专利名称:Method for color filter array interpolation
using color correlation similarity and multi-direction edge information
发明人:Ho-young Lee,Sung-su Kim,Du-sik
Park,Chang-yeong Kim
摘要:A method is provided for reducing occurrence of color fringe errors occurred at
the time of carrying out a color filter interpolation and reducing degradation of an imagequality. Interpolation of a G channel value in a pixel of the color filter having only R or Bchannel values is carried out such that a similarity measured between channels based oninterpolation results in horizontal and vertical directions are measured, and the G channelinterpolation is carried out in a direction where the measured similarity becomes themaximized. However, when the reliability of the measured similarity becomes poor, a finalG channel interpolation is carried out using a weighted average value using similarityinformation of each direction and interpolation results of the horizontal and verticaldirections.
申请人:Ho-young Lee,Sung-su Kim,Du-sik Park,Chang-yeong Kim
地址:Suwon-si KR,Yongin-si KR,Suwon-si KR,Yongin-si KR