

2020-11-25 来源:小奈知识网



1.transaction; 2. most entities; 3. device; 4. account; 5. T-account; 6. title of the account; 7. dollar;

8. beginning balance; 9. new balance; 10. calculate; 11. cash account; 12. accounting period; 13. ending balance; 14. asset accounts;

16. accounts receivable; 17. record; 18. note payable; 19. debit; 20. credit;

21. credit customer; 22. credit balance; 23. inventory; 24. accuracy. 25. merchant. 26. revenue; 27. net income; 28. ledger; 29. journal.

31. merchandise; 32. posting; 33. at least; 34. closing entries; 35. financial statement; 36. calculation; 37. liability account; 38. information; 39. zero balance; 40. temporary account; 41. carry forward; 42. permanent account; 43. expense account; 44. management;

15. settle one’s account; 30. journal entry;


1. Debit refers to the left side of an account and credit to the right side.

2. Transactions are first recorded in a journal. Amounts are then posted to the accounts in a ledger.

3. Net income is the increase in retained earnings from operating performance during the period.

4. Revenue and expense accounts are temporary accounts. At the end of each accounting period, they are closed to Retained Earnings. The difference between the revenues of a period and the expenses of the period is the net income of the period. These revenues and expenses are reported on the income statement.

5. Corporations. A corporation is a business owned by stockholders, or shareholders--people who own stock, or shares of ownership in the business. The corporation is the dominant form of business organization in the United States. Proprietorships and partnerships are more numerous, but corporations transact much more business and are larger in terms of total assets, income and number of employees. Most well-known companies, such as The Gap, General Motors, and American Airlines, are corporations. Their full names include Corporation or incorporated (abbreviated Corp. and Inc.) to indicate that they are corporations--for example, The Gap, inc., and General Motors Corporation. Some corporations bear the name “Company,” such as Ford Motor Company. A proprietorship and a partnership can also bear the name “Company.”

A corporation is a business entity formed under state law. From a legal perspective, a corporation is distinct from its owners. The corporation operates as an artificial person that exists apart from its owners. The corporation has many of the rights that a person has. For example, a corporation may buy, own and sell property. Assets and debts in the business belong to the corporation. It may enter into contracts, sue, and be sued. Unlike proprietors and partners, stockholders have no personal obligations for corporation debts. The most that a stockholder can lose on an investment in corporate stock is the cost of the investment. But proprietors and partners are personally liable for the debts of their businesses.


1. _________ A valuable item that is owned or controlled by the entity and that was acquired at a measurable cost.

2. _________ A financial statement that reports the assets, liabilities, and equity of a company at one point in time. Assets are listed on the left and liabilities and equity on the right.

3. _________ The right-hand side of an account or an amount entered on the right-hand side of an account.

4. _________ Cash and assets that are expected to be converted into cash or used up in the near future, usually within one year.

5. _________ Obligations that become due within a short period of time, usually one year. 6. __________ The left-hand side of an account or an amount entered on the left-hand side of an account.

7. __________ A business or other organization for which a set of accounts is kept.

8. __________ Goods being held for sale, and material and partially finished products that will be sold upon completion.

9. __________ The increase in owners’ equity resulting from operations during a period of time, usually from the sale of goods or services.


1、 Classify the following items as an Asset (A), a Liability (L), or an Owners’ Equity (E): a. Accounts payable ;( ) b. Common stock; ( ) c. Receivables ; ( ) d. Retained earnings ; ( ) e. Land; ( ) f. Prepaid expenses; ( ) g. Cash; ( ) h. Long-term debt; ( ) i. Merchandise inventory; ( ) j. Notes payable; ( )

k. Accrued expenses payable; ( ) l. Equipment; ( ) 2、At December 31, 2000, McCullough Water Systems has cash of 13, 000, receivables of 2, 000, and inventory of 25, 000. The company’s land, buildings, and equipment total 110, 000, and other assets amount to 10, 000. McCullough owes accounts payable of 8, 000 and short-term notes payable of 12, 000 and also has a long-term debt of 80, 000.

Common stock is 15, 000. The general manager of McCullough knows the company has been profitable, but he is unsure about the amount of retained earnings.

Prepare McCullough Water Systems’ balance sheet at December 31, 2000, complete with its appropriate heading.

3、A group of ledger for Able Company is given below, with balances as of September 1. You need to create a group of “T-Account” ledger firstly. And then write out the journal entries. Post the transactions for September to “T-Account” ledger, identifying each transaction with its number. Use only the accounts that are named. Close the revenue and expense. Prepare a balance sheet and income statement.

account Beginning balance(debit or credit) 150 200 600 250 400 300 0 0 transaction amount 60 540 1.Cash sales 2.sales to credit customers 3.received customers from cash Accounts receivable inventory Accounts payable Paid-in capital Retained earnings revenues expenses

credit 340 4.purchased inventory on 260 account 5.cost of goods sold 6.expenses paid in cash 7.closed revenue expense accounts 460 100 and


一、 单项、多项选择

1、征收进口关税对该国来说( )。 A、有利于与进口品相竞争的生产者 B、不利于与进口品相竞争的生产者

C、生产者的产品价格下降 D、生产者剩余不变

2、在比较利益模型中,两种参与贸易商品的国际比价( )。 A、在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之上 B、在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之下

C、在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之间 D、与贸易前的任何一个国家的国内比价相同

3、根据产品生命周期理论,新产品通常是( )产品。 A、劳动密集型 B、土地密集型 C、资本密集型 D、技术密集型

4、当某产品的进口小国减少其进口量时,其贸易条件将( )。 A、恶化 B、改善 C、不变 D、变化不定 5、只能解释产业间贸易,不能解释产业内贸易理论是( )。 A、需求偏好相似理论 B、要素禀赋理论 C、规模经济理论 D、垄断竞争理论 6、比较优势论的提出者是( )。

A、俄林 B、斯密 C、李嘉图 D、李斯特

7、就国家整体而言,分配进口配额最好的方法是( )。 A、竞争性拍卖 B、固定的受惠 C、资源使用申请程序 D、给国外的出口商

8、国际贸易中发生“贫困化增长”的条件是( )。

A、产品需求彈性较小 B、产品需求彈性较大 C、产品需求彈性无穷大 D、资源缺乏

9、在国际贸易总额中,占最小比重的是( )。

A、北北贸易 B、南南贸易 C、南北贸易 D、欧盟内各国之间的贸易

10、某国国内生产总值为2000亿美元,进口值200亿美元,出口值240亿美元,该国的出口依存度为( )。

A、22% B、12% C、10% D、2%

11、在产品生命周期的( ),发展中国家具有生产和出口该产品的比较优势。

A、初始期 B、成长期 C、成熟期 D、任何时期

12、下列属于限制进口的非关税措施的有( )。

A、进口配额 B、政府采购 C、进口关税 D、自由贸易 E、技术标准 13、重商主义是追求( )。

A、贸易顺差 B、贸易逆差 C、贸易平衡 D、推动经济增长 14、根据下列数据,选择正确答案。( )

生产每吨小麦的成本 (人民币元) 中国 美国 1000 3000 生产每千米布匹的成本 (人民币元) 2000 4000 A、中国的小麦生产有绝对优势 C、中国的小麦生产有相对优势

B、中国的布匹生产有绝对优势 D、中国的布匹生产有


15、 根据赫—俄理论,一国应进口( )。

A、劳动密型集品 B、资本密型集品 C、丰裕要素密型集品 D、稀缺要素密型集品

16、当出口大国增加出口时,其贸易条件将会( )。

A、恶化 B、改善 C、不变 D、不变化

17、发达国家与发展中国家之间分工、贸易获利的原因是( )。

A、要素比例差异大 B、有利于获取规模经济 C、劳动工资差异大 D、相互的技术差距大

18、一国拥有相对充裕的劳动力,则该国应生产出口劳动密集型产品对外进交换,这种说法来自( )。

A、李嘉图的比较优势论 B、李斯特的保护幼稚工业论

C、H—O的生产要素禀赋论 D、克鲁格曼的规模经济理论

19、出口补贴导致的结果是( )。

A、有利于国内出口生产者 B、有利于国内消费者


利水平提高 D、不利于国内出口生产者 20、征收进口关税对该国来说( )。

A、有利于与进口品竞争的生产者 B、不利于与进口品竞争的生产者

C、有利于这种产品的消费者 D、生产者剩余不变

21、从进口国总体看,商品的自由进口对一国净福利的影响是( )。 A、增加 B、减少 C、不变 D、不确定

22、当某产品的进口大国减少其进口量时,其贸易条件将会( )。。 A、改善 B恶化、 C、不变 D、变化不定 23、在比较利益模型中,两种参与贸易商品的国际比价( )。 A、在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之上 B、在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之下

C、在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之间 D、与贸易前的任何一国的国内比价相同

24、在国际贸易总额中,占有最大比重的是( )。 A、北南贸易 B、北北贸易

C、南南贸易 D、欧盟内部各国之间的贸易



2、什么是贫困化贸易增长?对付贫困化贸易增长的对策是什么? 3、试述关税结构理论


5、简述增大关税同盟收益的条件 6、叙述里昂惕夫之谜及破解的观点。 7、贸易顺差绝对是好事吗?为什麽?


9、试述李嘉图的比较优势贸易理论对我国的现实意义。 10、试述H—O的贸易理论对我国的现实意义。 三、作图分析题

1、一国从关税进口转向自由进口,试做出局部均衡图,并根据图示指出,该国的生产者利益、消费者利益、政府利益以及国民利益的变化(增量)。 2、








7、一国对某商品由禁止进口转为自由进口,请做出局部均衡分析图,依图指出生产者剩余、消费者剩余和国民福利的变化(增量)。 8、一个贸易大国由自由出口转为出口补贴,请做出局部均衡分析图,并根据图指出生产者剩余、消费者剩余、政府收益和国民福利的变化(增量)。


10、一个贸易小国由自由进口转为进口配额,请做出局部均衡分析图,并根据图指出生产者剩余、消费者剩余、政府收益和国民福利的变化(增量)。 四、计算题



国内产量(万台/年) 国内消费量(万台/4 年) 进口来源国 进口量(万台/年) 税前进口价(万英镑/ 台) 关税(万英镑/台) 0.4 0 日本 2 德国 5 6 加入前 2 加入后 1 请做出局部均衡图,并分析与计算:

(1) 英国的贸易转移损失和贸易创造利益各为多少英镑/年? (2) 英国的国民利益(国民净福利)每年增减多少英镑? 3、设中国对小汽车的关税税率为180%,国内一典型的汽车制造商的成本结

构和进口关税如下: 成本项目 钢板 发动机 30% 120% 轮胎 10% 30% 占汽车价格比重 20% 关税税率

60% (1) 请计算对中国小汽车行业的有效保护率;

(2) 如果钢板、发动机、轮胎的关税分别降为10%、30%、5%,


(3)从上面的计算中,可以推出哪些关于有效保护率的一般结论。 4、设中国是汽车进口的小国,对汽车的需求和供给分别为:


(1) 贸易前,中国汽车的均衡产量和价格; (2) 自由贸易下,中国汽车的产量及进口或出口量; (3) 自由贸易对国内消费者、厂商和整个社会的福利影响 5、



PV = – QDV, PM = - 2QDM


PV = + QSV, PM = + 2QSM


(1) 两国自给自足时大米市场均衡时的产量和价格。

(2) 自由贸易时国际市场大米的价格和各国的进口量或出口量。 (3) 自由贸易带来的消费者和生产者的福利收益或损失,以及两国

