
Vibration Device for Comforting an Infant

2023-12-28 来源:小奈知识网

专利名称:Vibration Device for Comforting an Infant发明人:Tim DiGiacomo申请号:US13307027申请日:20111130



摘要:A vibrating device for use in comforting an infant includes a motor and an armoperatively coupled to the motor. The arm includes a first end operatively coupled tothe motor and a distal end displaced from the proximal end, the arm being repeatedlymovable between first and second configurations when the motor is energized. A pad

member is fixedly connected to the distal end of the arm, the pad member having a softconstruction configured to prevent injury when pad member contacts an infant. Thevibrating device includes a housing including side walls defining an interior area

configured to contain the motor. A housing side wall defines an aperture through whichthe arm extends away from the motor.

申请人:Tim DiGiacomo

地址:Malvern IA US


