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OPA333OPA2333SBOS351A − MARCH 2006 − REVISED JULY 20061.8V, microPOWERCMOS OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSZerj-Drift SeriesFEATURESDDDDDDDDLOW OFFSET VOLTAGE: 10µV (max)ZERO DRIFT: 0.05µV/°C (max)0.01Hz to 10Hz NOISE: 1.1µVPPQUIESCENT CURRENT: 17µASINGLE-SUPPLY OPERATIONSUPPLY VOLTAGE: 1.8V to 5.5VRAIL-TO-RAIL INPUT/OUTPUTmicroSIZE PACKAGES: SC70 and SOT23DESCRIPTIONThe OPA333 series of CMOS operational amplifiersuses a proprietary auto-calibration technique to simul-taneously provide very low offset voltage (10µV max)and near-zero drift over time and temperature. Theseminiature, high-precision, low quiescent current amplifi-ers offer high-impedance inputs that have a common-mode range 100mV beyond the rails and rail-to-rail out-put that swings within 50mV of the rails. Single or dualsupplies as low as +1.8V (±0.9V) and up to +5.5V(±2.75V) may be used. They are optimized for low-volt-age, single-supply operation.The OPA333 family offers excellent CMRR without thecrossover associated with traditional complementaryinput stages. This design results in superior perfor-mance for driving analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)without degradation of differential linearity.The OPA333 (single version) is available in the SC70-5,SOT23-5, and SO-8 packages. The OPA2333 (dualversion) is offered in DFN-8 (3mm x 3mm) and SO-8packages. All versions are specified for operation from−40°C to +125°C.OPA3330.1HzTO10HzNOISEOUTV−+IN123SOT23−5OPA333+INV−−IN1s/divSC70−51234OUT5V+4−IN5V+APPLICATIONSDDDDDDTRANSDUCER APPLICATIONSTEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTSELECTRONIC SCALESMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATIONBATTERY-POWERED INSTRUMENTSHANDHELD TEST EQUIPMENTPlease be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of TexasInstrumentssemiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Productsconform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instruments standard warranty.Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.500nV/divCopyright  2006, Texas Instruments Incorporatedwww.ti.comOPA333OPA2333www.ti.comSBOS351A − MARCH 2006 − REVISED JULY 2006ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1)Supply Voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +7VSignal Input Terminals, Voltage(2) . . . . . . . . . −0.3V to (V+) + 0.3VSignal Input Terminals, Voltage(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±10mAOutput Short-Circuit(3) Continuous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operating Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −40°C to +150°CStorage Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −65°C to +150°CJunction Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +150°CESD RatingHuman Body Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4000VCharged Device Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000V(1)Stresses above these ratings may cause permanent damage.Exposure to absolute maximum conditions for extended periodsmay degrade device reliability. These are stress ratings only, andfunctional operation of the device at these or any other conditionsbeyond those specified is not supported.(2)Input terminals are diode-clamped to the power-supply rails.Input signals that can swing more than 0.3V beyond the supplyrails should be current limited to 10mA or less.(3)Short-circuit to ground, one amplifier per package.This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. TexasInstruments recommends that all integrated circuits behandled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observeproper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation tocomplete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be moresusceptible to damage because very small parametric changes couldcause the device not to meet its published specifications.ORDERING INFORMATION(1)PRODUCTOPA333OPA333OPA333OPA2333OPA2333PACKAGE-LEADSOT23-5SC70-5SO-8SO-8DFN-8PACKAGE DESIGNATORDBVDCKDDDRBPACKAGE MARKINGOAXQBQYO333AO2333ABQZ(1)For the most current package and ordering information, see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document, or see the TI web siteat www.ti.com.PIN CONFIGURATIONSOPA333OUTV−+IN123SOT23−5OPA333+INV−−IN123SC70−54OUT5V+4−IN5V+NC(1)−IN+INV−1234SO−8OUTA−INA+INAV−1234OPA3338765NC(1)V+OUTNC(1)OPA2333OUTA−INA+INAV−1234SO−88765V+OUTB−INB+INBBOPA23338765V+OUTB−INB+INBAExposedThermalDiePadonUnderside(2)(1)NC denotes no internal connection.(2)Connect thermal die pad to V−.DFN−82OPA333OPA2333www.ti.comSBOS351A − MARCH 2006 − REVISED JULY 2006ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: VS = +1.8V to +5.5V Boldface limits apply over the specified temperature range, TA = −40°C to +125°C.At TA = +25°C, RL = 10kΩ connected to VS/2, VCM = VS/2, and VOUT = VS/2, unless otherwise noted.OPA333, OPA2333PARAMETEROFFSET VOLTAGEInput Offset VoltageVOSvs TemperaturedVOS/dTvs Power SupplyPSRRLong-Term Stability(1)Channel Separation, dcINPUT BIAS CURRENTInput Bias CurrentIBover TemperatureInput Offset CurrentIOSNOISEInput Voltage Noise, f = 0.01Hz to 1HzInput Voltage Noise, f = 0.1Hz to 10HzInput Current Noise, f = 10HzinINPUT VOLTAGE RANGECommon-Mode Voltage RangeVCMCommon-Mode Rejection RatioCMRRINPUT CAPACITANCEDifferentialCommon-ModeOPEN-LOOP GAINOpen-Loop Voltage GainAOLFREQUENCY RESPONSEGain-Bandwidth ProductGBWSlew RateSROUTPUTVoltage Output Swing from Railover TemperatureShort-Circuit CurrentISCCapacitive Load DriveCLOpen-Loop Output ImpedancePOWER SUPPLYSpecified Voltage RangeVSQuiescent Current Per AmplifierIQover TemperatureTurn-On TimeTEMPERATURE RANGESpecified RangeOperating RangeStorage RangeThermal ResistanceqJASOT23-5SO-8DFN-8SC70-5TEST CONDITIONSVS = +5VVS = +1.8V to +5.5VMINTYP20.021See Note (1)0.1±70±150±1400.31.1100(V−) − 0.1106(V+) + 0.113024(V−) + 100mV < VO < (V+) − 100mV, RL = 10kΩMAX100.055UNITµVµV/°CµV/VµV/V±200±400pApApAµVPPµVPPfA/√HzVdBpFpFdBkHzV/µs(V−) − 0.1V < VCM < (V+) + 0.1V1061303500.16305070CL = 100pFG = +1RL = 10kΩRL = 10kΩf = 350kHz, IO = 0±5See Typical Characteristics21.85.52528mVmVmAkΩVµAµAµs°C°C°C°C/W°C/W°C/W°C/W°C/WIO = 0VS = +5V−40−40−6517100+125+150+15020015050250(1)300-hour life test at +150°C demonstrated randomly distributed variation of approximately 1µV.3OPA333OPA2333www.ti.comSBOS351A − MARCH 2006 − REVISED JULY 2006TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSAt TA = +25°C, VS = +5V, and CL = 0pF, unless otherwise noted.OFFSETVOLTAGEPRODUCTIONDISTRIBUTIONOFFSETVOLTAGEDRIFTPRODUCTIONDISTRIBUTIONPopulation−10−9−8−7−6−5−4−3−2−1012345678910PopulationOffsetVoltage(µV)00.00250.00500.00750.01000.01250.01500.01750.02000.02250.02500.02750.03000.03250.03500.03750.04000.04250.04500.04750.0500OffsetVoltageDrift(µV/_C)OPEN−LOOPGAINvsFREQUENCYCOMMON−MODEREJECTIONRATIOvsFREQUENCY140120100CMRR(dB)Phase(_)8060402001101001kFrequency(Hz)OUTPUTVOLTAGESWINGvsOUTPUTCURRENT3+PSRR2OutputSwing(V)−PSRR−40_C1+125_C0−1−2−301234567OutputCurrent(mA)+25_C+25_CVS=±2.75VVS=±0.9V10k100k1M250200150100500−50−100101001k10k100k1MFrequency(Hz)POWER−SUPPLYREJECTIONRANGEvsFREQUENCY−40_C+125_C+25_C−40_C89101101001kFrequency(Hz)10k100k1M12010080AOL(dB)PSRR(dB)6040200−201201008060402004OPA333OPA2333www.ti.comSBOS351A − MARCH 2006 − REVISED JULY 2006TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)At TA = +25°C, VS = +5V, and CL = 0pF, unless otherwise noted.INPUTBIASCURRENTvsCOMMON−MODEVOLTAGE100806040IB(pA)200−20−40−60−80−10001+IB−IB200150100INPUTBIASCURRENTvsTEMPERATUREVS=5.5VVS=1.8V−IB−IBVS = 5VIB(pA)500−50−100−150−2002345Common−ModeVoltage(V)−50+IB+IB−250255075100125Temperature(_C)LARGE−SIGNALSTEPRESPONSEG=1RL=10kΩQUIESCENTCURRENTvsTEMPERATURE25VS=5.5VIQ(µA)15VS=1.8V1050−50−250255075100125OutputVoltage(1V/div)20Time(50µs/div)Temperature(_C)SMALL−SIGNALSTEPRESPONSE2V/divG=+1RL=10kΩOutputVoltage(50mV/div)0InputOutput10kΩ+2.5VPOSITIVEOVER−VOLTAGERECOVERY1V/div1kΩ0OPA333−2.5VTime(5µs/div)Time(50µs/div)5OPA333OPA2333www.ti.comSBOS351A − MARCH 2006 − REVISED JULY 2006TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)At TA = +25°C, VS = +5V, and CL = 0pF, unless otherwise noted.NEGATIVEOVER−VOLTAGERECOVERYSETTLINGTIMEvsCLOSED−LOOPGAIN6004VStep500SettlingTime(µs)4003002000.001%1000.01%0110Gain(dB)100Input2V/div1V/div0010kΩ+2.5V1kΩOutputOPA333−2.5VTime(50µs/div)SMALL−SIGNALOVERSHOOTvsLOADCAPACITANCE403530Overshoot(%)500nV/div252015105010100LoadCapacitance(pF)CURRENTANDVOLTAGENOISESPECTRALDENSITYvsFREQUENCY100010000.1HzTO10HzNOISE1s/div1000VoltageNoise(nV//Hz)Continueswithno1/f(flicker)noise.CurrentNoise100VoltageNoise10010110100Frequency(Hz)1k10k106CurrentNoise(fA//Hz)OPA333OPA2333www.ti.comSBOS351A − MARCH 2006 − REVISED JULY 2006APPLICATIONS INFORMATIONThe OPA333 and OPA2333 are unity-gain stable andfree from unexpected output phase reversal. They usea proprietary auto-calibration technique to provide lowoffset voltage and very low drift over time and tempera-ture. For lowest offset voltage and precision perfor-mance, circuit layout and mechanical conditions shouldbe optimized. Avoid temperature gradients that createthermoelectric (Seebeck) effects in the thermocouplejunctions formed from connecting dissimilar conduc-tors. These thermally-generated potentials can bemade to cancel by assuring they are equal on both inputterminals. Other layout and design considerations in-clude:INPUT VOLTAGEThe OPA333 and OPA2333 input common-mode volt-age range extends 0.1V beyond the supply rails. TheOPA333 is designed to cover the full range without thetroublesome transition region found in some other rail-to-rail amplifiers.Normally, input bias current is about 70pA; however, in-put voltages exceeding the power supplies can causeexcessive current to flow into or out of the input pins.Momentary voltages greater than the power supply canbe tolerated if the input current is limited to 10mA. Thislimitation is easily accomplished with an input resistor,as shown in Figure 1.DUse low thermoelectric-coefficient conditions(avoid dissimilar metals).or other heat sources.such as cooling fans.DThermally isolate components from power suppliesDShield op amp and input circuitry from air currents,Current−limitingresistorrequiredifinputvoltageexceedssupplyrailsby≥0.5V.IOVERLOAD10mAmaxVIN5kΩ+5VOPA333VOUTFollowing these guidelines will reduce the likelihood ofjunctions being at different temperatures, which cancause thermoelectric voltages of 0.1µV/°C or higher,depending on materials used.Figure 1. Input Current ProtectionOPERATING VOLTAGEThe OPA333 and OPA2333 op amps operate over apower-supply range of +1.8V to +5.5V (±0.9V to±2.75V). Supply voltages higher than +7V (absolutemaximum) can permanently damage the device. Pa-rameters that vary over supply voltage or temperatureare shown in the Typical Characteristics section of thisdata sheet.INTERNAL OFFSET CORRECTIONThe OPA333 and OPA2333 op amps use an auto-cal-ibration technique with a time-continuous 350kHz opamp in the signal path. This amplifier is zero-correctedevery 8µs using a proprietary technique. Upon power-up, the amplifier requires approximately 100µs toachieve specified VOS accuracy. This design has noaliasing or flicker noise.7OPA333OPA2333www.ti.comSBOS351A − MARCH 2006 − REVISED JULY 2006ACHIEVING OUTPUT SWING TO THE OPAMP NEGATIVE RAILSome applications require output voltage swings from0V to a positive full-scale voltage (such as +2.5V) withexcellent accuracy. With most single-supply op amps,problems arise when the output signal approaches 0V,near the lower output swing limit of a single-supply opamp. A good single-supply op amp may swing close tosingle-supply ground, but will not reach ground. Theoutput of the OPA333 and OPA2333 can be made toswing to ground, or slightly below, on a single-supplypower source. To do so requires the use of another re-sistor and an additional, more negative, power supplythan the op amp negative supply. A pull-down resistormay be connected between the output and the addition-al negative supply to pull the output down below the val-ue that the output would otherwise achieve, as shownin Figure 2.The OPA333 and OPA2333 have an output stage thatallows the output voltage to be pulled to its negativesupply rail, or slightly below, using the technique pre-viously described. This technique only works with sometypes of output stages. The OPA333 and OPA2333have been characterized to perform with this technique;however, the recommended resistor value is approxi-mately 20kΩ. Note that this configuration will increasethe current consumption by several hundreds of micro-amps. Accuracy is excellent down to 0V and as low as−2mV. Limiting and nonlinearity occurs below−2mV, butexcellent accuracy returns as the output is again drivenabove −2mV. Lowering the resistance of the pull-downresistor will allow the op amp to swing even further be-low the negative rail. Resistances as low as 10kΩ canbe used to achieve excellent accuracy down to −10mV.GENERAL LAYOUT GUIDELINESAttention to good layout practices is always recom-mended. Keep traces short and, when possible, use aprinted circuit board (PCB) ground plane with surface-mount components placed as close to the device pinsas possible. Place a 0.1µF capacitor closely across thesupply pins. These guidelines should be appliedthroughout the analog circuit to improve performanceand provide benefits such as reducing the EMI (electro-magnetic-interference) susceptibility.Operational amplifiers vary in their susceptibility to ra-dio frequency interference (RFI). RFI can generally beidentified as a variation in offset voltage or dc signal lev-els with changes in the interfering RF signal. TheOPA333 has been specifically designed to minimizesusceptibility to RFI and demonstrates remarkably lowsensitivity compared to previous generation devices.Strong RF fields may still cause varying offset levels.V+=+5VOPA333VINVOUTRP=20kΩOpAmpV−=Gnd−5VAdditionalNegativeSupplyFigure 2. For VOUT Range to Ground+5V0.1µF+REF31404.096VR9150kΩR531.6kΩR16.04kΩD1R22.94kΩ+5V0.1µF+−−R2549ΩOPA333++K−TypeThermocouple40.7µV/_CR46.04kΩR6200ΩR360.4ΩZeroAdj.VOFigure 3. Temperature Measurement8OPA333OPA2333www.ti.comSBOS351A − MARCH 2006 − REVISED JULY 2006Figure 4 shows the basic configuration for a bridge am-plifier.A low-side current shunt monitor is shown in Figure 5.RN are operational resistors used to isolate theADS1100 from the noise of the digital I2C bus. Since theADS1100 is a 16-bit converter, a precise reference isessential for maximum accuracy. If absolute accuracyis not required, and the 5V power supply is sufficientlystable, the REF3130 may be omitted.VEXR1+5VRRRROPA333VOUTR1VREFFigure 4. Single Op Amp Bridge Amplifier+5VLoadR14.99kΩR249.9kΩREF31303VVILOADRSHUNT1ΩR34.99kΩOPA333R448.7kΩR671.5kΩRN56ΩRN56ΩADS1100I2CStrayGround−LoopResistanceR71.18kΩ(PGAGain=4)FS=3.0VNOTE:1%resistorsprovideadequatecommon−moderejectionatsmallground−looperrors.Figure 5. Low-Side Current MonitorRGRSHUNTzener(1)R110kΩ(2)V+OPA333+5VMOSFETratedtostand−offsupplyvoltagesuchasBSS84forupto50V.V+Twozenerbiasingmethodsareshown.(3)LoadRBIASOutputRLNOTES:(1)zenerratedforopampsupplycapability(thatis,5.1VforOPA333).(2)Current−limitingresistor.(3)ChoosezenerbiasingresistorordualNMOSFETS(FDG6301N,NTJD4001N,orSi1034)Figure 6. High-Side Current Monitor9OPA333OPA2333www.ti.comSBOS351A − MARCH 2006 − REVISED JULY 2006V1−In100kΩINA152OPA333R2251MΩ60kΩ3V1MΩNTCThermistorR1OPA3336R231VOV2+InOPA333VO=(1+2R2/R1)(V2−V1)Figure 7. Thermistor MeasurementFigure 8. Precision Instrumentation Amplifier+VSR1100kΩRAR7100kΩR6100kΩ32R8100kΩdc1/2OPA23331/2OPA2333fLPF=150HzC41.06nFR141MΩR125kΩ+VS1/2OPA2333GTOT=1kV/V+VS7INA321(1)54GINA=561C31µF+VS1/2OPA2333+VSR2100kΩLL1/2OPA2333VOUTGOPA=200+VSR3100kΩLAC147pFR5390kΩ+VSR4100kΩRLInvertedVCM1/2OPA2333R13318kΩacWilsonVCENTRAL(RA+LA+LL)/3fHPF=0.5Hz(providesacsignalcoupling)1/2VSR920kΩ+VS1/2OPA2333VS=+2.7Vto+5.5VBW=0.5Hzto150Hz+VSR101MΩ1/2VSC20.64µFR111MΩfO=0.5HzNOTE:(1)Otherinstrumentationamplifierscanbeused,suchastheINA326,whichhaslowernoise,buthigherquiescentcurrent.Figure 9. Single-Supply, Very Low Power, ECG Circuit10OPA333OPA2333www.ti.comSBOS351A − MARCH 2006 − REVISED JULY 2006DFN PACKAGEThe OPA2333 is offered in an DFN-8 package (alsoknown as SON). The DFN is a QFN package with leadcontacts on only two sides of the bottom of the package.This leadless package maximizes board space and en-hances thermal and electrical characteristics throughan exposed pad.DFN packages are physically small, have a smallerrouting area, improved thermal performance, and im-proved electrical parasitics. Additionally, the absence ofexternal leads eliminates bent-lead issues.The DFN package can be easily mounted using stan-dard printed circuit board (PCB) assembly techniques.See Application Note QFN/SON PCB Attachment(SLUA271) and Application Report Quad Flatpack No-Lead Logic Packages (SCBA017), both available fordownload at www.ti.com.The exposed leadframe die pad on the bottom ofthe package should be connected to V− or left un-connected.DFN LAYOUT GUIDELINESThe exposed leadframe die pad on the DFN packageshould be soldered to a thermal pad on the PCB. A me-chanical drawing showing an example layout is at-tached at the end of this data sheet. Refinements to thislayout may be necessary based on assembly processrequirements. Mechanical drawings located at the endof this data sheet list the physical dimensions for thepackage and pad. The five holes in the landing patternare optional, and are intended for use with thermal viasthat connect the leadframe die pad to the heatsink areaon the PCB.Soldering the exposed pad significantly improvesboard-level reliability during temperature cycling, keypush, package shear, and similar board-level tests.Even with applications that have low-power dissipation,the exposed pad must be soldered to the PCB to pro-vide structural integrity and long-term reliability.11PACKAGEOPTIONADDENDUM























































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