

2022-11-24 来源:小奈知识网
1.N-VAR散发;释放;放射An emission of something such as gas orradiation is the release of it into the atmosphere.

The emission of gases such as carbon dioxide should be stabilized at their present level...二氧化碳等气体的排放应该稳定在当前水平。


1.N-VAR(尤指长期的)战略,策略,行动计划A strategy is a generalplan or set of plans intended to achieve something, especially over along period.

What strategies could you use to manage coastal development?你可以选择什么策略来发展沿海地区呢?


1.N-COUNT部分A portion of something is a part of it.

I have spent a fairly considerable portion of my life here...我生命中相当长的一段时光是在这里度过的。


1.ADJ-GRADED数量相当大的;显著的A significant amount or effect islarge enough to be important or affect a situation to a noticeabledegree.

It is the first drug that seems to have a very significant effect on this disease.这是第一种似乎对该病有显著疗效的药物。


2.ADJ-GRADED重要的;有意义的A significant fact, event, or thing isone that is important or shows something.

Time would appear to be the significant factor in this whole drama.时间似乎是整部剧中一个举足轻重的因素。

1.N-COUNT可供选择的;可供替代的If one thing is an alternativeto another, the first can be found, used, or done instead of the second

New ways to treat arthritis may provide an alternative to painkillers.



Alternative energy gets short shrift.替代能源也不受待见。

1.VERB靠近;接近;走近When you approach something, you getcloser to it.

When I approached, they grew silent...当我走近时,他们就不说话了。


5.N-COUNT方法;态度;手段Your approach to a task, problem, orsituation is the way you deal with it or think about it.

We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information.我们将探索收集信息的不同方法。

1.VERB提出;建议;提议If you propose something such as a plan oran idea, you suggest it for people to think about and decide upon

Britain is about to propose changes to some institutions...英国将提议对一些机构进行改革。


2.VERB消耗,耗费(燃料、能源或时间)To consume an amount offuel, energy, or time means to use it up.

Some of the most efficient refrigerators consume 70 percent less electricity than traditionalmodels.



1.ADV无限期地If a situation will continue indefinitely, it will continue forever or until someone decides to change it or end it.

The visit has now been postponed indefinitely...访问如今被无限期推迟。

I couldn't stay there indefinitely.我不能无限期地呆在那里



Which pictures do you want to capture?您要捕获哪些图片?

2.VERB贮存;储备;存放When you store things, you put them in a


container or other place and leave them there until they are needed.

Some types of garden furniture must be stored inside in the winter.有几类花园家具冬季必须存放在室内。

1.V-ERG(使)改变;更改;(使)转变If one thing isconverted or converts into another, it is changed into a differentform.

The signal will be converted into digital code.信号会被转变为数字代码。


6.VERB用管子输送,用管道运输(液体或气体)If liquid or gas ispiped somewhere, it is transferred from one place to another througha pipe.

Most of the houses in the capital don't have piped water.首府的大部分住房没有自来水。


7.N-COUNT(农作物或牲畜的)产量,产出A yield is the amount offood produced on an area of land or by a number of animals.

...improving the yield of the crop...提高农作物产量

Polluted water lessens crop yields.受污染的水源会降低农作物产量。


1.N-SINGSee also:full-scale;large-scale;small-scale;大小;(尤指庞大的)规模,范围,程度If you refer to the scaleof something,you are referring to its size or extent, especially when it is very big.However, he underestimates the scale of the problem... 然而,他低估了问题的严重性。

scale1.N-UNCOUNT储藏;贮存If you refer to the storage of something, youmean that it is kept in a special place until it is needed.

Some of the space will at first be used for storage...一部分空间将首先用于贮藏。


1.VERB协调;调和If you co-ordinate an activity, you organize thevarious people and things involved in it.

Government officials visited the earthquake zone on Thursday morning to co-ordinate therelief effort.



1.ADJ-GRADED(讨论、意见或方法)建设性的,积极的,有助益的A constructive discussion, comment, or approach is useful andhelpful rather than negative and unhelpful.

She welcomes constructive criticism... 她欢迎建设性的批评。

After their meeting, both men described the talks as frank, friendly and constructive...会面之后,两位男士均形容此次会谈坦率、友好且富有建设性。

The Prime Minister has promised that Israel will play a constructive role...首相承诺以色列将发挥积极的作用。


1.VERB处理;对付;解决If you have to contend with a problem ordifficulty, you have to deal with it or overcome it

It is time, once again, to contend with racism...又一次到了与种族主义战斗的时刻了。


2.VERB声称;争辩;主张If you contend that something is true, youstate or argue that it is true.

The government contends that he is fundamentalist...政府认定他是原教旨主义者。

3.V-RECIP竞争;争夺If you contend with someone for somethingsuch as power, you compete with them to try to get it.

...the two main groups contending for power.两大集团争权夺利

1.N-UNCOUNT良好品质;价值If something has merit, it has good orworthwhile qualities

The argument seemed to have considerable merit...这个论点似乎颇有价值。


2.N-PLURAL优点;长处;优势The merits of something are itsadvantages or other good points.

They have been persuaded of the merits of peace.他们被劝服,认识到了和平的好处。

3.VERB值得;应受到If someone or something merits a particularaction or treatment, they deserve it

He said he had done nothing wrong to merit a criminal investigation...他说自己没有干坏事,不应该受到刑事调查。Such ideas merit careful consideration.这样的想法值得斟酌。

1.VERB(在重要性、益处、意义等上)重于,大于,超过If onething outweighs another, the first thing is of greater importance,benefit, or significance than the second thing.

The medical benefits of x-rays far outweigh the risk of having them...X光在医学上的益处远甚于它带来的风险。

The advantages of this deal largely outweigh the disadvantages.这笔交易的利远远大于弊。


1.VERB欣欣向荣;茁壮成长;兴旺发达If someone orsomething thrives, they do well and are successful, healthy, or strong

Today his company continues to thrive...今天,他的公司继续蓬勃发展。


2.VERB(尤指在别人觉得困难的时候)以…为乐,可以出色应对If yousay that someone thrives on a particular situation, you mean thatthey enjoy it or that they can deal with it very well, especially whenother people find it unpleasant or difficult.

Many people thrive on a stressful lifestyle...有许多人喜欢充满压力的生活方式。

Creative people are usually very determined and thrive on overcoming obstacles.富有创造力的人一般都意志非常坚定,能不断克服困难,事业蒸蒸日上。

1.VERB(勉强)承认,承认…属实If you concede something, youadmit, often unwillingly, that it is true or correct.

Bess finally conceded that Nancy was right...



1.VERB拥护;提倡;主张If you advocate a particular action or plan,you recommend it publicly.

Mr Williams is a conservative who advocates fewer government controls on business.威廉斯先生是个保守派,主张政府应减少对商业的控制。


2.N-COUNT拥护者;提倡者An advocate of a particular action or planis someone who recommends it publicly.

He was a strong advocate of free market policies and a multi-party system.他是自由市场政策和多党派制度的坚决拥护者。

take issue with 提出异议

Linda doesn't dare to take issue with her boss.琳达不敢向她老板提出异议。

1.VERB对…要价(或收费)过高If someone overcharges you, theycharge you too much for their goods or services.

If you feel a taxi driver has overcharged you, say so...如果你觉得出租车司机敲了你的竹杠,就说出来。


1.VERB(尤指作为例证)引用,援引,提及If you cite something, youquote it or mention it, especially as an example or proof of what youare saying.

He cites just one example...他只引用了一个例子。


2.N-COUNT大公司;大企业;大国Giant is often used to refer to anylarge, successful business organization or country.

...Japanese electronics giant Sony.日本电子业巨头索尼公司

.one of Germany's industrial giants, Daimler-Benz.德国工业巨头之一,戴姆勒—奔驰公司

Energy Trading Company能源贸易公司giant


1.N-VAR刺激;激励;奖励If something is an incentive to dosomething, it encourages you to do it.

There is little or no incentive to adopt such measures...几乎没有什么激励政策来促使人们采取这些措施。

Many companies in Britain are keen on the idea of tax incentives for R&D.英国许多公司都很欢迎以税收优惠的方式来鼓励研发的想法。


1. 明确的 2. 特异性的

Do you know of some place specific?你知道更具体的地方吗?

Do presentations to a specific audience make you tense?在为特殊的观众做自我介绍时你会紧张吗?

1.N-UNCOUNTSee also:Inland Revenue;(公司、组织的)收入,收益;(政府的)财政收入,税收Revenue is money that a company,organization, or government receives from people.One study said the government would gain about $12 billion in tax revenues over five years.一项研究表明政府将在5年中获得约120亿美元的税收。

revenue1.ADJ-GRADED盈利的;有利润的;赚钱的A profitable organization orpractice makes a profit.

Drug manufacturing is the most profitable business in America...制药业是美国利润最丰厚的业务。

It was profitable for them to produce large amounts of food.生产大量的食物能让他们获利。


1.ADJ-GRADED流行的;盛行的;普遍的A condition, practice, or beliefthat is prevalent is common.

This condition is more prevalent in women than in men...这种病症在女性当中比在男性当中更为普遍。

Smoking is becoming increasingly prevalent among younger women...抽烟在年轻女性中变得越来越常见。


1.VERB(为…)做贡献If you contribute to something, you say or dothings to help to make it successful


The three sons also contribute to the family business...这3个儿子也为家族事业做出了贡献。

2.VERB捐献;捐助;援助To contribute money orresources to something means to give money or resources to helppay for something or to help achieve a particular purpose.

They say they would like to contribute more to charity, but money is tight this year...他们说他们很想捐献更多的钱支持慈善事业,但是今年的钱非常紧张。

3.VERB促成;促使;是导致…的原因之一If something to an event or situation, it is one of the causes of it.

The report says design faults in both the vessels contributed to the tragedy...报告说两艘船存在的设计缺陷也促成了这场悲剧的发生。


1.VERB革新;创新;改革To innovate means to introduce changes andnew ideas in the way something is done or made.

...his constant desire to innovate and experiment.他不断进行创新和实验的渴望


1.VERB逆转,彻底改变(决定、政策、趋势等)When someone orsomething reverses a decision, policy, or trend, they change it to theopposite decision, policy, or trend.

They have made it clear they will not reverse the decision to increase prices...他们已经明确表示不会更改提价的决定。


1.VERB繁荣;兴盛;兴旺If something flourishes, it is successful,active, or common, and developing quickly and strongly

Business flourished and within six months they were earning 18,000 roubles a day...生意红火起来,不出6 个月他们就可以每天赚 18,000 卢布了。



Canada is larger than any country in aisa.加拿大可以与任何一个亚洲国家比。


A faulty piece of equipment has something wrong with it and is not


working properly.

The money will be used to repair faulty equipment.这笔钱将用来修理出故障的设备。

2.ADJ(论证或推理)错误的,谬误的,不完善的If you describesomeone's argument or reasoning as faulty, you mean that it is wrongor contains mistakes, usually because they have not been thinking ina logical way.

Their interpretation was faulty — they had misinterpreted things.他们的理解是错误的——他们将事情曲解了。

1.N-VAR意识形态;思想体系;思想方式An ideology is a set of beliefs,especially the political beliefs on which people, parties, or countriesbase their actions.

...capitalist ideology.资本主义意识形态


Embrace [imˈbreis]

2.VERB欣然接受,支持(变革、政治体制、观点等)If you embrace achange, political system, or idea, you accept it and start supporting itor believing in it.

He embraces the new information age...他迎接新的信息时代的到来。

The new rules have been embraced by government watchdog organizations.政府监察机构已经欣然接受了这些新规则。

3.VERB包括;接纳If something embraces a group of people, things, orideas, it includes them in a larger group or category.

...a theory that would embrace the whole field of human endeavour.将囊括人类活动的各个领域的理论

1.N-VAR变革;改革;革新;改良Reform consists of changes andimprovements to a law, social system, or institution. Areform is aninstance of such a change or improvement.

He has urged reform of the welfare system...他极力主张进行福利制度改革。



1.ADJ-GRADED至关重要的;关键性的If you as crucial, you mean it is extremely important

...the most crucial election campaign for years...几年来最重要的竞选活动

describe something

1.ADJ-GRADED看不见的;隐形的If you describe somethingas invisible, you mean that it cannot be seen, for example because itis transparent, hidden, or very small.

The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance...线条被蚀刻得如此精细,在远处看都看不见。


crash down

Just as they can crash down they can jump back up, boosting wealth.正如它们能够猛跌,它们也能蹿升以增加财富。

Decisive [dɪˈsaɪsɪv]

1.ADJ-GRADED决定性的;关键的;明确的If a fact, action, or eventis decisive, it makes it certain that there will be a particular result.

...his decisive victory in the presidential elections...他在总统大选中取得的压倒性胜利

2.ADJ-GRADED果断的;决断的If someone is decisive, they have orshow an ability to make quick decisions in a difficult or complicatedsituation.

He should give way to a younger, more decisive leader.他应该让位于更年轻、更有决断力的领导者。

1.N-VAR干涉;干预Intervention is the act of intervening in a situation.

...the role of the United States and its intervention in the internal affairs of many countries.美国扮演的角色以及其对多国内政的干涉



The consumption of fuel or natural resources is the amount of themthat is used or the act of using them.

The laws have led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the US.这些法律已经使美国燃料消费量有所减少。


3.N-UNCOUNT消费Consumption is the act of buying and using things.

Recycling the waste from our increased consumption is better than burning it.对我们增加消费产生的垃圾进行回收要好过将其焚烧。

1.N-COUNT差额;赤字;亏损;逆差A deficit is the amount by whichsomething is less than what is required or expected, especially theamount by which the total money received is less than the total moneyspent.

They're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year.他们已准备好削减下一财年的联邦预算赤字。


1.N-UNCOUNT同petrolGasoline is the same as petrol .

Some oil companies are adding nitrogen to their gasoline.有些石油公司向汽油里加氮。


1.N-COUNT规则;规章;规定;制度Regulations are rules made by agovernment or other authority in order to control the way something isdone or the way people behave.

The European Union has proposed new regulations to control the hours worked by itsemployees...



1.VERB预期;预料;预计If you anticipate an event, you realize inadvance that it may happen and you are prepared for it.

At the time we couldn't have anticipated the result of our campaigning...那时我们不可能预料到我们这项运动的结果。


1.PHRASAL VERB避开,躲开,防止(危险、疾病等)To ward off adanger or illness means to prevent it from affecting you or harmingyou.

This is the best way to ward off trouble.这是最好的抵挡麻烦.

The tests are unlikely to assume a sovereign collapse, with the possible exception of greece.除了希腊外,测试不太可能假设国家崩盘。

ward off

1.N-COUNT脊椎;脊柱Your spine is the row of bones down your back.2.V-ERG(使)康复;(使)痊愈;(使)愈合If a person or a part oftheir body mends or is mended, they get better after they have beenill or have had an injury.

You'll mend. The X-rays show that your arm will heal all right...你会康复的。X光照片显示你的胳膊能够较好地复原。



1.N-UNCOUNT争执;争论;分歧Conflict is serious disagreement andargument about something important. If two people or groups are inconflict, they have had a serious disagreement or argument and havenot yet reached agreement.

Try to keep any conflict between you and your ex-partner to a minimum...尽量将自己与前配偶之间的摩擦减到最小。


4.N-VAR(信仰、观念或利益之间的)严重分歧,冲突A conflict is aserious difference between two or more beliefs, ideas, or interests. Iftwo beliefs, ideas, or interests are in conflict, they are very different.

There is a conflict between what they are doing and what you want...他们所做的与你想要的之间存在冲突。

Vegetarian [ˌvedʒəˈteəriən] n.素食者

I am not a vegan nor am I a vegetarian.我不是纯素者,也不是素食者。

1.N-COUNTSee also:cold turkey;火鸡A turkey is a large bird that iskept on a farm for its meat.Can you make a turkey?你会做火鸡吗?

Robbery and murder are both offences against the common law.抢劫和谋杀都是违反普通法的。

Countries whose citizens eat more fish ( which is rich in dha) are less prone to depression, suicide 由于鱼类富含dha,食鱼多的国家的人患抑郁症者就少,自杀和谋杀犯罪率也低。

turkeyGenerosity [ˌdʒenəˈrɒsəti]

1.N-UNCOUNT慷慨;大方If you refer to someone's generosity, youmean that they are generous, especially in doing or giving more thanis usual or expected.

There are stories about his generosity, the massive amounts of money he gave to charities.有传闻说他向慈善机构慷慨解囊,捐献巨款。

2.N-COUNT会议;正式商谈A conference is a meeting at which formaldiscussions take place

They sat down at the dinner table, as they always did, before the meal, for a conference...他们在餐桌旁坐下,和平常一样,吃饭之前要开个会。


3.See also: time;Timing ][ˈtaɪmɪŋ]dolphinexpert

1.N-COUNT海豚A dolphin is a mammal which lives in the sea andlooks like a large fish with a pointed mouth.

1.N-COUNT行家;专家An expert is a person who is very skilled atdoing something or who knows a lot about a particular subject.

Our team of experts will be on hand to offer help and advice between 12 noon and 7pm daily.每天中午12点到下午7点,我们的专家小组将随时提供帮助和建议。...an expert on trade in that area.那个领域的贸易专家

1.ADJ-GRADED著名的;知名的To be noted for something you do orhave means to be well-known and admired for it.

Lawyers are not noted for rushing into change.律师并非以仓促求变著称。


1.N-COUNT领导层;领导班子You refer to people who are in control ofa group or organization as the leadership .

The Chinese leadership does not care about international pressure.中国领导层不在乎国际方面的压力。


1.N-COUNT分别;差别;不同A distinction between similar things is adifference.

There are obvious distinctions between the two wine-making areas...两个酿酒地区之间有着显著的差别。

The distinction between craft and fine art is more controversial.对手工艺和美术之间的差别争议更大。


1.VERB传达;表达;传递To convey information or feelings means tocause them to be known or understood by someone.

When I returned home, I tried to convey the wonder of this machine to my husband...回到家后,我竭力地想把这台机器的精妙之处描述给丈夫听。In every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy...她拍的每一张照片中都传递出一种临场感,使人有如亲临现场。He also conveyed his views and the views of the bureaucracy.他也表达了自己的看法和官方的看法。


2.VERB运输;运送;输送To convey someone or something to a placemeans to carry or transport them there

The railway company extended a branch line to Brightlingsea to convey fish direct toBillingsgate.


in contrast to 相比之下

In contrast to our house, the new one is a palace.和我们的房子相比,这间新房子是一座宫殿。

1.ADJ-GRADED可信赖的;值得信赖的;可靠的A trustworthy personis reliable, responsible, and can be trusted completely.

He is a trustworthy and level-headed leader.他是个头脑冷静、值得信赖的领导。


1.VERB(数量、价值、水平、规模等)急升,猛涨If the amount, value,level, or volume of something soars, it quickly increases by a greatdeal.

...figures showed customer complaints had soared to record levels and profits were falling.



Subtract ][səbˈtrækt]

1.VERB减;减去If you subtract one number from another, you do acalculation in which you take it away from the other number. Forexample, if you subtract 3 from 5, you get 2.

We have subtracted $25 per adult to arrive at a basic room rate.我们已给每位成人房客减去了 25 美元,这就是基本的房费价格了。

1.N-VAR计算;运算;计算结果A calculation is something that youthink about and work out mathematically. Calculation is the processof working something out mathematically.

...the calculation of their assets.对他们资产的估算


2.N-VAR估算;估计;推断;预测A calculation is something that youthink carefully about and arrive at a conclusion on after havingconsidered all the relevant factors.

For the President, the calculations are equally difficult. If the peacekeeping operation goeswrong he risks appearing weak.


1.N-COUNT悲观主义者;悲观论者A pessimist is someone who thinksthat bad things are going to happen

I'm a natural pessimist; I usually expect the worst...我是天生的悲观主义者。我总是做最坏的打算。


import and export

Import and export growth accelerated from the previous quarter, rising 1.9 and 4 per cent respectively.进出口增速较上一季度加快,分别增长1.9%和4%。

1.N-VAR经济衰退;经济不景气A recession is a period when theeconomy of a country is doing badly, for example because industry isproducing less and more people are becoming unemployed.

The recession caused sales to drop off...经济不景气使销量下降。

The oil price increases sent Europe into deep recession.




1.N-VAR扩张;扩充;扩大;发展Expansion is becoming greater in size, number, or amount.

...the rapid expansion of private health insurance.个人健康保险的迅速发展

The company has abandoned plans for further expansion.该公司已经放弃了进一步扩张的计划。

the process of

3.V-ERG(使)频繁往来于(两地之间)If someone orsomething shuttles or is shuttled from one place to another place,they frequently go from one place to the other

He and colleagues have shuttled back and forth between the three capitals...他和同事们在这3个首都之间往来穿梭。

Machine parts were also being shuttled across the border without authorisation.机器零部件也在未经批准的情况下出入边境。


3.N-SING(观点等的)潮流,趋势The tide of opinion, for example, iswhat the majority of people think at a particular time.

The tide of opinion seems overwhelmingly in his favour.绝大多数人的观点看来是一边倒地支持他的。


1.N-COUNT商品A commodity is something that is sold for money.

The government increased prices on several basic commodities like bread and meat.政府提高了面包、肉类等几种基本商品的价格。



1.N-UNCOUNT活力;生命力;热情If you say that someone orsomething has vitality, you mean that they have great energy andliveliness.

Without continued learning, graduates will lose their intellectual vitality...如果不继续学习,毕业生就会失去思想上的活力。

Mr Li said China's reforms had brought vitality to its economy.李先生说中国的改革给其经济注入了活力。

1.ADJ-GRADED稳定的;稳固不变的If something is stable, it is notlikely to change or come to an end suddenly.

The price of oil should remain stable for the rest of 1992.油价会在 1992 年剩下的时间里保持稳定。

general motors n.通用汽车stable

1.VERB落后;赶不上If one thing or person lags behind another thingor person, their progress is slower than that of the other

Britain still lags behind most of Europe in its provisions for women who want time off to havebabies... 英国在妇女生育福利方面依然落后于欧洲大多数国家。


.N-COUNT食品杂货店A grocery or a grocery store is a grocer's shop.

hop on bike跳上自行车grocery

consist of include 由…组成;由 ... 组成;包括couple with 与…连接在一起on one's way

There is a way of encountering error while on one's way to the truth.在追求真理的道路上出错的机会原是常有的。
