美妙的前奏——高中英语课前五分钟教学纪实 周春燕
【关键词】:课前五分钟 课前活动 一、问题的提出
二、让学生享受的课前5分钟教学 1. 英文歌曲走进我们的课堂
美的一面。如:Westlife组合的 My Love, Fool Again, If I let you go, Against the odds, Swear it again。Blackstreet组合的 Never gone, Just want you to know等等。还有很多欧美经典歌曲如:Yesterday once more, Right here waiting, My heart will go on, The power of love, I will always love you, Heal the world, hey Jude, Rhythm of the rain, I believe I can fly, Tell me why, Auld Lang Sang,等等。还有一些翻唱我们中文歌曲的,比如:Take me to your heart, by my side, the day you went away, proud of you 等等。
2.以完形填空的形式呈现歌曲,让学生听并填出空缺的名词、动词、代词、形容词、副词、介词或连词等; 以Richard Marx 的Right Here Waiting 为例: ①Tick the correct words:
Oceans apart day after day And I slowly go insane/in same I hear your voice on the line/night But it doesn't stop the pain
I took for granted/granny, all the times That I though would last/less somehow I hear the laughter/left, I taste the tears But I can't get near you now ②Fill in the blanks: I wonder how we can survive This___________
But in the _______ if I'm with you I'll take the __________
又如Celion Dion的A new day has come 为例A new day has come,
A. Tick the correct words: A new day has come,
I was wasting/waiting for so long, for American/a miracle to come, Everyone talked/told me to be strong, hold on, and don't shed a tear/tea, Through the darkness and good times/time, I knew I'd make/made it through,
And the word/world thought I had it all, Butter/But I was waiting for you, B: Write down the words you hear. Hush, love,
I see a light in the __________, Oh, it's almost blinding me,
I can't believe I've been ________ by an angel with love, Let the rain come down and _________ away my tears, Let it fill my soul and drown my fears,
Let it shatter the ________for a new son, A new day has come, A new day has come,
唱这是英文歌曲欣赏中的重头戏。 每个走进课堂的学生都希望能美滋滋地哼着新学的曲子走出教室,因此这一环节中要确保每位学生都能开口唱、大胆唱。这就要最大限度地消除部分学生的羞怯感,不断鼓励,不断指导(尤其是唱英文歌曲时的发音),帮助他们树立‘一定能唱好英文歌曲’的自信心,因为只有会唱,学生才有成就感、满足感,所以要让他们反复地唱,或放声高歌,或低声吟唱。在一遍遍教唱、跟唱、合唱、轮唱、对唱、重唱、赛唱之后,最终会发现同学们各个喜形于色,按捺不住。
2、Talent show
3、China Daily 融入我的教学
为了自身专业水平的提高,丰富自己的业余生活,开阔眼界,我订了手机报China Daily。后来我发现课前5分钟和学生一起分享让我的手机报发挥更大的作用。
A、News home and abroad 让学生关注世界 比如中国神舟七号的发射新闻: (1)、Shenzhou VII Blasts off
The spaceship Shenzhou VII blasts off on a long March II-F carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 9:10 pm Thursday after a breathtaking countdown. Onboard pilots Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng are expected to orbit the earth for 4 days. The highlight of the whole program will be the 30-minute spacewalk when the Shenzhou VII
travels around the earth during its 29th orbit. (2)、Zhai completes space walk
Chinese taikonaut Zhai Zhigang safely returned to the orbital module after completing China’s first spacewalk in space Saturday afternoon. Zhai waved to the camera mounted on the service module after pulling himself head first out of the capsule at 4:43pm, a video monitor at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center showed. “Shenzhou VII taikonaut is now outside the spacecraft. I feel good. I am here greeting the Chinese people and people of the whole world,” the 42-year-old taikonaut reported to ground control in Beijing.
? It is an encouraging issue that the Shenzhou VII had just launched successfully. It gives us most encouragement. and there is long way to go in the space... Good luck China.
? Good luck to the three astronauts. I keep my fingers crossed and hope that everything goes well as planned.
? China wants to show that China is more powerful than the past. We Chinese have made great achievement in space field. This is a way to make the world know China is improving all the way. As we all know, military technology and space technology are both important and key point to show a country's mightiness and advancement. ? Great pleasure hit me when witness of shenzhou VII launched this evening, a big progress for space program compared to the last two missions, appreciated all people who involved the research, service team, your action is meaningful for human being, I am proud of you . your effort realize the Chinese space exploration ambition. Thanks for all of you.
? 还有学生比较关注的新闻:Top global universities list
? The Times newspaper has released its list of top international universities. Harvard comes top for the 5th year running, followed by Yale, with Cambridge and Oxford in 3rd and 4th place. Four Chinese universities, including 3 Hong Kong universities and Peking University, are in the top 50. But Peking University fell from 36th to 50th place, and Tsinghua University fell from 40th to 56th.
? MP3 may lead to hearing loss
? Often listening to MP3 with a high-volume may lead to permanent hearing loss, according to an EU report released Monday. The report said those who listen for 5 hours a week at high-volume settings expose themselves to more noise than permitted in the noisiest factory. Maximum volume on some devices can produce as much as an airplane taking off nearby.
B、Language tips 培养学生阅读时的猜词能力
? The truth is that Tom never likes his rich Uncle John. But you should have seen his crocodile tears when the old man died and left him 1m dollars.
? crocodile tears 猫哭老鼠假慈悲 (2)、
? Today is the Double Ninth Festival, also called Senior’s Day. On this day, people climb mountains, enjoy chrysanthemums, eat Double Ninth cakes and drink chrysanthemum wine. To have a healthy body, it is important to have a 3 square meals a day that have all the
necessary nutrients.
? a square meal营养均匀,健康的一餐 (3)
? He’s a real doubting Thomas- he simply wouldn’t believe I’d won the car until he saw it with his own eyes.
? doubting Thomas 不肯轻易相信别人的人
? My brother Mike is a smart, good-looking guy. But none of my friends want to go out with him because he’s such a cheapskate.
? cheapskate吝啬鬼,小气鬼
C、Hot words 让学生更关注英语在日常生活中的运用
? (1)The government has vowed to overhaul the country’s milk collection system to prevent contaminated milk from reaching food-processing plants.
? (2)Women who binge drink in first 3 months of pregnancy have an increased risk of having infants with cleft lip and cleft palate, according to findings in the American journal of Epidemiology. ? (3)Nuts and bolts
A. 小零件 B. 琐碎杂物 C.基本要素、具体细节
D. Talk show 给学生提供模仿的机会
因为学校聘用了一位来自美国的外教,口语地道,风趣幽默,学生很想和他进一步的接触。但是由于本身英语口语水平的限制,许多学生无法从容的面对外教,怕出丑。因此,我一边鼓励学生要自信,一边给学生提供更多的口语训练。比如: ? I’m broke.
? 我身无分文。
? I couldn’t be more sure. ? 我再肯定不过了。 ? Brilliant idea! ? 这主意真棒!
? Do you really mean it? ? 此话当真? ? Go to the point! ? 有话直说。
? Who am I gonna ask? ? 我应该问谁呢?
? What if I don’t wanna do that? ? 如果我不想做呢?
? Well, it matters to me! ? 但对我来说很重要。 ? I am behind you. ? 我支持你。
China Daily 不仅给我们师生带来了丰富的英语知识,优化了英语教学,更使我们的师生关系进一步融洽,是我们学习英语必不可少的调味品。China Daily 手机报的内容很多,教师在选择的时候要注意以下几个选择条件:
a) Close to the times (keep pace with the times)与时俱进 b) Close to life 贴近生活 c) Close to students 贴近学生 d) Close to reality 贴近实际 e) Hot topic 热门话题 f) Authentic 真实 g) Interesting 有趣 4. Hot Seat 活动,自由交谈
曾经在网上看到“学习英语的双面人”, 指的是学生英语笔试成绩很优秀,但是面对口语课纯粹是哑巴的学生。众所周知,语言学习的真正目的就是为了交际,教学就是为了促进这种交流。但是不少高中生的语言运用能力并没有随学习
的深入而发展,有些学生很怕开口说话。 为了培养自由开放的学习风气,鼓励学生
大胆表达自己的观点,在课前5分钟,我设立了Hot Seat 的谈话时间。 1)、Hot Seat的具体做法:
一次由一位学生来主持交流内容,他自选某个自己比较熟悉的话题,全班同学都可以就这一话题向他提问题,提问时间是5分钟,问题必须有一定的质量。如果该学生认为问题没有质量或涉及个人隐私,则可以忽略。如果被提问的同学实在不会回答,可以向其他同学或老师求助。做过这项活动的学生要把自己的有关话题的资料整理好, 并根据与同学的交流情况,写下自己的感想,教师定期在班级推选一批Talk Show 之星。
2)、Hot Seat 的话题选择范围
话题的选择可以根据我们课本里的主题,学生也可以谈他的笔友, 自己的兴趣爱好, 近期的国内外大事等等。
3)、Hot Seat 的做法反馈:
因为提问的问题未知, 而且同学间存在信息差, 提问通常比较踊跃,所以交流具有真实性,互相都能有所收获。
除此之外, 在平时的课前5分钟,我会让学生故事接龙、吹牛比赛、猜谜、词汇游戏等等,尽一切所能让学生乐于学英语。
以上就是笔者在平时教学中的一些做法,我个人的感觉是学生在学英语的过程中多了很多乐趣, 至于以上做法有没有实质性的效果还有待我们英语教研工作者的进一步探究。
[1]《给英语教师的101条建议》 尹刚 陈静波
[2]《英语课程标准解读(实验稿)》江苏教育出版社2003年10月 [3] 文秋芳(1996)《英语学习策略论》,上海外语出版社 [4]胡春洞(1996)《英语学习论》,广西教育出版社 本文发表于《英语周报》2010年631期