

2024-05-13 来源:小奈知识网

Chapter 12

Managing and Pricing Deposit Services

Fill in the Blank Questions

1. _________________________ are the stable base of deposited funds that are not highly sensitive

to movements in market interest rates and tend to remain with a depository institution. Answer: Core deposits

2. Some people feel that everyone is entitled access to a minimum level of financial service no matter

their income level. This issue is called the issue of _________________________. Answer: basic (lifeline) banking

3. _______________ is a way of pricing deposit services in which the rate or return or fees charged on the deposit account are based on the cost of offering the service plus a profit margin. Answer: Cost plus pricing 成本加成定价法

4. ________________pricing is where the financial institution sets up a schedule of fees in which the

customer pays a low or no fee if the deposit balance stays above some minimum level and pays a higher fee if the balance declines below that minimum level. Answer: Conditional 条件

5. When a customer is charged based on the number and kinds of services used, with the customers

that use a number of services being charged less or having some fees waived, this is called __________________ pricing. Answer: relationship

True/False Questions

T F 1. The volume of core deposits at U.S. banks has been growing in recent years relative to other categories of deposits.

Answer: False

T F 2. Interest-bearing checking accounts计息支票账户, on average, tend to generate lower net

returns than regular (noninterest-bearing) checking accounts.

Answer: False

T F 3. Competition tends to raise deposit interest costs.

Answer: True

Rose/Hudgins, Bank Management and Financial Services, 8/e




4. The number one factor households consider in selecting a bank to hold their checking

account is, according to recent studies cited in this chapter, low fees and low minimum balance. 家庭在选择开立支票账户的银行时,首先考虑的因素是费用和最低余额

Answer: False


5. The number one factor households consider in choosing a bank to hold their savings

deposits, according to recent studies cited in this chapter, is location.

Answer: False

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Deposit accounts whose principal function is to make payments for purchases of goods and

services are called:

A) Drafts 汇票 B) Second-party payments accounts 第二方支付账户 C) Thrift deposits 储蓄存款 D) Transaction accounts 交易账户 E) None of the above

Answer: D

2. Some people feel that individuals are entitled to some minimum level of financial services no

matter what their income level. This issue is often called: A) Lifeline banking 银行服务生命线 B) Preference banking 银行服务偏好

C) Nondiscriminatory banking 非歧视性银行服务 D) Lifeboat banking 银行服务救生船 E) None of the above Answer: A

3. The formula Operating Expense per unit of deposit service + Estimated overhead expense +

Planned profit from each deposit service unit sold reflects what deposit pricing method listed below?

A) Marginal cost pricing 边际成本定价法 B) Cost plus pricing 成本加成定价法 C) Conditional pricing 条件定价法

D) Upscale target pricing 高端目标定价法 E) None of the above. Answer: B

4. Using deposit fee schedules that vary deposit prices according to the number of transactions, the

average balance in the deposit account, and the maturity of the deposit represents what deposit pricing method listed below? A) Marginal cost pricing

Test Bank, Chapter 12



B) Cost plus pricing C) Conditional pricing D) Upscale target pricing E) None of the above. Answer: C

4. According to recent studies cited in this chapter, in choosing a bank to hold their savings deposits household customers rank first which of the following factors? A) Familiarity

B) Interest rate paid

C) Transactional convenience D) Location E) Fees charged. Answer: A

5. According to recent studies cited in this chapter, in choosing a bank to supply their deposits and

other services business firms rank first which of the following factors? A) Quality of financial advice given 金融咨询的质量 B) Financial health of lending institution 财务状况稳定

C) Whether loans are competitively priced 贷款价格的竞争性

D)Whether cash management and operations services are provided.是否提供现金管理和其它服

E) Quality of bank officers. Answer: B

6. Conditional deposit pricing may involve all of the following factors except: A) The level of interest rates

B) The number of transactions passing through the account C) The average balance in the account D) The maturity of the account E) All of the above are used Answer: A

Rose/Hudgins, Bank Management and Financial Services, 8/e

