

2022-05-03 来源:小奈知识网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、The Queen unveiled a plaque to mark the official opening of the hospital.(女王主持揭幕式,标志着医院正式启用。)

2、Chapter three, Shakespeare, or a plaque on both his houses.(第三章,莎士比亚,或两个家的纪念匾。)

3、Deposits of plaque build up between the tooth and the gum.(牙菌斑的沉积物在牙齿和牙龈间形成。)

4、A commemorative plaque was unveiled at the Powis Street bridge.(纪念牌匾在博伊斯街大桥揭幕。)

5、Could endostatin halt the growth of capillaries and starve the plaque?(血管内皮抑制素能中断毛细血管的生长,从而饿死栓塞吗?)

6、plaque is always forming on the teeth, especially at the gum line.(牙菌斑总是在牙齿上形成,特别是在牙龈线上。)

7、When not removed, plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease.(牙斑没有清除就会导致蛀牙和牙龈疾病。)

8、The toothbrush gently removes plaque without damaging the gums or causing bleeding.(牙刷轻轻地刷去齿菌斑,没有伤及牙床或引起出血。)

9、The gum can stimulate saliva flow, which helps fight plaque .(口香糖能够增加唾液分泌,有助消灭齿菌斑。)

10、I saw what it was; a small plaque affixed to a stone, facing the road.(我看到那东西原来是一块粘在石头上的金属片,正对公路的方向。)

11、Nearby, a plaque memorialised a local engineer.(附近,有块纪念当地一位工程师的牌匾。)

12、These minerals form crystals and harden the plaque structure.(这些矿物质形成了菌斑的结晶变硬的结构。)

13、The bacteria in plaque make poisons that attack the gums.(牙菌斑中的细菌会产生损伤牙龈的毒素。)

14、Sugar can cause tooth decay by being used as a food source for the bacteria found on our teeth, which causes plaque.(糖通过被那些存在我们牙齿的引起斑块的细菌作为一种食物来源,可以导致牙齿腐烂。)

15、Over time, the plaque can rupture and block the vessels altogether.(久而久之,斑块会破裂阻塞血管。)

16、Or maybe inflammation itself increases plaque buildup.(也有可能是炎症本身促使斑块形成。)

17、Bacteria in plaque also cause gingivitis and other periodontal diseases.(菌斑中的细菌还可以导致牙龈炎及其他牙周病。)

18、Blum flipped past an evocative sandstone carving of a child and a pelican, then admired a griffin plaque.(勃鲁姆翻过一块令人心驰神往的砂岩,上面雕刻着一个孩子和一只鹈鹕,然后欣赏着一块狮鹫饰板。)

19、plaque is the main enemy of healthy teeth.(牙菌斑是牙齿健康的首要敌人。)

20、His tale is recorded on a mountain-top plaque.(他的这个故事已经记录在了山顶的一个牌匾上。)

21、Most of the purported health benefits of tea come from antioxidants—compounds also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C that inhibit the formation of plaque along the body's blood vessels.(茶对健康的好处大多来自于抗氧化剂——在胡萝卜素、维生素E和维生素C中也发现了抗氧化剂化合物,它能抑制沿身体血管形成的斑块。)

22、on one side of the main entrance there's a red plaque.(大门口的一侧有块红色匾牌。)

23、Everyone has a layer of bacteria on their teeth called plaque.(每个人的牙齿中都有一层叫做噬菌斑的细菌。)

24、Arrest that plaque!(逮住斑块!)

25、The First Lady unveiled a commemorative plaque.(第一夫人为纪念牌匾揭了幕。)

26、A plaque commemorates the battle.(有一块饰板用来纪念那次战役。)

27、If plaque is not removed, it builds up and gets under the gum line.(如果牙菌斑不清除,它就会堆积并钻到牙龈下面。)

28、If the endothelial cells become damaged, however, plaque can build up.(然而,内皮细胞若遭到破坏,斑块就会形成。)

29、This helps move the plaque out from under the gum line.(这可以有助于从龈线上刷下菌斑。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


