我必需完成!我能够完成!我将会完成!我定成功!As ou slol open our ees, look around, notie here the light es into our room, listen arefull, see if theres an ne sounds ou an reognize, feel ith our bod and spirit, see if ou an sense the freshness in the air.Yes!
Yes! Yes!Its a ne da, its a different da and its a bright da. And most importantl, its a ne beginning for our life, a beginning here oure going to make ne deisions, take ne ations, make ne friends, and take our life a totall unpreedented level.You an feel our fae is getting red and our heart is beating fast and our blood is rushing all over our bod to ever single orner of our being.You kno all this is real as along as oure onfident, passionate and mitted. And ou are onfident, ou are passionate, ou are mitted. Youll no longer fear making ne sounds, shoing ne faial expressions, using our bod in ne as, approahing ne people and asking ne questions. Youll live ever single da of our life ith absolute passion. Youll sho our passion through the ords ou speak and the ations ou take. Youll fous all our time and effort on the most important goals of our life. Youll never suumb to hallenges or hardships. Youll never aver in our pursuit of exellene. After all, oure the best and ou deserve the best.As our oah and friend, I an assure ou the door to all the best things in the orld ill open to ou but the ke to that door is in our hand.
You must do our part, ou must faithfull follo the plans ou make and take the ations ou plan. You must never quit, ou must never fear. I kno ou must do it, ou an do it, ou ill do it and ou ill sueed!七符熠琛