造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、He does say the carcinogen cadmium is no longer in use.(不过他说,致癌物质镉已经不再使用。)
2、The other carcinogen of concern, with regulations beingset by the EPA, comes from the release of asbestos with asbestos removal activities.(其他致癌污染源,EPA法规规定,是来自石棉的石棉清拆活动中释放。)
3、However, when animal-based protein is eaten, this defense mechanism turns against us and converts these chemicals into carcinogen.(但是,当进食动物蛋白时,这种防御机制就会转而和我们作对,将这些化学物质转变成致癌物。)
4、Cadmium is a known carcinogen and is similar to lead in that it can hinder brain development in the very young.(据知,化学物质镉是一种致癌物质。跟铅类似,镉在人非常小的时候会阻碍大脑的发育。)
5、That state listed the chemical, PhIP, which forms during the grilling process, as a known carcinogen in 1994, according to the complaint.(诉讼书上列举了在油炸过程中形成的化学物质PhIP,PhIP在1994年就证明可以致癌。)
6、If you have chronic stress, and you're exposed to a carcinogen such as ultraviolet light, you are more susceptible "to cancer."(如果你存在慢性压力,同时暴露于诸如紫外线之类的致癌物下,那么你将更易罹患癌症。)
7、He wrote that the company "strongly disagrees" with the N.I.H. panel's conclusion that formaldehyde should be treated as a known human carcinogen.(他写道本公司“强烈反对”国立卫生研究院专家组判定福尔·马林为致癌物质的结论。)
8、In the study by the Environmental Working Group, 31 out of 35 cities showed various levels of Chromium-6, considered a carcinogen, in drinking water.(环保工作团的研究显示,接受调查的35个城市,有31个在饮水中含有不同程度的铬-6致癌金属。)
9、carcinogen that can irritate your throat, eyes and nose.(刺激咽喉、眼睛和鼻子的致癌物。)
10、GM claims that compared with conventional diesels, its new buses also churn out 90 percent less particulate matter — a known carcinogen.(美国通用汽车公司声称,同传统柴油机相比,他们的这种新型汽车还能把产生的某种物质——一种已知的致癌物减少90%。)
11、In fact, radiation is a far less potent carcinogen than other toxic substances.(实际上比起其他一些毒性物质,核辐射还是不是那么的具有致癌性。)
12、It was proved by experimentation that allicin not only inhibited carcinogen function, but also decreased cancer cell proliferation.(试验证明,大蒜素不仅能抑制致癌物的致癌作用,而且对肿瘤细胞的增殖也有抑制作用。)
13、Acrylamide is considered a possible human carcinogen.(据认为,丙烯酰胺可能是一种人类致癌物。)
14、Medical studies indicated in recent years that furazolidone is a strong carcinogen.(近年来医学研究表明,呋喃唑酮具有很强的致癌性。)
15、They say that it's a possible carcinogen for humans.(他们说,手机对人类来说,是一种可能的致癌物。)
16、Creosote is a possible human carcinogen and has no registered residential USES.(木馏油可能是一种人体致癌物,也还没有登记的住宅用途。)
17、Chemical carcinogens generally require metabolic conversion to some form of "ultimate" carcinogen.(化学致癌物一般需要通过代谢来转换成某种形式的“最终”致癌物。)
18、The plant was found this week to have dumped more than 5,000 tonnes of waste chromium - a known carcinogen - in the nearby hills and the Nanpan river.(本周,人们发现,这家工厂将不少于5000吨的铬(已知的致癌物)废渣倾倒在了附近的山上和南盘江中。)
19、Researchers then estimated carcinogen intake based on overall meat consumption and doneness preferences.(研究人员估计致癌物质摄入量的基础上整体肉类消费和doneness偏好。)
20、Lipsticks contain the carcinogen Polymethyl Methacrylate, among others.(—尤其值得一提的是,唇膏含有致癌的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯。)
21、Formaldehyde, which is used in plywood manufacturing as well as embalming, was only officially classified as a carcinogen this past June.(可用于防腐以及胶合板制造的甲醛,在今年六月才正式被归为致癌类物质。)
22、certain ingredients in a marinade - vinegar, citrus juice, vegetable oil or spices - may also prevent carcinogen formation.(腌泡汁的某些配料——醋、柑橘类果汁、菜油以及香料——也可以阻挡致癌物质的形成。)
23、The harmful compounds in petroleum absent from renewable diesel include benzene which becomes an airborne carcinogen when burned.(可再生柴油中不含汽油中通常含有的有害化合物,包括燃烧后在大气中生成致癌物的化学品。)
24、Included in the green group of vegetables are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage are cruciferous vegetables and contain powerful carcinogen blockers.(椰菜、抱子甘蓝和卷心菜属于绿色组蔬菜,都是十字花科蔬菜并且含有强有效的致癌物阻断剂。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。