

2021-09-14 来源:小奈知识网

1. When Facebook Inc. Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg delivered a speech about freedom of expression in Washington, D.C., last fall, there was also another agenda: to raise the alarm about the threat from Chinese tech companies and, more specifically, the popular video-sharing app TikTok.



Specifically : used when you want to add more detailed and exact information: 精确地 The newspaper, or more specifically, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the photographs.

Synonym:specially/exactly 即刻运用:(答案在横线下面)

1). 我们尚未特意把学生定为我们的目标。_____________________________________ We haven’t specifically targeted school children. 2) .这是全欧洲面临的问题,而不是英国独有的问题。


This is a European ,and not a specifically British problem.

2. In a private dinner at the White House in late October, Mr. Zuckerberg made the case to President Trump that the rise of Chinese internet companies threatens American business, and should be a bigger concern than reining in Facebook.



Threaten / θretn; ˋθrɛtn/ v

1).~ sb (with sth) make a threat or threats against sb; try to influence sb by threats 恐吓或威胁某人

Doctors are sometimes threatened with violence if they don't do what patients want.

2).something unpleasant likely to happen :

The fighting is threatening to turn into full -scale war. Synonym:bully 即刻运用:


_______________________________________________________________ The newcomers directly threaten the livelihood of the established workers. 2).如果霜冻来临,植物必须盖上腐叶土或用类似的方法加以保护。

________________________________________________________________________ Plants must be covered with a leaf-mould or similarly protected if frost threatens. 3. TikTok has gained more than 100 million U.S. users and become the biggest threat to Facebook’s dominance of social media.


dominance UK /ˈdɒmɪnəns/ US /ˈdɑːmənəns/ n. 支配 dominance over sth. 对某物的支配

dominate / ˈdɔmɪneɪt; ˋdɑməˏnet/ v [I, Tn] have control of or a very strong influence on (people, events, etc)

支配, 统治, 控制, 影响(人﹑ 事等): 即刻运用:

1).这个工业被五个跨国公司掌控。__________________________________________ The industry is dominated by five multinational companies.

2).我的周末全用在做家务上了。___________________________________________ My weekend was dominated by housework.

4 .China's Pinduoduo has clashed with Tesla after it sold the US group's electric vehicles at a hefty discount, highlighting the ecommerce platform's controversial use of big subsidies.


Highlight:/ ˈhaɪlaɪt; ˋhaɪˏlaɪt/

n =best, most interesting or most exciting part of something 最有意思或最精采的部分:

The highlight of our tour was seeing the palace. (牛津高阶) 我们旅游中最有意思的活动就是参观宫殿.

Vt give special attention to (sth); emphasize 对(某事物)予以特别的注意; 强调: a TV programme highlighting the problems of the unemployed 着重反映失业问题的电视节目.


1).Highlights include China’s most sacred peaks at Mount tai and Hangzhou’s rolling hill ,water ways and peaceful temples. (2020 全国卷iii 阅读A)

2).你的简历要凸显你的技能和成绩.___________________________________________ Your resume should highlight your skills and achievements.(牛津高阶)

5. Pinduoduo, the most valuable company in the world to have never turned an operating profit, last month hosted a group-buying event in which Chinese shoppers could buy a Tesla Model 3 for significantly below its Rmb291,800 ($42,100) price tag.

翻译:在从未实现过营业利润的公司中,拼多多的全球市值是最高的。上个月,它举办了一场团购活动,参与的中国消费者能以明显低于官方标价(29.18万元人民币,合4.21万美元)的价格购买特斯拉Model 3。

1). turn a profit 转为盈利

2).significantly /sɪgˈnɪfɪkəntli/ adv 重要的显著的

=in a way that is large or important enough to have an effect on sth or to be noticed: The two sets of figures are not significantly different from each other. (牛津高阶) 即刻运用:

1).The environmental challenges are significant, but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be paying off . (2019 全国卷i 完型填空)

环境的挑战是巨大的,但是坦桑尼亚公园管理局的努力似乎正在取得成效 2).几年来,利润大幅度提高了。___________________________________________ Profits have increased significantly over the past few years.(牛津高阶)

6. But Tesla originally said it would not deliver the cars, pointing to a company policy that bans the resale of its vehicles.




originally UK /əˈrɪdʒənəli/ US /əˈrɪdʒənəli/ adv. 起初,最初(at first, from/in the beginning) Potatoes originally came from South America. 土豆原产于南美洲。 同义词: earlier/ in the beginning/ in the first place/ primitively /to begin with 即刻运用:


____________________________________________________________________ A black Chinese tea, originally the choicest grade, but later an inferior variety. 2).起初 我们本来打算去意大利,但后来获得了机会去希腊。


Originally, we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Greece.(牛津高阶) 7. Despite that, the group's US-listed shares have surged 138 per cent this year to give Pinduoduo a value of roughly $110bn.

翻译:尽管如此,拼多多的美股股价今年已飙涨了138%,使其市值达到约1100亿美元。 roughly UK /ˈrʌfli/ US /ˈrʌfli/ adv. 大致上,大体上/粗暴的 同义词Synonym:(approximately; about) 即刻运用:

1).大概的说,我们需要500美元。_________________________________ Roughly speaking, I'd say we need about $500.(牛津高阶)

2).他粗暴地把她推到路边。________________________________________ He pushed her roughly out of the way.

8 .Ms. Fares, a 24-year-old paramedic, was one of at least 145 people killed on Tuesday by the massive explosion that leveled most of the Port of Beirut, devastated entire neighborhoods, injured more than 5,000 people and left hundreds of thousands homeless.



level US/ˈlevəl/ UK /ˈlevəl/ vt. 将……夷为平地,彻底摧毁(if sth. levels a building or area of land, it destroys it completely or make it completely flat)

Bombs levelled a large part of the town.


1).余震可能会摧毁更多的建筑物。_________________________________ Further tremors could level more buildings.

2).让皇后大街的人行道变得平坦是最优先考虑的事_________________ Levelling out the pavement in Queen Street is a top priority.(期刊摘选)

9.Each death is a unique, unfathomable tragedy, but the story of Ms. Fares, the young bride-to-be, has rippled across social media, capturing the attention and heartache of many Lebanese.



capture UK /ˈkæptʃə/ US /ˈkæptʃər/ vt. 捕捉,俘获 capture sb.’s attention 吸引到某人关注 unique UK /juːˈniːk/ US /juːˈniːk/ adj. 独特的 同义词Synonym:lone/distinctive/special/ 即刻运用:

1). The keyboard could offer a strong layer of security by analyzing things like the forceof a user’s typing and the time between key presses . These patterns are unique to each person.

2).这广告将引起电视观众的注意.__________________________________ This advertisement will capture the attention of TV audiences.

10.“ahar is a message to our youth that there are people who commit to the nation and lose everything. I wish there was a nation that was worth such sacrifice and commitment, though. I wish we had a proper state.”(每日外刊精读 8-12 Paramedic Who Died in Beirut Explosion Is a Symbol of Lebanon’s Grief)



Commit /kəˈmɪt; kəˋmɪt/ v (-tt-) ~ sb/oneself (to sth/to doing sth)=pledge sb/oneself 向某人[自己]保证

Commitment [n]~ (to sth/to do sth) thing one has promised to do; pledge; undertaking 承诺; 允诺; 保证; 承担


1).他已答应抚养他弟弟的孩子。 _________________________________

He has committed himself to support his brother's children. 2).我目前劳累过度--应承的事情太多了。 ____________________________________

I'm overworked at the moment I've taken on too many commitments.

11. If you want to sell books during a pandemic, it turns out that one of the best places to do it is within easy reach of eggs, milk and diapers.(每日外刊精读 8-15 How to Sell Books in 2020: Put Them Near the Toilet Paper)



1).It turns out that… 事实证明……

2).within easy reach of... 离……很近(close to) 即刻运用:


_________________________________________________ It turns out that the beach is within easy reach of the hotel. 2).有时事情并不像我们认为的那样发展。

___________________________________________________ Sometimes things don’t turn out the way we think they’re going to be.

3).In their laboratory, Dolivo first trained rats to pull a stick that provide a food item within the reach of a rat in a neighboring cage separated from them by wire mesh.

12. When the coronavirus forced the United States into lockdown this spring, stores like Walmart and Target, which were labeled essential, remained open.

翻译:今年春天,冠状病毒迫使美国进入封锁状态之后,沃尔玛和 Target等被标为“民生必须”的商店仍保持了营业状态。


Essential /ɪˈsenʃl; ɪˋsɛnʃəl/ adj ~ (to/for sth) necessary; indispensable; most important,basic fundamental

必要; 不可缺少; 最重要: 即刻运用:


_________________________________________________ It is essential that our pilots are given the best possible training. 2).我对生活的严肃态度就是Sam和我的差别。


The essential difference between Sam and me was the fact that I took life seriously.

13.Some grocery chains and pharmacies saw an increase, too, even though books are far from the core of what they offer.(每日外刊精读 8-15 How to Sell Books in 2020: Put Them Near the Toilet Paper)



see UK /siː/ US /siː/ vt. (某个时段或地方)见证某事的发生 同义词Synonym:witness 即刻运用:


____________________________________________________ The city has seen plenty of violence over the years. = There has been plenty of violence in the city.(期刊杂志) 2).最近五十年来,科学领域发生了一场彻底的革命。

________________________________________________________ The last fifty years have seen a sweeping revolution in science.

=In the last fifty years, a sweeping revolution has taken place in the field of science. 14. In addition to the advantage of just being open, stores like Target were able to step in when Amazon pulled back on delivering some products, like books and toys, so it could prioritize in-demand household goods and medical supplies.(每日外刊精读 8-15 How to Sell Books in 2020: Put Them Near the Toilet Paper)



1).pull back 退出,撤出 【易混淆辨析】

pull back from… 从某地撤出,一般是指全都撤出来了 pull back on…指的是在某些方面减少了资源的投入

2).deliver /dɪˈlɪvə(r); dɪˋlɪvɚ/ v a)[I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (to sb/sth) take (letters, parcels, goods, etc) to the places or people they are addressed to 递送, 传送(信件﹑ 包裹﹑ 货物等):

b)give (a lecture, sermon, speech, etc) 授(课); 讲(道); 讲(话): c)be ~ed of sb (fml 文) give birth to (a child) 生(小孩儿): 即刻运用:


_____________________________________________ Did you deliver my message to my father? 2).她生了一个健康的男孩儿。

_____________________________________________ She was delivered of a healthy boy. 3).她给学会作了一次有关哲学的讲话。

_____________________________________________ She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society 4).现在是你悬崖勒马的时候到了。

__________________________________________________ Now it’s time for you to pull back before it is too late.

15. Dr. Zhang raced to grab a number to reserve a spot, while a colleague ran to guard two beds inside.



reserve UK /rɪˈzɜːv/ US /rɪˈzɜːrv/ vt.

A) 保留=put aside or keep sth for a later occasion or special use 保留或储备某物: B) order or set aside (seats, accommodation, etc) for use by a particular person at a future time; book 预订或保留(座位﹑ 住处等); 订购: 同义词Synonym:store /preserve /keep



_________________________________ Reserve your strength for the climb. 2).这些座位是留给贵宾的。

___________________________________ These seats are reserved for special guests. . 3).先生, 您来度假办理预订手续了吗?

___________________________________________ Is your holiday a reserved booking, sir?

4).Helen Killer, after whom I named myself in English-- a privilege __________(reserve) for most Asian students coming from West-- magically managed to communicate with the world and nourished the many despite her loss of vision and hearing . (reserved)

16 Desperate for a better solution, parents around the country have started organizing “pandemic pods”, or home schooling pods, for the fall, in which groups of three to 10 students learn together in homes under the tutelage of the children’s parents or a hired teacher.



Desperate/ ˈdespərət; ˋdɛspərət/ adj a)feeling or showing great despair and ready to do anything regardless of danger 感到绝望而不惜冒险的; 拚命的; 不顾一切的:

b)~ (for sth/to do sth) in great need (of sth/to do sth) 极需要(某事物[做某事]): 即刻运用:

1).The next time you’re standing at the sink waiting for it to fill while cooking noodle soup that you’ll have to eat until a large bag of cash falls out of the sky, don’t be desperate.

2).But they will have to find the were -rabbit before gun -crazy hunter victor Quartermaine who is desperate to kill it .

3).For workers ,especially low -paid workers , who desperately need their jobs yet know they can be easily replaced ,gamification may feel more like the Hunger Games .

17. Given the financial and time costs of podding, they will likely be more popular among privileged families. In fact, if students leave public schools to join pods, funding for already starved public schools could drop further.



1)given sth. 考虑到,鉴于 同义词Synonym:considering sth. 即刻运用:

考虑到她喜欢孩子,教书看来是很适合她的工作。 __________________________________________________ Given her interest in children, teaching seems the right job for her.

2)privileged /ˈprɪvɪlɪdʒd/ adj = having advantages because of your wealth, social position 即刻运用:

1.来自有特权家庭背景的学生在大学处于优势地位 __________________________________________________

Students from a privileged background have an advantage at university.(朗文词典) 2. kylie感到很幸运因为她在电视事业上的成功处于特权地位 _________________________________________________________

Kylie feels fortunate to be in such a privileged position because of her successful TV career. 18 .Ideally, pods shouldn’t have more than five kids, and families in learning pods shouldn’t be socializing with people outside the pod unless they wear masks and remain socially distant, said Saskia Popescu, Ph.D., an infection prevention epidemiologist.



socialize UK /ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz/ US /ˈsoʊʃəlaɪz/ vi. 社交 socially UK /ˈsəʊʃəli/ US /ˈsoʊʃəli/ adv. 社交地 即刻运用:



It is a good opportunity to socialize with new colleagues.

2). One is that these instincts appear at a very young age before most parents have started to train children to behave socially

3).It was after the business meeting and things were going socially with a hum.

19 .A word buried in the history books helped Danes mobilise during the pandemic, flattening the curve and lifting community spirit.(每日外刊精读8—7 How a long-forgotten word rallied a nation)



1)bury UK /ˈberi/ US /ˈberi/ vt. 被长期遗忘,很久未用;埋葬 即刻运用:

追加邮件,确保这封邮件没有被淹没。 _________________________________________ Following up to make sure this email didn't get buried.

2)mobilise UK /ˈməʊbɪlaɪz/ US /ˈmoʊbəlaɪz/ vt. 动员,集结 美式写法:mobilize 即刻运用: 1.部队接到动员令。

__________________________________ The troops received orders to mobilize. 2.依据宪法总统有权在紧急情况下调动军队。 _______________________________________________

The president had constitutional power to mobilize troops in an emergency 3).flatten the curve 压平曲线

~ (sth) (out) become or make (sth) flat 变平; 使(某物)变平: 即刻运用:

海岸附近地势变得很平坦。 _____________________________

The land flattens out near the coast..

20 .“We all could have been at home relaxing, but I think we felt like we were obligated to do something that was beyond our own needs,” he says.



be obligated to do sth. 有义务要做某事 obligated adj. 有义务的 obligation n. 义务,责任 即刻运用:

1).我们参加那个聚会是迫於人情, 而并无别的原因。

___________________________________________________________ We attended the party more out of a sense of obligation than anything else. 2).我觉得我有义务让他读这封信。

________________________________________________ I felt obligated to let him read the letter.
