands as precious as gold.


10.在我担任总理期间 确实谣诼不断 我虽然不为所动 但是心里也不免感到有些痛苦。这种痛苦 不是信而见疑 忠而被谤的痛苦 而是我独立的人格不为人们所理解,我对社会隐约感到有点忧虑。我将坚持 人言不足恤的勇气。义无反顾地继续奋斗。

During my term of office as the premier there has been some slanders about me.

I have not allowed myself to be disturbed by those slanders

But still they have caused some pain.

Not the pain because a man of integrity and loyalty has been questioned and wronged

But because my independent character has not won people‟s understanding.

And that has made me feel a bit worried about this society.

While I will continue to cross ahead with my work and to uphold my ideals without hesitating and misgivings with the courage that one should not fear the rumors or slanders from others.

谣诼不断 谣诼——造谣毁谤,出自《楚辞·离骚》:\"众女嫉余之蛾眉兮,谣诼谓余以善淫。\"

信而见疑 忠而被谤——— 司马迁《史记<屈原列传>》\"信而见疑, 忠而被谤,能无怨乎? \"

人言不足恤—— 出自《宋史·王安石列传》,北宋神宗时期,王安石力主变法,提出了这一著名的“三不足”论断。“天变不足畏”:原意是自然界的灾异不必畏惧,这是对当时有人用各种所谓“天生异象”的奇谈怪论来攻击新法的回应,同时透露出一种朴素的唯物主义思想;“祖宗不足法”:前人制定的法规制度若不适应当前的需要甚至阻碍社会进步,就要修改甚至废除,不能盲目继承效法;“人言不足恤”:对流言蜚语无需顾虑。这既是王安石变法的精神支柱,也是他的思想武器。自宋以降,人们常引用这句话来表达一种不断革新的精神。


最后这句 我想到 1998年 朱镕基被选为总理时说过很有名的那句:“不管前面是地雷阵还是万丈深渊,我将勇往直前,义无反顾,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。”

当年朱彤翻译的是:But no matter what is waiting for me in front of me ,being land mines or an abyss, I will blaze my trail and I have no hesitation and no misgivings and I will do all my best and contribute, devote all myself to the people and the country until the last day of my life.
