: REVISION / 版本号DOC. NO. / 文件编号: PRODUCT / 产品: 01 ALL TITLE / 标题 Profiling guideline in line changeover 在产品转换中温度检验指导方计 PAGE/页数: 2 Of 2 1.0 Purpose/目的 To provide a profiling guideline for reflow and wave solder in line changeover to reduce line changeover time. 在生产线产品转换中, 提供回流炉和波峰炉的温度检验的指导方针, 以便减少产品转换时间。 2.0 Scope/范围 This document applies to all projects of shenzhou new energy resources Photo-electronics Co.,Ltd (fujian and shenzhen). 文件适用于神州新能源光电科技有限公司(福建及深圳)制造的所有项目。shenzhou new energy resources Photo-electronics Technology Co.,Ltd Note: This procedure is only applied to the model that is ever used at this SMT line. 注意:该程序只适用于这个型号已在这条SMT生产线生产过的产品转换. 3.0 Responsible./责任 PE: Change the program of reflow and wave solder, adjust conveyor chain of reflow, check the temperature, test temperature and provide profile of reflow and wave solder. PE: 转换回流炉和波峰炉的程序, 调整回流炉的传送链, 检查设备参数, 测试回流炉和波峰炉的温度及提供温度曲线图。 MBU: check the parameter of reflow and wave solder if they match with WI, and record the parameter. MBU: 检查设备的参数是否与WI一致, 并作好记录。 EE: Adjust the conveyor chain of wave solder; maintain the machine to ensure the function stability of reflow and wave solder. EE: 调整波峰炉的传送链, 进行设备的保养及维护以保证回流炉及波峰炉的稳定性。 QA: Qualify First Article as FA procedure. QA: 根据首板质量检查程序进行首板检查。 4.0 Procedure./程序 4.1 MBU notice PE and EE to change line according to actual production or PMC plan, place correct WI on line. 4.1. MBU根据实际生产情况或PMC的生产计划通知PE和EE对生产线进行产品转换, 并放置正确的WI到生产线上。 4.2 PE Change the program of reflow and wave solder, adjust conveyor chain of reflow, and check the parameter of program at once according to WI when they receive notice, and place the last time profile of this model to line. 4.2 PE接到通知后, 立刻转换回流炉和波峰炉的程序, 调整回流炉的传送链和检查参数是否与WI一致, 并放置上一次的该型号的温度曲线图到线上。 4.3 EE adjusts the conveyor chain of wave solder at once when they receive notice. 4.3 EE接到通知后, 立刻调整波峰炉的传送链。 4.4 MBU checks if the parameter of machine matches with WI and make a record according to relative document. When the parameter doesn’t match with WI, MBU notice PE at once. PE must modify it as WI specified. DMP-001-F2 .01
: REVISION / 版本号DOC. NO. / 文件编号: PRODUCT / 产品: 01 ALL TITLE / 标题 Profiling guideline in line changeover 在产品转换中温度检验指导方计 4.4 MBU检查设备参数是否与WI一致, 并根据相关文件做好记录. 如果不一致时, 立刻通知PE. PE必须根据WI的规格进行更改它。 4.5 The first PCBA after changeover can go through reflow and wave process; no need to wait for the profile verification result .After 1st PCBA pass FA process, other PCBA can be process as normal. 4.5 生产线转换产品后, 首块PCBA可以直接过回流炉和波峰炉,不需等候炉子温度检验结果。在首块PCBA按首板检验程序通过检验后,其它的PCBA可按正常的程序继续生产。 4.6. PE must verify the profile in line changeover and publish it out within 1~2 hours after line changeover completed. 4.6 PE必须在产品转换完成后的1到2个小时内进行对炉子的实际温度进行检验, 并打印出温度曲线图. 4.7 If it’s found that the profile is out of specification after PE verifies the profile, PE will act as below guideline: 4.7 如果PE检验实际温度时,发现实际温度偏出规格,PE将按下面的指导方针来执行: 4.7.1 For reflow process, if the peak temperature is out of limit specification at +/-10 Deg C, or the reflow time is out of limit specification at +/-10S; For wave soldering process, if the pre-heat temperature is out of limit specification at +/-10 Deg C, or the solder pot temperature is out of limit specification at +/-10 Deg C, line must be stopped to re-set the profile immediately. 4.7.1 对于回流炉的工艺,如果回流炉的最高温度超出限定规格的+/-10度,或回流时间超出限定规格的+/-10秒时; 对于波峰炉的工艺,如果预热温度超出限定规格的+/-10度,或焊接最高温度超出限定规格的+/-10度,生产线必须立刻停止生产来重新设定温度。 4.7.2 All the processed PCBA with out-of-specification profile will be put aside for PE and team’s evaluation for passing, rework, scrap etc further disposition. 4.7.2 所有超出温度规格并处理过的PCBA必须被隔离,由PE和该项目团队进行评估是否通过/返工/报废等进一步处理。 4.7.3 For reflow process, if the peak temperature is out of limit specification but within +/-10 Deg C (for example, if spec is 230~236 deg c, but the actual temperature is in of 220~246 deg c),or the reflow time is out of limit specification but within +/-10S; For wave soldering process, if the pre-heat temperature is out of limit specification but within +/-10 Deg C; if the solder pot temperature is out of limit specification but within +/-10 Deg C. But there’s no abnormal defect was found in first PCBA and other PCBA which has been processed, don’t need stop line, and then PE will continue to monitor the process performance and set the profile to specification when production is stop for normal break. But if there’s abnormal defects are found, refer to item 4.7.2. 4.7.3 对于回流炉工艺,如果回流炉的最高温度超出限定规格,但没超出限定规格之外的+/-10度(比如,如果规格是230~236度,但实际温度在220~246度的范围内),或回流时间超出限定规格,但没超出限定规格之外的+/-10秒; 对于波峰炉的工艺,如果预热温度超出限定规格,但没超出限定规格之外的+/-10度;如果波峰焊的最高温度超出限定规格,但没超出限定规格之外的+/-10度。 DMP-001-F2 .01
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: REVISION / 版本号DOC. NO. / 文件编号: PRODUCT / 产品: 01 ALL TITLE / 标题 Profiling guideline in line changeover 在产品转换中温度检验指导方计 没有在首板或其它过炉后的PCBA发现不正常的缺陷,不需要停线。PE将继续监控工序结果直到正常停线时再重新设定温度到规格里。但如果出现不正常的缺陷,按4.7.2的流程来处理。 PAGE/页数: 4 Of 4 Procedure flow chart: PMC send line changeover information MBU notice PE and EE to change line PE change program and adjust conveyor chain of reflow If have wave solder If no wave solder EE adjust conveyor chain of wave solder MBU check the parameter The first PCBA pass reflow or wave solder. Carry out first article procedure Fail Pass Normal produce PE check profile Pass PE improve profile Fail Continue produce DMP-001-F2 .01