问题1 什么是哲学?
【德】文德尔班 哲学史教程(上卷) 绪论 第一节 哲学名称和哲学概念
现在我们仍可认出,υτλoσυειv 和υιλοσουια两词在文献中初次出现时,它们简单而不确切的涵义是“追求智慧”,而在苏格拉底以后的文献中,特别是在柏拉图和亚里士多德学派中,“哲学”一词获得了明确的意义,根据这个意义,“哲学”指的恰恰是德语“Wissenschaft”[科学]。按照这个涵义,一般哲学指的是我们认识“现存”事物的井井有条的思想工作,而....................................个别“哲学”指的是特殊科学,在这些特殊科学里我们要研究和认识的是现存事物的个别领........................................域。 ..
同“哲学”一词的上述第一种理论意义很早就结合在一起的是第二种理论意义。希腊哲...学发展到一定阶段,原始的宗教意识和伦理意识便进入分崩离析的过程中。这不仅使有关人........................................的天职和使命问题变得愈来愈有必要作科学的调查研究,而且使有关正当的生活行为的教导........................................成为首要目标,最终成为哲学或科学的主要内容。因此,希腊化时期的哲学便获得了基于科........................................学原则的生活艺术的实践意义——智者派和苏格拉底早已为这种涵义开辟了道路。 ....................................
John Dewey Democracy and Education: an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education Chapter XXIV Philosophy of Education
After a review designed to bring out the philosophic issues implicit in the previous discussions, philosophy was defined as the generalized theory of education. Philosophy was stated ...................to be a form of thinking, which, like all thinking, finds its origin in what is uncertain in the subject .....................................................................................matter of experience, which aims to locate the nature of the perplexity and to frame hypotheses for ...................................................................................its clearing up to be tested in Philosophic thinking has for its differentia the fact that the .........................action. .......uncertainties with which it deals are found in widespread social conditions and aims, consisting in a conflict of organized interests and institutional claims. Since the only way of bringing about a harmonious readjustment of the opposed tendencies is through a modification of emotional and intellectual disposition, philosophy is at once an explicit formulation of the various interests of life and a propounding of points of view and methods through which a better balance of interests may be effected. Since education is the process through which the needed transformation may be
accomplished and not remain a mere hypothesis as to what is desirable, we reach a justification of the statement that philosophy is the theory of education as a deliberately conducted practice.
问题2 什么是教育哲学?
黄济 教育哲学通论 第十四章 教育哲学学科的建立和发展
对教育哲学是什么的问题,从历史上看,大致有以下的一些见解。有的根据哲学的概括性,认为教育哲学是综合教育科学的知识而成为一个整体的系统的学问,如德国的泡耳生(Paulsen)、克里克(Krieck)、美国的柏格莱,就属于这一类。有的注重哲学中与教育最有关系的价值论的部分,认为教育哲学应是根据价值论来探讨教育价值的学问,如德国的梅瑟尔(Messer)、美国的波德等人,就属于这一类。还有一派,认为教育哲学乃是从哲学的观点论教育,更从教育的观点论哲学的学问,如德贺夫(De Hovre)即属此类。也有人认为教育哲学,乃是一门在形式上是哲学、在材料上是教育的学科,并认为教育哲学是演绎的学科,而不是归纳的学科。现代教育哲学家奈勒(George F.Kneller)在他的《教育哲学导论》(Introduction to the Philosophy of Education)中提出:教育哲学就是寻求从总体上去了解教育,并协调各个教育学科的研究成果。他还对教育哲学提出了思辨性、规范性和批判性的“三性”特点。日本下程勇青在他主编的《教育学小事典》中认为:“教育哲学是以哲学态度和哲学方法来考查教育的基本概念与基本原理,从而对教育现实以及教育科学的各个领域从根本上加以整体把握的一门‘原理’性学科。”细谷俊夫等编的《教育学大事典》称:“教育哲学是教育领域中的哲学部分,是对教育问题进行哲学探讨的学科。”总之,对教育哲学的定..........义虽然如此分歧,但是其中却有一点则是共同的,就是大家都公认教育哲学研究的对象,应........................................当是用哲学的观点和方法来分析和研讨教育中的根本理论问题。 ............................
Albert J.Taylor, What is Philosophy of Education? In: Christopher J.Lucas, What is Philosophy of Education? , PartⅢ
On the basis then of defining philosophy of education by examining its characteristics in terms of whether they are accompanying or defining, we might support the following conclusions: Although metaphysics(形而上学) and epistemology(认识论) have been parts of philosophy, the sciences have rendered them irrelevant. We could justifiably grant no more than that they have accompanied particular instances of philosophizing. Philosophy of education, then, would not be a ......................................body of knowledge, but a process. The process appears to have two aspects, or phases; analysis ...............................................................................and synthesis. .............
The critical analysts have built a convincing case in this regard, at least up to a point. We ..have indicated that values are a defining part of philosophy of education, and there is a strong case ....................................................................................for saying that the only method we have for dealing with values is the method of critical analysis. ..................................................................................When questions concerning matters of fact arise, we can turn to the sciences to answer these, but there are apparent difficulties in applying the methods of science to values. Yet, a problem arises when we say that this is all there is to philosophy of education .In granting that linguistic analysis is one of the elements of philosophy of education, we are not saying that it is philosophy of education.
„„All of this is merely a way of saying that philosophy of education is more than critical analysis. As we said earlier, it is a process with two aspects: (1) clarifying the problems of education; (analysis); (2) presenting possible alternatives, (synthesis).This activity operate ............will ...........chiefly in the values, but .it must also take knowledge into Although it would ............area ....of ......................................account. ........undoubtedly require another paper to explore this area, I would suggest that this presentation of possible alternatives consequences, i.e., that we cannot possibly assess value choices adequately without such consideration. I would also suggest, without going into detail, that this process of suggesting or presenting possible alternatives is the area in which we would introduce the scientific method into philosophy of education. But that topic, too, would require another paper, if we were to explore it adequately. We will be content with the hope that herein we have adequately indicated what philosophy of education is.