



英语经贸知识试题卷 (课程代码00834)




第一部分客观题(共0分) 第二部分主观题(共100分)

Part 1 (15%)

Directions: Match the given words and expressions with the explanations that follow. Write the corresponding letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on your Answer Sheet.

1. unilaterally 2. highlight 3. decentralize 4. endowment 5. erode 6. facilities 7. Incoterms 8. classification 9. bulky

10. constitute 11. underlying 12. substantial 13. reimburse 14. discrepancy 15. peg


a. taking a lot of space, and often of a shape difficult to handle b. done by one side or party only c. wear away, eat into

d. a set of international rules for the interpretation of trade terms e_ to make prominent; draw specifically attention f. a natural gift or ability g. make up; amount to

h. pay back to somebody for the expense he has spent i. difference; absence of agreement j . to keep fixed or unchanged k. forming the basis of

I. the arrangement of things by groups m. large; great; considerable

n. something designed, built or installed to serve a specific function or perform a particular service o. distribute the administrative powers over a less concentrated area

Part II (20%)

Directions: Answer the following questions in English. 16. What does the term most-favored-nation (MFN) refer to?

17. What can determine the behavior of MNEs (multinational enterprise)? 18. What are the 3 major functions of the bill of lading? 19. What does the international business refer to?

Part III Translation (20%)

Section A: Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese. (10%)

20. discount rate 21. bonds

22, visible trade

23. commercial invoice 24. port of shipment 25. stock exchange 26. long-term capital 27. hedge 28. fair trade 29. anti-dumping


Section B: Translate the following turns into English. (10%)

30.财务状况 31.付款交单 32.预付现金 33.惠普制 34.修正案 35.贸易惯例 36.商标 37.专利 38.版权 39.关税区

Part IV (10%)

Directions: Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word (Some words are given the first letter or letters). Write the whole world in the corresponding space on your Answer Sheet.

In addition (40) multilateral aid institutions (41) l the World Bank and its (42)af and regional development banks, the industrial nations engage (43) bilateral aid.

The first massive bilateral aid program was the 1974 Marshall Plan. In this case one country gave aid (44) individual European Nations. In 1961 the Agency for International Development (AID) was (45) c to centralized administration of foreign (46)given by the United States government. AID (47) m grants as well as development loans available. Before 1969 it stipulated that the proceeds of (48) 1 could only buy United States manufactured products. In 1969 this restriction (49) abolished for Latin America.

Part V Translate the following sentence into English. (20%)


51.要评估某一市场的潜力,人们往往要分析其收入水平,因为它为那里居民的购买力高低 提供了线索.

52.还盘是对发盘的拒绝,一旦做出还盘,原报盘即失效而失去约束力。 53.跨国公司是在一个以上国家拥有、控制和经营资产的商业组织。


Part VI Translate the following passage into Chinese. (15%)

54. International trade is the exchange of goods between nations. It took place of many


The first is that no nation has all of the commodities that it needs. Countries that lack some resources within their own boundaries must buy from countries that export them.

Second, a country often does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs and has to import some to satisfy its requirement.

Third, one nation can sell some items at a lower cost than other countries that have a comparative advantage in the desired items.

Finally, even though a country can produce enough of an item at reasonable costs to meet its own demand, it many still import some from other countries for innovation or variety of style.

