( 2007 —2008 学年第一学期 )
课 程 名 称:专业外语 授 课 学 时:48
授 课 班 级:园林艺术设计 051、052、053 任课教师:XXX
课程名称 课程编号 专业外语 授课专 (2007-2008-2) -040023005-0402006-1 年级 05级 业班级 园林 051 , 052 修课 人数 ;专业课( 课程类型 必修 、中 学科基础课( );专业基础课() 课 ) 选修 课 授课方式 课程教学 总学时数 学时分配 专选 课(门 ; 公选课( ) 考核方式 理论课(T ;实践课() 考试() 考查(门 40 学分 2.5 课堂讲授40学时(含学生发言讨论) 自编教材 教材名称 《园林专业英语》 王欣 浙江林学院园林学院 2006 Lan dscape rchitecture John 0. Simonds McGraw-Hill 1997 教 Desig n on the Land Norma n T. Newt on 王向荣 林箐 The Belk nap Press 1971 学 of Harvard Uni versity Press 中国建筑工业出版 参 考 书 《西方现代景观设计 的理论和实践》, 2001 社 Landscape Architecture ASLA 期刊 授课教师 王欣 职称 副教授 学科 风景园林 规划与设 授课时间 学3102 (星期二上午1~2节〕 午 ,学6201 (星期三上3〜4节) 2
周次 第一周 2008 年2月25日 4 2007年3月2日 教学 人 时数 1、Introduction : Landscape Architect 早节 Harmony with the Livi ng Earth 1、 让学生了解本课学习内容和范围 教学目的 及2、 介绍学习方法 要求 3、 Harmony with the Living Earth 教学重点 与重点:西方Landscape Architect专业的工作范围 难点 难点:个别句子 教学手段 及 教学方法 讲课、提冋 多媒体教学 复习和预习,寻找相关网络资源 分组,5人一组,自愿原则。下周2交。 作业 介绍一位大师,或者一个设计作品,要求图文并茂,用 第3周每周3开始。 PPT来做。 参考资料 Lan dscape Architecture 相关英文网站和外文数据库 3
教学内容提要 时间分配 备 注 开场白: 本课内容、考核方式、纪律等 Less on 1: Harmony with the Livi ng Earth 2学时 BackgrO und: Joh n Ormsbee Simo nds & Modern Lan dscape Architecture in U.S.A. Less on 1: Harmony with the Livi ng Earth 1、We are the victims of our own building. 2学时 2、We are born with a love for the feel and smell of rich, warm earth, the taste and sparkle of clear water, the refreshing coolness of foliage overhead, and the spacious blue dome of the sky. 3、It has been proposed by many sages that, other thi ngs being equal, the happiest pers on is one who lives in closest, fullest harm ony with n ature. 4、This can be achieved by modulating ground and structural forms with those of n ature, by bringing hills, rav in es, sun light, water, pla nts, and air into our areas of pla nning concen trati on, and by thoughtfully and sympathetically spaci ng our structures among the hills, along the rivers and valleys, and out into the Ian dscape. 5、Stated simply, a central objective of all physical planning is to create a more salubrious living en vir onment — a more secure, effective, pleasa nt, rewardi ng way of life. By its very definition it must be dynamic and expa nding, cha nging as our requireme nts cha nge. All planning must, by reason, meet the measure of our physical dime nsions. As planners, we deal not only with areas, 4
spaces, and materials, not only with in st incts and feeli ng, but also with ideas, the stuff of the mind. 6、A planner must also know and understand. Planning in all ages has been an attempt to improve the human con diti on. It has not only mirrored but actively shaped our thi nking and civilizatio n. 学生英语能力普遍偏低,英语应用能力更是需要提 高。要求学生课后多上英文专业网站,提高外语水平。 学生英语水平落差较大, 如何对英语好的同学和不好 的冋学因材施教,这是需要考虑的一个问题。 教 学 后 记 5
周次 第二 周 2007 年3月13日 4 2007年3月14日 教学 时数 / 早节 1、Introduction : Landscape Architect What is Lan dscape Architecture Defin iti on of the Professi on of Lan dscape Architect 1、 了解美国LA学科发展历史 教学目的 及2、 了解世界LA职业的工作内容 要求 3、 掌握相关单词、句式 教学重点 与重点:西方Landscape Architect专业的工作范围 难点:个别句子 难点 教学手段 及 教学方法 讲课、提冋 多媒体教学 作业 复习和预习,寻找相关网络资源 参考资料 Lan dscape Architecture 相关英文网站和外文数据库 6
教学内容提要 时间分配 备 注 Less on 2: What is Lan dscape Architecture Background: About ASLA Less on 2: What is Lan dscape Architecture 1、 A Professi on In Dema nd. 2、 A Diverse Profession 3、 Traci ng the Professi on's Roots 4、 Frederick Law Olmsted: \"Father of American Lan dscape Architecture\" 5、 Early Developments: Late 1800's 6、 Broadening and Diversifying: The 20th Century 7、 The Professio n of the Future 2学时 Less on 3: Defin iti on of the Professi on of Lan dscape Architect Background: About IFLA 1、 要求快速阅读全文。 2、 选择两段翻译做示范 3、 要求学生课后认真复习。 测试1将在该文中选取。 1学时 学生对外文专业网站知识不多。 要求学生课后浏览英 文专业网站。 做完外文专业网站索引,考虑编写外文专业网站导 读。考虑在作业中增加一组自选题,供英语能力较高的冋 学进行发挥。 教 学 后 记 7
周次 第三 周 2007 年3月20日 教学 时数 4 2007年3月21日 4 早节 Unit Two: Landscape Architecture in History Planting Design Through the Ages 4、 以种植设计为例了解西方园林发展历史 教学目的 及5、 了解主要的西方传统种植设计形式 要求 6、 掌握相关单词、句式 教学重点 与重点:西方传统种植设计形式 难点:The In dividual Pla nt 难点 教学手段 及 教学方法 讲课、提冋 多媒体教学 布置自选题: 作业 介绍一个最新的设计,要求图文并茂,单独完成,材料全用英文。介绍语言 英文超过1 / 3. 参考资料 Lan dscape Architecture 相关英文网站和外文数据库 8
教学内容提要 时间分配 备 注 Un it Two: Lan dscape Architecture in History Less on 1: Pla nti ng Desig n Through the Ages Introduction: Our knowledge of the planting of Iandscapes laid out more than two or three hundred years ago is limited , and is derived from such varied sources as the written word , old paintings, and the con ti nu ati on of traditi on in remote places. Formal pla nting 1、 ancient times : plants were used to define and highlight formal patter ns , particularly by the repetiti on of one species at equal in tervals. 2、Ancient Rome: Iandscape design became a form of building 2学时 desig n 3、Renaissanee: new liberalism was reflected in a less contrived approach to pla nti ng. 4、during the 15th century: wild flowers, Holm oak woodlands being accepted as part of a ‘ designed' Iandscape. 5、 In the 17th century: the pattern , or parterre as it is better known , was more often defined by box 6、Renaissanee: fruit trees, plants in pots and tubs, The cypress avenue The in dividual pla nt 1、Far East discloses an interest in planting design in the visual effect of one pla nt in relati on to ano ther pla nt Textural effects, Colours, li ne effects, 2、Short-1ived seasonal effects of strong visual contrast 3、The association between the Iandscape desig ns of the Far East and the n atural Ian dscape is familiar to those in terested in the history of Iandscapes especially in the stylized simulation of mountain and river Iandscapes, and also the philosophy embodied in this association on a smaller scale. 9
The gree n Ian dscape
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
18th century : a very limited range of tree species in groups and belts. two grand specime n tree floweri ng trees and shrubs
Charles Hamilt on at Pai nshill in Surrey
bota ni cal garde ns and the traditi onal cottage garde n. Ian dow ners
Natural pla nting
1) 2) 3) 4)
a particular family of pla nts
several pla nt species grouped in a happy associati on based upon Nature 'patter ns or a visual effect Chicago area of the U.S.A. from 1886, soon bega n to use n ative pla nts in his Ian dscape projects. Burle Marx
效果较好,可能是因为本课讲述较详细,内容学生也 比较熟悉。 植物拉丁名较多,是一个问题。要提倡学习植物拉丁 学名。 本组学生 Prese ntati on 做赖特,水平一般,存在以 下几个问题: 1、 最好为园林师
教 学 后 记
2、 图片不清晰
3、 同名作品搞错设计师。 古根海姆博物馆例子出错。
周次 第四周 2007 年3月27日 教学 时数 4 2007年3月28日 Unit Two: Landscape Architecture in History Less on 2 Of Garde ns Less on 3: The Great Capital 4 早节 1、 了解西方庭院设计传统 教学目的 及要求 2、 了解文艺复兴时期欧洲园林设计风格 3、 了解西方对中国传统园林的看法 4、 掌握常用词汇和句法 教学重点 与重点:文艺复兴时期欧洲园林风格 难点:Of Garde ns语言 难点 教学手段 及 教学方法 讲课、提冋 多媒体教学(视频片段) 作业 周二课开课前有 5分钟presentation 参考资料 Lan dscape Architecture 相关英文网站和外文数据库 11
教学内容提要 时间分配 备 注 Un it Two: Lan dscape Architecture in History Less on 2: Of Garde ns Introduction: Francis Bacon was Lord Chancellor of England, a philosopher and a pion eer of empirical scie nee. The en closed style of the garden Francis Bacon recommends was typical of Northern Europe and derived its prin ciples from Italy. 1、 In me royal orderi ng of garde ns , there ought to be garde ns, for all the mon ths in the year: in which, severally , things of beauty may be the n in seas on. 2、 what be the flowers , and plants that do best perfume the air. 3、 Garden design. 4、 For the orderi ng of the gro und , with in the great hedge , I leave it to variety of device ; 5、 fountains 6、 natural wildness 7、 side grounds 8、 he main garde n 9、 aviaries 2学时 Less on 3: The Great Capital 1、 letters of introduction. 2、 S \"Very Ho no rable\" Mr. Li. 3、 Kublai Khan 4. the East historia ns 5. built a great city in which man will find himself in harmony with God, with n ature, and his fellow man. 2学时 教学后记 丹凯利小组做得很不好,不仅图像模糊,而且资料有很多 错误。 需要播放DVD原声视频,以培养学生英语感觉。 12
周次 第五周 2007 年4月3日 教学 时数 2007年4月4日 Un it Three: Theory of Lan dscape Architecture 4 早节 The Pla nned Experie nee 1、 了解“体验”设计 教学目的 及要求 2、 掌握体验设计法的几个要素 3、 掌握相关专业词汇与句型。 教学重点 与重点:体验设计法要素 难点:文章层次结构 难点 教学手段 及 教学方法 讲课、提冋 多媒体教学(视频片段) 周二课开课前有 5分钟presentation 作业 参考资料 Lan dscape Architecture 相关英文网站和外文数据库 13
教学内容提要 时间分配 备 注 Unit Three: Theory of Landscape Architecture Less on 1: The Pla nned Experie nee Introduction: About Experienee. 1、 A highway is properly conceived as an experienee of movement. 2、 The best com munity, by this test, is that which provides for its habita nts the best experie nee of livi ng. 3、 A garden, by this standard, is not designed as an exercise in geometry; 4、 A garden, perhaps the highest, most difficult art form, is best conceived as a series of pla nned relati on ships of huma n to huma n, huma n to structure, and huma n to some facet or facets of n ature, 5、 A city, also, is best conceived as an environment in which human life patter ns may be ideally related to n atural or con structed eleme nts. 周2视频片段1节课:欧洲古典花园 6、 The true design approach stems from the realization that a plan has meaning only to people for whom it is planned and only to the degree to which it brings facility, accommodation, and delight to their sen ses. 7、 for most things sen sed are un predictable and often hold their very in terest and value in this quality of un predictability. 8、 The perception of relationships produces an experienee. 9、 Fitness,Convenience,Order 10、 The perception of harmonious relationships, we learn, produces an experienee of pleasure. It also produces an experienee of beauty. 11、 All pla nning of and with in the Ian dscape should seek the optimum relati on ship betwee n people and their livi ng environment and thus, per se, the creati on of a paradise on earth. 12、 Plan not in terms of meaningless pattern or cold form. Plan, rather, a human experienee. 1学时 2学时 教学后记 布雷马克思的作品有一定特殊性,需要说明。 关于视频和增加英文讲课反响良好。 14
周次 第六周 2007 年4月9日 教学 时数 4 2007年4月10日 Un it Three: Theory of Lan dscape Architecture 4 早节 Garde ns are for the People 1、 了解丘奇的基本设计观点 教学目的 及要求 2、 掌握花园设计法的几个要素 3、 掌握相关专业词汇与句型。 教学重点 与重点:花园设计要素 难点:个别句子 难点 教学手段 及 教学方法 讲课、提冋 多媒体教学(视频片段) 作业 周二课开课前有 5分钟presentation 布置第一次抽测 参考资料 Lan dscape Architecture 相关英文网站和外文数据库 15
教学内容提要 时间分配 备 注 Unit Three: Theory of Landscape Architecture Less on2: Garde ns are for the People In troducti on: About Thomas D. Church 1、 It is important that the garden be built around a dominant idea. Do one thing well and let all others be subord in ate in scale to this idea. 2、 Once it is realized that this softening should be done by planting rather than by altering the dominant lines of the floor plan of the garde n, you are on your way to a successful garde n layout. 3、 Their charm will be found to lie in their suitability to their site and not in bli ndly follow ing the conven ti ons of in formal garde ning. 4、 This is a new era in garden making, because while many things have entered our life to make the problem complex, our ideas and requirements tend toward simplicity of solution. 5、 Changes in garden design during the last few decades have been eno rmous. 6、 The new kind of garden is still supposed to be looked at. But that is no Ion ger its only function. It is desig ned primarily for livi ng, as an adj unct to the fun cti ons of the house. How well it provides for the many sta ndard by which we judge a garde n. 7. Peace and ease are the dominant characteristics of the new garden— peace and beauty for the eye and ease of maintenance for the owner. 8. Fewer and simpler lines are being used in the garden, and fewer and simpler materials . 9. The lines of the moder n garde n must be moving and flowing, so that it is pleas ing whe n see n from all direct ions, both in side and out. 10、 the important thing is that you end up with a functional plan and an artistic compositi on 11、 Rhythm and movement 12、 The truth is your garden is never without at least one axis and probably has two or three. All compositi ons, however free, are built around them. 2学时 Lesson3: From Design Process to Design Development Step1: presentation Step2: Introduction : About Thomas Vincent Asselin 16
Step3: less on 1、 each project is allowed to develop its own pers on ality, based on the nature of the site, the requirements of the activities involved, or the characteristics and traditions of the people who will experience it. 2、 The modern process of designing, however, must respond to many pressures and forces that oblige the designers to constantly re-evaluate their methods of achievi ng their work. 3、 This is why it is so important to be able to understand the design process in order to be able to con trol it and also to keep the stre ngth of the ideas that we are trying to get realised. 4、 Three examples Step4:播放视频:莱特的设计 教 学 本组同学做得很好,指定优秀学生完成自选 后 记 题。 17
周次 第七周 2007 年4月17日 教学 时数 4 42007年4月18日 早节 Un it FOUR: Lan dscape Desig n 教学目的 及要求 1、 了解西方景观设计案例 2、 掌握相关专业词汇与句型。 教学重点 与重点:西方景观设计案例 难点:个别句子 难点 教学手段 及 教学方法 讲课、提冋 多媒体教学(视频片段) 周二周三课开课前均有 5分钟presentation , 2位同学为自选题,1位为团 作业 队题。 进行第一次抽测 参考资料 Lan dscape Architecture 相关英文网站和外文数据库 18
教学内容提要 时间分配 备 注 Unit Four: Landscape Design Less on 1 Dialogue of Memory In troducti on: About The Natio nal Mall Layout History Resource PRESENTENTION 2学时 Introduction: About The memorial design 1、 the National Mall to Martin Luther King Jr. 2、 The design compertition. 3、 ROMA ' Plan. 4、 The designer's words. Less on 1 Dialogue of Memory 1、 the National Mall to Martin Luther King Jr. 2、 The design compertition. 3、 ROMA ' Plan. 4、 The designer's words. . 2学时 今天演讲的两位同学表现非常好,要鼓励同学进行口头演 讲。 教 学 后 记 下次课报名:王鹏 19
周次 第八周 2007 年4月24日 教学 时数 4 42007年4月25日 Un it FOUR: Lan dscape Desig n 早节 Moder n Chin ese Garde ns Report on Prospect Park Desig n 1、 了解中国风景园林设计说明常用句型表达方式 教学目的 及要求 2、 掌握相关专业词汇与句型。 3、 了解美国风景园林行业初始情况 教学重点 与重点:中国风景园林设计说明常用句型表达方式 难点:Report on Prospect Park Design 中的个别句子 难点 教学手段 及 教学方法 讲课、提冋 多媒体教学 作业 周二课开课前有 5分钟presentation , 1位同学为自选题,1位为团队题。 参考资料 Lan dscape Architecture 相关英文网站和外文数据库 20
教学内容提要 时间分配 备 注 Unit Four: Landscape Design LeSS On 2 Modern Chi nese Garde ns In troducti on: About ture n Ian dscape & EDAW 1、Fifth linnan Garden a. The Project Background: Vanke, EDAW & Fifth linnan Garde n 2学时 b. Layout c Desig n ideas D Questio ns 2 Shenyang Architectural Un iversity Campus a. The Project Backgro und b. Layout & Desig n characterize PRESENTENTION Less on 3 Report on Prospect Park Desig n Introduction: About F.L.OImsted 2学时 Olmsted文章过难,作为泛读有很大难度 教 学 后 记 21
周次 第十周 2007 年5月8日 教学 时数 4 42007年5月9日 Un it Five: Lan dscape Planning 早节 Sile nt Spring 教学目的 及要求 1、 了解西方生态设计历史及有关理论 2、 掌握相关专业词汇与句型。 教学重点 与重点:西方生态设计历史 难点:个别句子 难点 教学手段 及 教学方法 讲课、提冋 多媒体教学 作业 周二课开课前有 5分钟presentation , 2位同学为自选题,1位为团队题。 周三有第二次抽测 参考资料 Lan dscape Architecture 相关英文网站和外文数据库 22
教学内容提要 时间分配 备 注 Unit five: Iandscape planning In troducti on: About Ecological Pla nning & Desig n 1、 1900 21900~1960 ' 31960 S~1970 S 41980 S~ CASE STUDY 3学时 Sile nt Spri ng: The Obligati on to En dure 1、 THE history of life on earth has been a history of interaction betwee n livi ng things and their surro undin gs. 2、 chemicals are the sinister and little-recognize partners of radiati on in cha nging the very n ature of the world--the very n ature of its life. 3、 eons of time in which that developing and evolving and diversify ing life reached a state of adjustme nt and bala nee with its surro undin gs. 1学时 学生presentation 效果不好,主要是内容太拖沓 以后要控制时教 学 TIMELINE OF ECOLOGIVAL PLANNING效果不错 后 记 间。 23
周次 第十周 2007 年5月15日 教学 时数 4 2007年5月16日 4 Un it Five: Lan dscape Planning 早节 Sile nt Spring 教学目的 及要求 1、 了解西方生态设计历史及有关理论 2、 掌握相关专业词汇与句型。 教学重点 与重点:西方生态设计历史 难点:个别句子 难点 教学手段 及 教学方法 讲课、提冋 多媒体教学 周一课有第一次抽测,课前有 prese ntation ,全部讲完 作业 周二开课前有prese ntati on 布置课程作业 参考资料 Lan dscape Architecture 相关英文网站和外文数据库 24
教学内容提要 时间分配 备 注 Unit five: Iandscape planning Sile nt Spri ng: The Obligati on to En dure 4、 The rapidity of change and the speed with which rions are created follow the impetuous and heedless pace of man rather tha n the deliberate pace of n ature. 5、 To adjust to these chemicals would require time on the scale that is n ature's; it would require n ot merely the years of a man 'life but the life of gen erati ons. 6、 Among them are many that are used in man's war against nature 7、 They should be called “fecides ”nstead of pesticides\" 第二次抽测 学生presentation ,每人限时7分钟 2学时 Less on 2: A state Gree nway Network 2学时 教 学 后 记 25