

2023-12-22 来源:小奈知识网
(1)基本要求basic requirements • 有资质的架子工才能搭建脚手架,必须从坚固的基础开始搭建。The scaffolding must be erected by qualified scaffolder and on solid base. • 必须有合适的防护栏杆和踢脚板。工作平台保持干净整洁防止人员滑倒、绊倒。Have a proper guardrails and toe boards. Must have the proper access and egress. Free of slipping and tripping hazards on the platform. • 在工作平台上面作业时,必须佩戴安全带A full body harness with lanyard must be worn while working on the platform. (2)所有脚手架实施标牌制度The Scaffolding Tagging system must be followed. • 红色标牌表示不能使用Red tag means “Do Not Use”. • 绿色标牌表示可以使用Green tag means “Ready for Use”. (3)脚手架安全指导方针Scaffold Safety Guidelines • 确定脚手架有牢固的保护。Make sure the scaffold is firmly secured. • 不要让脚手架超负荷。Don‘t overload a scaffold. • 在脚手架上只保留必须的材料。Keep only the materials you need on a scaffold. • 将工具和材料远离脚手架边缘。Keep tools and materials away from the edge of a scaffold. 8 • 每日收工时将脚手架上的材料清走。Remove all materials from a scaffold at the end of the day. • 保持脚手架区域干净。Keep the area around the scaffold clear of debris. (4)脚手架使用须知Scaffold Notice • 使用前必须检查脚手架总体情况;Inspect scaffold before using • 脚手架上所有人员必须配带全身防护性安全带;Workers working on scaffolds must wear full body harness • 必须使用上下通道;Use up/down access • 严禁带病在脚手架上操作;Never working on sick • 严禁爬出脚手架以外;Never climb beyond scaffolds • 上下脚手架爬梯时手中严禁携带物品;Never take materials when climbing scaffolds • 所有物品必须通过绳子或马道上下脚手架;All materials must be lifted up and down by rope or hoist • 移动脚手架时严禁脚手架上有人;Don’t move scaffold with person on platform • 脚手架必须每周检查一次并且做好记录;Must be inspected per week and recorded • 严禁在恶劣天气使用脚手架;Never use it in bad weather • 脚手架上的所有废物必须立即清除;

Clean the rubbish on scaffolds immediately • 不能用脚手架存放物品;Don‘t store materials on scaffolds • 任何损坏的材料或部件必须立即清除出场或销毁;Any damaged materials or components must be cleaned out or destroyed • 按照国标要求对脚手架进行有关记录以备检查;Record according with national standards for inspection • 所有脚手架必须挂标后方允许使用。Permit to use after hanging scafftag (5)拆除脚手架,周围应设警戒标志或派专人监护看管,拆除应按顺序由上而下,一步一清,不准上下同时作业。 While dismantle scaffolds, warning signs should be set around or there should be special person to supervise and take care of this matter. The sequence for dismantle is from up to down, to make clear step by step. It is forbidden to work up and down simultaneously. 拆除脚手钢杆、脚手板、扣件等应向下传递或用绳吊下,禁止往下投扔。 While dismantle scaffold steel piles, scaffold boards, and fasteners etc which should be passed down or lift down by rope. Throwing should be forbidden
