
FieldSpec Dual Rs3 manual

2022-03-19 来源:小奈知识网
FieldSpec Dual RS³

Operation Manual


Table of Contents

Overview..........................................................................................................................2 Viewing and Controlling the Target Spectrometer................................................3 Viewing and Controlling the Reference Spectrometer.........................................6 Saving Spectra................................................................................................................7 Setting up and using a GPS device............................................................................8 View up to 4 spectra......................................................................................................9 Setting the displays line properties..........................................................................10 Linking with ViewSpec Pro......................................................................................10 Saturation Alarm..........................................................................................................11 Auto Menu.....................................................................................................................11 How to adjust the Target spectrometer wavelength calibration.......................12 How to create an inter-calibration file for real-time reflectance......................13 Keyboard Interface......................................................................................................16

FieldSpec®, LabSpec®, QualitySpec®, RxSpec®, SeaSpec®, Spectrode®, TerraSpec™, ViewSpec™, and SpecSupport™ are registered and unregistered trademarks and intellectual property of Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc., Boulder, CO. Unauthorized use of these trademarks is prohibited and punishable by law.

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The Fieldspec Dual VNIR facilitates the above water measurement of water-leaving radiance, eliminating the tedious and difficult process of in-water measurements. The FieldSpec Dual VNIR is also applicable to other measurements requiring the

simultaneous measurement of reference and target spectra. The Dual VNIR instrument is comprised of two 512-channel photo-diode array spectrometers, referred to as “Target” and “Reference”, covering a wavelength range from 350-1050 nm, with a 1.4 nm

sampling interval and a Full Width Half Maximum spectral resolution of 3 nm. Separate radiometric calibrations are required for the Target and Reference spectrometers. Unlike its predecessor’s ‘collect on demand’ limitation, RS³ Dual software offers continuous collection of spectra with real-time reflectance,radiance and irradiance, replacing the need for extensive post-processing of raw DN spectral data.

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Viewing and Controlling the Target Spectrometer

When first opened, the main application window will look like the example below. The main window displays and controls the Target spectrometer and although the Reference spectrometer is displayed in the window, its status is viewed and control is done from a separate window (covered on page 6).

The main window consists of a graph region in the middle, a menu and toolbar at the top, GPS data at the bottom and status boxes on the left. The main application window is resizable and can be controlled by buttons in the upper right hand corner of the window.

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The toolbar allows access to most of the main actions.

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DC button takes a Dark Current measurement. This function controls only the Target spectrometer.

Rad button initializes Radiometric measurement. This function calculates radiance/irradiance as well as takes a Dark Current for both the Target and

Reference spectrometer. Keep in mind that the fore optics specified for both the reference and target spectrometers must match those actually installed in order for this function to perform the correct radiometric calculations.

WR button takes a White Reference measurement. This function will take a Dark Current for both the Target and Reference spectrometer. The Target spectrometer can only be viewed when in reflectance mode.

Opt button Optimizes Instrument settings. This function will optimize and take a Dark Current for both the Target and Reference spectrometer.

Pan button allows Panning the graph region.

Zm button allows Zooming with keyboard commands.

XY button displays the XY coordinates of a point within the graph region.

SH button toggles the Shutter. This function only controls the Target spectrometer.

Fz button Freezes the display. In addition to the toolbar buttons, there are several drop down lists to control Foreoptic, Integration Time, and Y Axis coordinates.

The Integration Time, Fore Optics, Dark Current and Spectrum Average values on the main screen apply to the Target Spectrometer. Choose View Reference from the Display menu to open the Reference Spectrum window to display the values for the Reference Spectrometer. 4

GPS Status

The GPS status is located at the bottom of the main window. The status displays the Latitude, Longitude and Elevation of fixed GPS data. When the GPS data is not fixed these fields will be blank. The GPS status also contains a status icon. This icon displays the state of the GPS fixed data. Right click on this icon to enable or disable reading the GPS devices.

The Target spectrometer can also be controlled from the Target Configuration window. Select Target Configuration from the Control menu to display the Target Configuration window.

Changing the Dark Current value will change the Dark Current value for the Reference spectrometer. Changing the Spectrum Average will calculate a new Spectrum Average for the Reference spectrometer. The White Reference will always be the same as the Spectrum Average value for the Target spectrometer.

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Viewing and Controlling the Reference Spectrometer

RS³ Dual allows the Reference Spectrometer to be viewed in two different ways. The Reference Spectrometer can be viewed with the Target Spectrometer on the main screen by selecting Overlay Reference from the Display menu. The Reference Spectrometer can also be viewed in its own window by selecting View Reference from the Display menu.

The Integration Time, Fore Optics, Dark Current and Spectrum Average values on this window apply only to the Reference spectrometer. The DC and SH buttons control the Dark Current and Shutter for the Reference Spectrometer.

There are two ways to control the Reference Spectrometer. Select Reference

Configuration from the Control menu to change the Fore Optic and Integration time selections of the spectrometer. The Fore Optic and Integration time can also be changed from the Reference Spectrum window.

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The Spectrum Average and Dark Current values are read only. To change these values use the Target Configuration window.

Saving Spectra

When saving spectra while in rawDN, radiance, or irradiance, two files, Target and

Reference, will be saved. The Target file is in the format of ****t.000. The Reference file is in the format of ****r.000. (**** is the base file name, “t” is the Target spectrometer, “r” is the Reference spectrometer, 000 is the spectrum file number.)

When saving spectra while in Reflectance mode, only one file, Target, will be saved. The Target file is in the format of ****t.000. The reference file is not saved to the disk.

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Setting up and using a GPS device

A GPS device can be setup to save GPS data with the spectrum file. Initially, a few steps are required to set up the GPS device. Select “Settings” from the “GPS” menu bar item to display the “GPS Settings” window.

A National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) compatible GPS device is necessary. RS³ Dual requires the output of the GPS device be in the NMEA format. Check your GPS device documentation for output and port settings. Normally, the Baud rate, Data bits, Parity and Stop bits settings will remain the same as what is displayed in the window. The “Write to log file” is checked by default. When this field is checked and the GPS fixed data is enabled, an entry will be made to a daily log file (i.e. 050302gps.log) when a spectrum is saved.

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View up to 4 spectra

RS³ Dual allows up to four different spectra to be displayed in the graph region while collecting a current spectrum of the target sample. This feature allows quick comparison of features. To set up files for viewing, select View Files from the Display menu bar item. Due to the difference in the Y Axis units of different types of spectra files, RS³ Dual will only allow viewing of spectra of the same Y Axis type of files.

Select the Select Spectrum Files button to indicate files to display. Choose up to five files to view. Select OK to view the selected files in the graph region.

To change the files to view type, remove all the files in the View Files window and then change the Y Axis type.


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Setting the displays line properties

For better viewing, RS³ Dual allows the line properties of the displayed spectra to be changed. Select Line Properties from the Display menu bar item to display the Line Properties window. To change the style of the line, select the line to change, then select a type and color.

Linking with ViewSpec™ Pro

RS³ Dual allows a seamless integration to the ViewSpec™ Pro application. To open ViewSpec Pro from RS³ Dual select ViewSpec™ Pro from the Control menu bar item.

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Saturation Alarm

RS³ Dual includes a saturation alarm feature causing an audible beep to sound when

saturation occurs. Saturation can occur in both the Target and Reference spectrometer. To determine which spectrometer is saturated, view the Spectrum Average progress control for the “Saturation” text message. The main window’s Spectrum Average progress

control displays the Target Spectrometer. The Reference Spectrum window displays the Spectrum Average progress control for the Reference spectrometer.

To clear the saturation alarm, perform an optimization of the instrument or change the integration time.

Auto Menu

The Auto menu is used to perform automatic functions when the space bar is selected.

A Dark Current for both the Target and Reference spectrometers is taken before a

spectrum is saved when the DC before spectrum stored is checked and the Space bar is selected. If Optimize before spectrum stored is checked and the Space bar is selected, then the Target and Reference spectrometer’s Integration Time is adjusted to the light source before a spectrum is saved. The Create inter-calibration file after WR command creates an inter-calibration file each timer a white reference command is issued.

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How to adjust the Target spectrometer wavelength calibration

The wavelength calibration of the Target spectrometer can be adjusted to best match the Reference spectrometer by offsetting the wavelength scale of the Target spectrometer by a user-specified value. Follow these steps to adjust the Target spectrometer wavelength.

1. Select Overlay Reference from the Display menu.

2. Select Bare Fiber/BareTip for both the Target and Reflectance spectrometer 3. Position the fiber optics so both spectrometers are viewing something with sharp absorption features. (e.g. Spectralon illuminated by the Sun) or with emission lines (e.g. Spectralon illuminated by a fluorescent bulb).

4. Zoom in on a few of the features and note the differences in peak wavelength for the Target and Reference spectrometers.

5. Calculate the average of the values observed in step 4 as an offset value. 6. Open the Target Configuration dialog.

7. Enter an offset factor in the Target spectrometer wavelength offset text box. 8. Select OK to save changes and exit the dialog.

9. Repeat steps 4 – 8 until the features of the Target spectrum lines up with the feature of the Reference spectrum.

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How to create an inter-calibration file for real-time reflectance

The inter-calibration file creation allows for accurate measurement of reflectance by correcting for differences in sensitivity of the Target and Reference spectrometer. The corrected reflectance is then computed by dividing the Target/Reference ratio by the specified inter-calibration file.

An inter-calibration spectrum file can be created two ways, manually or automatically. This spectrum file is stored in Reflectance mode. To create the inter-calibration file make sure both spectrometers are viewing the same light source (e.g. both the Target and Reference Fore Optics viewing the same spectralon panel or the Target viewing a Spectralon panel and the Reference installed in the RCR – both solar illuminated.).

Creating the inter-calibration file manually.

1. Select the correct Fore Optics for both the Target and Reference spectrometer. 2. Uncheck Create inter-calibration file after WR command under the Auto


3. Optimize instrument by selecting the Opt button. 4. Select the WR button.

5. Once a white reference has been completed, note the spectrum file name in the Spectrum Save progress control. Select the Space bar to save the file.

6. Open the Target Configuration window by selecting Target Configuration… from the Control menu.

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7. Select the file saved in step 5 in the Inter-calibration spectrum file. 8. Check Enable reflectance inter-calibration. 9. Select OK to save the changes and close the window.

Creating the inter-calibration file automatically.

1. Select the correct Fore Optics for both the Target and Reference spectrometer 2. Select Create inter-calibration file after WR command under the Auto menu.

3. Optimize instrument by selecting the Opt button. 4. Select the WR button to take a white reference.

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5. A reference file will be saved in the form of the current date and time with a ‘.wr’ extension. (ie. 09262003114537.wr). This file is the inter-calibration file that is used to compute real-time reflectance data.

Perform a Target spectrometer wavelength offset correction prior to collection of the inter-calibration file.

Viewing the reference spectrometer features will be unavailable while in Reflectance mode

A new inter-calibration file will be created each time a white reference command is issued as long as the Create inter-calibration file after WR command is checked. To change or turn off the inter-calibration file, use the Target Configuration dialog.


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Keyboard Interface

Optimization Opt button Ctrl+O Change Integration Time Toolbar drop down list F1 (Target Lower)

F2 (Target Higher) Shift+F1 (Reference Lower)

Shift+F2 (Reference Higher)

Choose Fore optics Toolbar drop down list F7 (Target Smaller)

F8 (Target Larger) Shift+F7 (Reference Smaller)

Shift+F8 (Reference Larger)

Take Dark Current DC Button F3 (Target) Measurement Shift+F3 (Reference) Take White Reference WR Button F4 Measurement

F5 Change between Pan Button

Pan/Zoom/Coord Modes Zm Button

XY Button

Freeze the Screen Fz Button F6 Take Radiometric Rad Button F9 Measurement Toggle Shutter SH Button F10 Move Cursor left/right one Move mouse over Left/Right Arrows data point (Coord Mode) Move Cursor to first/last Move mouse over Home/End data point (Coord Mode) Zoom in/out on X-axis Rubber band zoom Left/Right Arrows (Zoom Mode)

Zoom in/out on Y-Axis Rubber band zoom Down/Up Arrows Zoom in/out full, X-Axis Home/End Zoom in/out full, Y-Axis PgDn/PgUp Pan left/right (Pan Mode) Horizontal Graph Scrollbar Left/Right Arrows Pan up/down Vertical Graph Scrollbar Up/Down Arrows Pan to left/right edge Horizontal Graph Scrollbar Home/End Pan to top/bottom edge Vertical Graph Scrollbar PgUp/PgDn Undo last pan/zoom Undo Zoom Popup menu Ctrl+U Restore screen to default None Ctrl+R settings

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Open Integration Time listbox

Open ForeOptic list box Open Spectrum Type list box

Abort current task (WR, DC, etc)

Open Spectrum Save dialog Quit Application Save Spectrum

Save Spectrum and Display on Graph

Remove Displayed Spectrum LIFO

Toggle viewing spectrum file 1

Toggle viewing spectrum file 2

Toggle viewing spectrum file 3

Toggle viewing spectrum file 4

Undo Zoom

Toolbar Ctrl+I (Target)

Ctrl+Shift+I (Reference)

Toolbar Ctrl+F (Target)

Ctrl+Shift+F (Reference)

Toolbar Ctrl+Y Menu Alt+A Menu Alt+S Menu Alt+Q None Space Bar

None Alt+Space Bar None Alt+X None Alt+1

None Alt+2 None Alt+3 None Alt+4 Graph Popup Menu (Target Z Only)

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