

2021-09-13 来源:小奈知识网
黑龙江科技学院 毕业设计(论文)任务书


任务下达日期: 2006 年 2 月 27 日

设计(论文)开始日期: 2006 年 3 月 27 日 设计(论文)完成日期: 2006 年 6 月 27 日

一、设计(论文)题目: 巷道式自动化立体车库升降部分 二、专题题目: 自动化立体车库管理系统的研究 三、设计的目的和意义: 车辆无处停放的问题,是城市的饿社会、经济、交通发展到一定程度产生的结果,立体停车设备的发展在国外,尤其在日本已有三、四十年的历史。截止2003年底,我国个人汽车保有量为12427672辆,其中个人汽车4890387辆,比2002年



紧张,解决城市停车难的问题具有重要意义。 四、设计(论文)主要内容: 本设计的内容是就巷道式立体停车库,设计其升降部分,所以设计的重点在于传动机构的设计。要求实现

在升降过程中各部分能正常的运行,实现车的升降过程。 五、设计目标: 根据所学知识 ,为解决城市的停车难问题,设计出一个能够自动存取车的巷道堆垛式自动化立体车库的升降部分,

该部分的主要设计重点是其传动部分。 六、进度计划: 1-3周 :毕业实习,现场收集与设计有关的资料; 4-6周:整理资料,选择设计方案,并最终确定设计方案; 7-9周:进行设计计算,设计出设计需要的参数; 10-13周:绘制CAD图; 14-16周:整理修改CAD图; 17周:编写设计说明书; 18周:准备答辩。




[2]中外停车设备及配套产品重点厂商名录.1999,1 :5 -7; [3]喻乐康,左东晓.机械停车库的技术发展[J]建设机械技术与管理.1999,1: 30 -32;


指 导 教 师: 院(系)主管领导: 年 月 日






论文以研究工作的进展顺序为序,分章、节逐一论述了课题的来源,目的及意义,设计过程,在设计中遇到的问题与难点及其解决方法与措施。在设计过程部分,详细论述了设备总体结构设计、横移传动系统设计、提升传动系统设计、存取车结构设计、控制系统设计和安全防护设计 。

关键词:立体停车设备 ; 传动设计; 控制系统 ; 升降机构; 安




Along with the fast development of two major of pillar industry of the automobile industry and building industry, the city one after another appears to park the car the phenomenon of the difficult and disorderly parking in somely bigly,.In resolve the city city park the car difficult problem, stereoscopic parking equipments of the machine type with its special advantage, caused the value of the public, get the extensive application.

The vehicle has no a the society, economy, transportation that the problem for park is a city to develop output result to certain extent, the development of the stereoscopic parking equipments is abroad, particularly at Japan already is close to 30~40 years of history, all have already acquired the success on the technique still on the experience

regardless.The our country also starts study to develop the stereoscopic parking equipments of machine at the beginning of in 90's, being apart from to already have the process of the decade now.Because a lot of set up the little inhabitant inside the area to go together with the car to compare to 1 lately:1, for solving the parking lot to cover the area and inhabitant's company to use the antinomy of the area,

stereoscopic machine parking equipments with it average the bicycle covers the small special characteristic of area, have already been accept by the large customer.

The machine garage and traditional get off the database to compare naturally, in many respect display the

superiority.First, the machine garage has an advantage of outstanding stanza.Before underground garage because of toing stay to go the car passage enough, average car will occupy 40 areas of the square meters, but if a layer of adoption machine garage, can make the utilization rate of the ground raise


80%-90%, if an up many type garages with stereoscopic layer(21 layers) of adoption, can deposit 40 cars then on 50 areas of the land of the square meters, this resources that can save the limited land consumedly, and save the soil to set up to develop the cost.

Currently the society contain a lot of mature and technical parking equipmentses for example:Ascend and descend horizontal move the type;Perpendicular and circulating

type;Level circulation type;The flat surface moves the type;A of tunnel;The perpendicular rise and fall type;Simple rise and fall.Pass the comparison and analysises to these garages type characteristicses, I was end to choose a garage type that is the design.

Thesis with research the progress of the work is in proper order for the preface, dividing the chapter, stanza to discuss the source of the topic one by one, purpose and meaning, the design process, problem meet in the design with a little bit difficult and it resolve method and measure.At design the process part, detailed discussed the total structure of equipments design, horizontal move to spread to move the system design and promote to spread to move the system design, access the car structure design, control the system design and safe protection design.

Keyword: stereoscopic parking equipments; The structure design; Control the system; PLC; Safety


目 录



第1章 绪论 .................................................................................................... 1

1.1课题的来源,目的及意义 .................................................................. 1 1.2 巷道堆垛式自动化立体车库概述 ...................................................... 2 1.3几种机械停车设备的特点及比较 ....................................................... 4 1.4 总体方案确定 ................................................................................... 5 第2章 自动化立体车库传动机构的技术特性 ............................................... 8

2.1传动机构的组成.................................................................................. 8 2.2 传动机构的主要参数 ......................................................................... 8 第3章 机械系统传动设计 ............................................................................. 9

3.1传动链和链轮的选择 .......................................................................... 9 3.2链的设计计算 ................................................................................... 10

3.2.1 设计标准 .................................. 10

3.2.2传动的计算 ................................. 10

3.3 链轮的设计计算 ............................................................................... 13

3.3.1 设计链论尺寸 ............................... 13

3.4 滚子链的静强度计算 ....................................................................... 21 3.5 链条的使用寿命计算 ....................................................................... 23 3.6 链条的耐磨工作能力计算 ................................................................ 24 3.7 电动机的选择 .................................................................................. 27 3.8减速器的选择 ................................................................................... 28 3.9轴承的选择 ....................................................................................... 28 3.10轴的选择 ......................................................................................... 29

3.10.1 选择材料 .................................. 29 3.10.2 初步估算轴径 .............................. 29 3.10.3轴的结构设计 .............................. 30 3.10.4 轴上的受力分析 ............................ 30 3.10.5轴的强度校核 .............................. 32


第4章 经济分析 .......................................................................................... 35

4.1 机会研究 .......................................................................................... 35

4.1.1 社会需求程度 .............................. 35 4.1.2 开展的基本条件 ............................. 36

4.2 初步可行性研究 ............................................................................... 36

4.2.1 投资机会是否有希望 ......................... 36 4.2.2是否需要作详细可行性分析 ................... 36 4.2.3 有待解决的关键性问题 ....................... 37 4.2.4 初步经济效益预测 ........................... 38

第五章 专题 ................................................................................................ 39 自动化立体车库管理系统 ............................................................................. 39 结 论 ............................................................................................................. 50 参考文献 ....................................................................................................... 51 致谢 ............................................................................................................... 53 附录1:翻译(英文) .................................................................................. 54 附录2:翻译(汉文) .................................................................................. 91


第1章 绪论







1.2 巷道堆垛式自动化立体车库概述

车辆无处停放的问题是城市的社会、经济、交通发展到一定程度产生的结果,立体停车设备的发展在国外,尤其在日本已有近30~40年的历史,无论在技术上还是在经验上均已获得了成功。我国也于90年代初开始研究开发机械立体停车设备,距今已有十年的历程。由于很多新建小区内住户与车位的配比为1:1,为了解决停车位占地面积与住户商用面积的矛盾,立体机械停车设备以其平均单车占地面积小的独特特性,已被广大用户接受。 机械车库与传统的自然地下车库相比,在许多方面都显示出优越性。首先,机械车库具有突出的节地优势。以往的地下车库由于要留出足够的行车通道,平均一辆车就要占据40平方米的面积,而如果采用双层机械车库,可使地面的使用率提高80%-90%,如果采用地上多层(21层)立体式车库的话,50平方米的土地面积上便可存放40辆车,这可以大大地节省有限的土地资源,并节省土建开发成本。 机械车库与地下车库相比可更加有效地保证人身和车辆的安全,人在车库内或车不停准位置,由电子控制的整个设备便不会运转。应该说,机械车库从管理上可以做到彻底的人车分流。


在中华人民共和国机械行业标准 JB/T 8713-1998 :机械式停车设备类别,形式,基本参数要目中,对机械式停车设备进行了划分,其类别代号如下:















(一) 升降横移式


1. 产品特点:

1) 节省占地,配置灵活,建设周期短。

2) 价格低,消防、外装修、土建地基等投资少。 3) 可采用自动控制,构造简单,安全可靠。 4) 存取车迅速,等候时间短。 5) 运行平稳,工作噪声低。

6) 适用于商业、机关、住宅小区配套停车场的使用。

(二) 巷道堆垛式





(四) 垂直循环式 产品特点:

1) 占地少,两个泊位面积可停6~10辆车。 2) 外装修可只加顶棚,消防可利用消防栓。

3) 价格低,地基、外装修、消防等投资少,建设周期短。 4) 可采用自动控制,运行安全可靠。


1.4 总体方案确定

由于我设计的部分是立体车库的升降部分,所以首先应确定用哪种方式升降,如可采用升降机式、电梯式。其次,对于传动系统(包括链传动的链与棘轮的设计、钢丝吊动的滑轮和钢丝绳的设计、电机型号的选用)、载车板等机械部分的绘图设计和控制系统的简单设计,要确定传动的方式,如钢丝绳,链条等; 初步拟定方案如下:


计载车板的形式,计算校核载车板的力学性能。 二、根据对传动结构的分析和受力的分析选择采用电梯


料、直径。对上述部件进行力学计算,校核。 三、使用转向盘,当车降下时已转换方向。转向盘可通



四、确定制动方案。选择电磁接触阀。 五、载荷均匀分布,机械效率高。

六、结构简单,工作可靠,拆装维修方便。 七、考虑安全防护设计。 八、考虑环保设计。 九、经济性考虑。







四、确定制动方案。选择电磁接触阀。 五、载荷均匀分布,机械效率高。 六、考虑安全防护设计。 七、考虑环保设计。




本设计的传动特点是: ·自动化程度高,快速处理,连续出入库,停车效率高。 ·实现了由百台到上千台规模的大容量停车。 ·组合式框架设计,保证了产品一致性, 安装拆卸非常方便。 ·设有多重安全防护措施,确保人车安全。 ·操作简便,既可集中管理,又可由客户自己操作。 ·电机及所用电器元件采用进口名牌产品。 ·不排出汽车废气,清洁环保。


第2章 自动化立体车库传动机构的技术特性



2.2 传动机构的主要参数

技 术 性 能 参 数

名称:巷道堆垛式自动化立体车库 型号:PXD□□D—□K 组车台数:视现场情况而定

使用车尺寸:5000×1850×1550 驱动:5.5kw电动机 速度:6m/min 车重:1700kg

控制方式:伺服定位控制 管理方式:专人管理方式 操作方式:触摸屏操作



第3章 机械系统传动设计






根据最大工作载荷及安全系数计算链条的破坏载荷 FPFmaxs, FP,以FP来选择链条,FP破坏载荷(N) Fmax—链条最大工作载荷(N) S—安全系数(按手册2—8.1—75选取)

选择片式关节链中的传动用短节距精密磙子链 结构和特点:




3.2.1 设计标准



1. 链轮齿数

小链轮齿数 取Z1=25,传动比i=2.5 大链轮齿数 Z2=iZ1=2.5×25=62.5 取62 2. 实际传动比 i=

Z262==2.48 Z1253. 链轮转速

初选小链轮线速度V1=0.1m/s, 估选小链轮直径d=160mm,



D=0.1d×2.48=0.248m/s,则与电机相连的小链轮的线速度V3=V2=0.248m/s 则其转速为n1=

0.248V2==30m/s 2R1260n130==12r/min i2.48则大链轮转速为n2=

4. 修正功率pc


小链轮传递功率为P=2.4kW 故pc=2.4×1.4×1=3.36kW 式中参数:

查机械设计手册表14.2-4,工况系数f1=1.4, 主动链轮齿数系数f2=1,

5. 链条节距P


6. 初选中心距a0p


7. 链长节数X0 X0=2a0p+


取X0=114节,式中f3=(62252)=34.68 2fz1z2+3 2aop256234.68+ 2358. 链条长度L

Xp11419.05 L=0==2.17m

100010009. 理论中心距A





式中,Ka=0.24645,由机械设计手册2插值法求得 10.实际中心距

a=a-a=663-0.004×662=659mm 11. 与电动机相连的链轮上链的转速

znp v=11601000253019.05 =

601000 =0.238m/s

12. 有效圆周力F 1000p10002.4 F===10000N

v0.23813. 作用于轴上的拉力FQ FQ1.20KAF=1.2×1×10000

=12000N 14. 润滑方式的确定

根据链号12A和链条速度V=2.1m/s,由图14.2-5,选用润滑范围3即油池润滑或油盘飞测润滑, 15. 链条标记


2A-1×114.GB/T1243-1997 链条参数为:


滚子直径:d111.91mm 内链节内宽:b112.57mm


销轴直径:d25.96mm 套筒孔径:d35.93mm 链条通道高度:h118.34mm 内链板高度:h218.08mm 外中链板高度:h315.62mm 过渡链节尺寸:l17.9mm

l29.14mm c0.1mm

排距: pt22.78mm 内链节内宽:b217.75mm 外链节内宽:b317.81mm 销轴全宽:b426.9mm

3.3 链轮的设计计算

3.3.1 设计链论尺寸

1. 链轮齿数


其他所用链轮尺寸与小链轮标准相同,z1=25; 2. 配用链条的节距、滚子外径、排距



配用链条的节距P=19.05mm 滚子外径dr=11.91mm 排距pt=22.78mm 3. 分度圆直径d


19.05p==152mm 0180sinsin18025z119.05p==376mm 18001800sinz2sin62d2=

4. 齿顶圆直径da


1521.2519.0511.91 164mm


1.6)pdr z11.6)19.0511.91 25damaxd1.25pdr


damind(11.6)dr z21.6)19.0511.91 6214




Damax=164mm Damin=158mm 取Da=160mm

damax=388mm damin=378mm, 取da=380mm


z5. 齿根圆直径df

df1Ddr15211.91140.09mm df2ddr37211.91360.09mm 6. 分度圆弦齿高ha

ha1max(0.625(0.6250.8)p0.5dr z10.8)19.050.511.91 256.560856.56mmm

ha1min0.5(pdr)0.5(19.0511.91)3.57mm h2max(0.625 (0.6256.2mm


0.8)p0.5dr z20.8)19.050.511.91 62 h2min0.5(pdr)0.5(19.0511.91)3.57mm

ha是为简化放大齿形图的绘制而引入的辅助尺寸,hamax相应于damax,hamin相应于damin,故ha取介于hamax与hamin之间的数,即可取ha1=4mm, ha2=5mm


7. 最大齿根距离Lx 奇数齿Lx=dcos90dr z偶数齿Lx=df=ddr 由z1=25 故Lx1=d1cos90z1dr

90011.91140mm =152cos2500 z2 =62 故LX2= df= d2dr


8. 齿侧凸缘(或排间槽直径)dg

dgpcot180z1.04h0.76 h—内链板高,可由机械设计手册2

0表14.2-2查的,h=18.08mm 故


0 16

18001.0418.080.76131mm =19.05cot25dg2pcot180z21.04h0.76

018001.0418.080.76356mm =19.05cot629. 轴向齿廓及尺寸 1)齿宽bf1

p12.7则 bf10.95b1





使用p12.7时的齿宽。b1 内链节内宽


ba=0.06p19.051.143mm 3)齿侧半径rx



bfm(m1)ptbf1 m排数,取单排链,故m1 即bfmbf112mm

10. 链轮公差


1) 滚子链链轮齿根圆直径极限偏差及量柱测量距极限偏差

(摘自GB/T1243-1997) 项目 尺寸段 上偏差 下偏差 备注 0 -0.25 齿根圆极链轮齿根df127 0 -0.30 限偏差 圆直径下0 量柱测量偏差为负127df250 h11 距极限偏值。它可以差 用量柱法250df 间接测量,量柱测量距的工称尺寸见下表


滚子链链轮的量柱测量距(摘自GB/T1243-1997) 项 目 符号 量柱测量距 偶数齿 奇数齿 计算公式 MR MRddRmin=376+11.91=388mm MRdcos900z90011.91164mm dRmin152cos250.01注:量柱直径dR=滚子直径d1,量柱的技术要求为:极限偏差为0。


项 目 链轮孔和齿根圆直 径之间的径向圆跳动 轴孔到链轮齿侧平直部分的端面圆跳动 11.链轮材料及热处理



要 求 不应超过下列两数值中的较大值(0.0008df0.08)mm或0.15mm,最大到0.76mm 不应超过下列计算值(0.0009df0.08)mm,最大值1.14mm 12.链轮结构


1) 轮毂厚度h


常数k: d <50 k 3.2 50~100 4.8 100~150 6.4 >150 9.5 2) 轮毂长度l l3.3h,lmin2.6h,取l3h,故

l13h13(9.5l23(9.5600.01152)63mm6800.01376)80mm 63) 轮毂直径db

dhdk2h,dhmaxdg,dg见表14.2-11 dh160221102mm dh280227134mm

13. 链轮工作图


3.4 滚子链的静强度计算


Ffkfqa102 Ff(kfsin)qa102

式中amm , qkgf/m, Ff,FfN, 链条的静强度计算:






F 有效拉力,即有效圆周力(M)查表14.2-3;

Fc 离心力引起的拉力(N),其计算式为Fcqv2;q为


Ff悬垂拉力(N),见图14.2-6,在Ff,Ff中选择大者。 [n]许用安全系数,一般为4~8;如果按最大尖载荷峰



由以上,查表14.2-2得Q=30.1×103 查表14.2-4得KA1.4


Fcqv2 查表14.2-9,q5.6kg/m 由前面计算知

v0.248m/s4m/s 故Fc 可忽略不计。

Ff由图14.2-6 取900 则FF0

31.11032.22 则n在2~8之间 故n1.410103故链条安全。


3.5 链条的使用寿命计算





7kpL10kAP(m0)3.71P 若p0,则 Tz1n1kAP100kmkmp02LPkAp) 若P0 p0, 则 T15000(kAP100km式中

T 使用寿命h;

z1小链轮齿数; n1小链轮转速r/min;

km多排链系数,单排km=1,双排km=1.7,三排km=2.5,四排km=1,选用单排km=1; KA工况系数,查表14.2-4;



由前面计算知,要求传递的功率p2.4kw 查表14.2-4得KA1.4L 取单排链,故km=1,


由前面计算知:z1=25,n1=30r/min,Lp=114 由

kAp1.42.43.36kw2.4kw km1107z1n1则Tkmp03.71Lp1071.42.483.71114()()59888h kAP100253012.41003.6 链条的耐磨工作能力计算


T91500(c1c2c33LPz1ip)[] prvi1p式中:

T 使用寿命h;


Lp链长,以链节数表示; v 链速m/s; z1小链轮齿数;


[p]许用磨损伸长率,按具体工作条件确定; p c1磨损系数,见图14.2-7; c2节距系数,查表14.2-10; c2齿数-速度系数,见图14.2-8; pr铰链比压(MPa); 确定以上参数值:

链节数Lp114,链速由前面计算知v0.248m/s, 小链轮齿数z125,传动比 i2.5,许用磨损伸长率

[p]3%,磨损系数 c1由图1c314.2-7确定,节距系数 pc21.19,齿数-速度系数c3=1,查图14.2-8。 铰链比压pr按下式计算 pr





F 有效拉力(即有效圆周力),查表14.2-3,计算得







Ad2b25.9617.75105.79mm2 故 prkAFFcFfA1.4101030.350132MPa



T91500(91500(c1c2c33LPz1ip)[] prvi1p8.71.1913114252.480)30



3.7 电动机的选择

1. 根据机械的负载性质和生产工艺对电动机的启动、制动、反转、调速等要求,选择电动机类型。

2. 根据负载转矩、速度变化范围和启动频繁程度等要求,考虑电动机的温升限制、过载能力和启动转距,选择电动机功率,并确定冷却通风方式。所选电机应留有余量,负荷率一般取0.8~0.9。过大的备用功率会使电机效率低,对于感应电机,其功率因数将变坏,并使按电动机最大转矩校验强度的生产机械造价提高。

3. 根据使用场所的环境条件,如温度、湿度、灰尘、雨水、瓦斯以及腐蚀和易燃易爆气体等考虑必要的保护方式,选择电动机的结构型式。

4. 根据具体的电网电压标准和对功率因数的要求,确定电动机的电压等级和类型。

5. 根据生产机械的最高转速和对电力调速系统的过渡过程性能的要求,以及机械减速机构的复杂程度,选择电动机额定转速。





TmaxT2.3,最小转矩与额定转矩之比为min1.5,堵转转矩与 TNTN 额定转矩为

TstI2.3,堵转电流与额定电流为st7.0。 TNIN3.8减速器的选择










3.10.1 选择材料








3.10.2 初步估算轴径








3.10.4 轴上的受力分析



链轮的径向力:FrFttann0.36410103N3692N cos0.986链轮的轴向力:由于链轮无轴向力,故Fx0。

1. 求支反力




1Ft5000N 2在垂直面内的支反力由图d知,


22. 作弯矩图和转矩图


RAzRBzMCz50001.1755875Nm 链轮作用在垂直面内的弯矩如图所示,





1. 确定最危险截面



2. 安全系数校核计算





式中 W—抗弯截面系数,由表19.3-7查的




m270106 











式中Wp抗扭截面系数,由表19.315查得WP30.1cm330.1106m 根据式(19.3-3) S1K

 m1551061.8910.31060.2110.31060.920.81 5.48

式中145钢扭转疲劳极限,由表19.1-1查得1155MPa; K切应力有效应力集中系数,由表19.36按键槽K1.62,



平均应力折算系数,由表19.313查得0.21; 轴D截面的安全系数由式(19.31)确定 SSSSS222.55.482.55.48222.27




第4章 经济分析

4.1 机会研究

4.1.1 社会需求程度








4.1.2 开展的基本条件


4.2 初步可行性研究

4.2.1 投资机会是否有希望








4.2.3 有待解决的关键性问题




4.2.4 初步经济效益预测

根据以上分析,且目前,根据市场情况和掌握的资料,目前国内每年新增车辆为20万量,而新增加的车位仅仅为2万个,所以, 预计,大量的市场需求定能带来良好的市场效益。


第五章 专题



关键词:自动化立体车库 管理系统

Abstract:The article combines the current domestic and international

concerning development general situation that automates the stereoscopic garage to manage the system, elaborating to automate the stereoscopic garage management system in intelligence construct function and position, explain that automate the stereoscopic garage management system to constitute in the intelligence building, type, function and software technique. Keyword:Automate the stereoscopic garage management system 近年来汽车的动态平衡与静态管理已成为许多专家学者重点研究的新课题。为了保证车辆安全和交通方便,迫切需要采用自动化程度高、方便快捷的停车场自动管理系统,提高停车场管理水平。现阶段的目标就是要提供满足人们工作、生活、娱乐环境更科学、规范、有效快捷、安全、方便的车库自动管理系统。车库管理系统正在向大型化、复杂化、集成化和高科技化方向发展,已经被纳入智能建筑的一个重要子系统,并且正与智能建筑的其它子系统进一步高度集成。



新型的智能车库将生活理念和建筑技术、信息技术、计算机电子技术等现代高科技完美结合,提供的是一种操作简单、使用方便、功能先进的人性化系统。它依靠高科技,以人为本,采用图形人机界面操作方式,提供一种更加安全、舒适、方便、快捷和开放的智能化、信息化生活空间,促进了人文环境的健康发展。 1目前国内立体车库主要有以下几种类型 1.1 平面车库系统


1.2 机械式停车场

机械式停车场是指停车场完全由机械停车设备如曳引驱动机、导向轮、载车板、横移装置、控制柜、召唤操作盘、升降回转装置、搬运器等构成。分为升降横移类、垂直循环类、水平循环类、多层循环类、平面移动类、垂直升降类、简单升降类等类型。因其停车方式多样独特,具有很强的应用性。它的主要优点有占地面积小,选型多样、可具体结合场地特点设计,也可与其他方式相结合来实施,自动化程度高,操作使用方便,管理和维护也较为容易,具有定量存车的特点。 1.3 智能立体停车库




1.4 遥控停车场管理系统


2 智能停车场收费系统的特点 2.1 严格的收费管理系统



系统,因收费都经电脑确认、统计与记录,避免了失误和作弊等现象,能有效地保障车场投资者的利益。 2.2 防伪性能高


2.3 高度安全稳健的管理


同时系统配有图像对比功能。各类停车卡均有车牌号码存档,一卡专用,保证停放车辆的安全。当读卡控制器检测到车辆出现时,计算机自动调出此牌号与出场时牌照识别系统再次识别的牌号比较,在计算机的屏幕上实时显示各出人口车辆的卡号、状态、时间和车主的信息等。如果车牌不对,电脑随时提示,并发出警告,不得离场,等有关人员进行现场处理。 2.4 可靠的耐用性


2.5 非接触式IC卡技术领先


非接触式IC卡是将电磁技术、射频技术、计算机技术、代码识别技术综合应用的技术成果,具有极好的防水、防污、防油、防腐蚀、防静电破坏和防扭曲等特性。 2.6 树立良好的企业形象

良好的企业形象是企业无价的无形资产,现代化的高科技产品的使用无疑会提高企业的物业管理形象和知名度,采用电脑收费管理系统,无论从产品的造型方面,还是整套系统所带来的先进性及管理的科学性,都将给物业管理树立起良好的形象,使企业步人良性循环,不断开拓进取,成为科学管理的楷模。 3 智能停车场系统的设备组成

智能停车场主要由人口、出口和中心管理三大部分组成。 3.1 入口部分

人口部分主要由感应式IC卡读写器、IC卡出卡机、对讲分机、摄像机、车辆感应器、车位检测器、入口控制板、全自动路闸、车辆检测线圈和车位显示屏等组成。 3.2 出口部分

出口部分主要由内含感应式IC卡读写器、摄像机、对讲分机、出口控制板、全自动路闸、车辆检测线圈和汽车影像对比系统组成。 3.3 管理中心

管理中心由收费管理电脑、监视器、硬盘录像机、报表打印机、停车场管理收费机和系统软件组成。 4 智能停车场的系统构成


4.1 车位显示系统


4.2 防盗系统

防盗系统是一套在各个车位加装的高码位遥控器,它与车位检测器并行工作。当司机入库停好车后,操作遥控器便给车辆上码;当司机准备出库取车时,操作遥控器给车辆解码。如无解码取车,则报警系统工作并联动相关报警器或启动监视系统进行录像,防止车辆被盗。 4.3 监视系统

监视系统由摄像机、控制器,监视器、录像机组成。主要是对停车库进行保安监视,确保停车安全可靠。 4.4影像对比系统


4.5 出口系统


当车辆出库时,车辆检测器感应出库信号并通知主控计算机提示操作员准备操作,同时出口摄像机摄录一幅该车辆图像并将识别信息与计算机中对应卡号的所有相关信息进行比较,相符则自动计算出应交费,并通过收费显示牌显示,提示司机交费;如果不相符则示警,提示收费员根据汽车进场时所拍摄的图像进行人工比对。 4.6 中心软件管理系统


主要由功能较强的PC机和打印机等外围设备组成。管理中心可作为一台服务器通过总线与下属设备联接,交换营运数据,并对营运的数据作自动统计,档案保存。系统具有密码保护功能,阻止非授权者侵入管理程序,并具有很强的图形显示功能,能把停车库平面图、泊车位的实时占用、出入口开闭状态以及通道封锁等情况在屏幕上显示出来,便于停车场的管理与调度。它不仅要为建设单位提供一种灵活、有效的管理模式,而且要具备自维护功能和一定的扩展功能,以适应将来技术的发展需要。 5 智能停车场系统功能

产品只是帮助人类更快捷、更方便、更简单地解决问题。智能停车场系统作为一种先进的产品最终是为人服务,它不能脱离以人为本的原则,否则技术再先进也是一种浪费。因此停车场技术的应用也应因地制宜,充分发挥停车场的所有功能。对于智能化的停车场除了一些基本功能而外还应具备以下的功能。 5.1 感应卡功能 (1)长距离感应;






(6)读写器与ID卡实施双向密码鉴别制。 5.2 自动道闸功能

(1)接受手动输入信号,便于调试安装; (2)延时、欠压、过压自动保护;


(4)电闸带RS485通信接口,可接受收费管理电脑的直接控制; (5)具有卸荷装置,以防止外力损坏; (6)具有防砸车控制系统,确保车辆安全;

(7)行程控制以光电开关代替机械行程开关,使用寿命长; (8)兼容性好,确保不同类型客户的需求;

(9)具有一套平衡机构,保证运行轻快、平稳、输入功率小; (10)增设紧急手动装置,以防止意外事件的发生; (11)全电路无触点控制系统,确保车辆安全。 5.3 出入口票箱功能




(3)平时显示时钟与日期; (5)读卡判别,无效则灯光报警;



(8)控制板能非实时联网运行,所有有效操作均在内存内建库存档,并可保存6000个以上的记录。记录数据可随时被有权限的管理员或领导访问及卸载。 5.4 停车场管理软件功能

(1)可读取物业管理系统数据,自动生成卡片进出权限; (2)图像双向识别比较功能; (3)特种车辆特殊处理功能;

(4)自动完成临时卡收费、有效月租卡放行功能; (5)多种计费方式设置,用户自行设定选用;





(9)生成各类统计报表,具有强大的数据检索查询功能; (10)软件系统具有良好的兼容性及资料保密性;




(14)呼叫对讲功能,在任何时刻都可与指挥中心对讲联系; (15)易升级,可根据功能需求随时升级系统软件;

(16)多种的温馨语音提示,不仅向车主发出问候,同时具备发布天气预报等功能。 5.5 管理中心功能










结 论






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Modeling and specifcations of dynamic agents in fractal

manufacturing systems

Kwangyeol Ryua, Youngjun Sonb, Mooyoung Junga,*

a Department of Industrial Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, South Korea Systems and Industrial Engineering Department, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA b Received 9 September 2002; accepted 16 April 2003

Abstract In order to respond to a rapidly changing manufacturing environment and market, manufacturing systems must be flexible, adaptable, and reusable. The fractal manufacturing system (FrMS) is one of the new manufacturing paradigms that address the need for these characteristics. The FrMS is comprised of a number of ‘‘basic components’’, each of which consists of five functional modules: (1) an observer, (2) an analyzer, (3) an organizer, (4) a resolver, and (5) a reporter. Each of these modules, using agent technology, autonomously cooperates and negotiates with others while processing its own jobs. The resulting architecture has a high degree of self-similarity, one of the main characteristics of a fractal. Despite the many conceptual advantages of the FrMS, it has not been successfully elaborated and implemented to date because of the difficulties involved in doing so. In this paper, the static functions and dynamic activities of each agent are modeled using the unified modeling language (UML). Then, relationships among agents, working mechanisms of each agent, and several fractal-specific characteristics (selfsimilarity, self-organization, and goal-orientation) are modeled using the UML. Then, a method for dealing with several types of information such as products, orders, and resources in the FrMS is presented. Finally, a preliminary prototype for the FrMS using AgletsTM is presented. # 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Fractal manufacturing system (FrMS); Agent technology; UML; Modeling


Abbreviations: FrMS, fractal manufacturing system; BFU, basic fractal unit; DRP, dynamic restructuring process; UML, uni?ed modeling language; HMS, holonic manufacturing system; BMS, bionic/biological manufacturing system; CNP, contract net protocol; MANPro, mobile agent-based negotiation process; NMA, network monitoring agent; EMA, equipment monitoring agent; SEA, schedule evaluation agent; DRA, dispatching-rule rating agent; RSA, real-time simulation agent; SGA, schedule generation agent; GFA, goal formation agent; TGA, task governing agent; NEA, negotiation agent; KDA, knowledge database agent; DMA, decision-making agent; FSM, fractal status manager; FAM, fractal address manager; REA, restructuring agent; NCA, network command agent; ECA, equipment command agent; STA, system agent; NTA, network agent; MP, material processor; MH, material handler; MT, material transporter; BS, buffer storage; MRP, material removal processor; MFP, material forming processor; MIP, material inspection processor; PD, passive device; FMH, ?xed material handler; MMH, movable material handler; FMT, fixed material transporter; MMT, movable material transporter; ABS, active buffer storage; PBS, passive buffer storage E-mail address: myjung@postech.ac.kr (M. Jung).

* Corresponding author. Tel.: t82-54-279-2191; fax: t82-54-279-5998. 0166-3615/$ – see front matter # 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0166-3615(03)00099-X 1. Introduction

Facing intensified competition in a growing global market, manufacturing enterprises have been reengineering their production systems to achieve computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). Major goals of CIM include, but are not necessarily limited to, lowering manufacturing costs, rapidly responding to changing customer demands, shortening lead times, and increasing the quality of products [1–3]. However, the development of a CIM system is an incredibly complex activity, and the evolution to CIM has been slower than expected [4,5].


This can be directly attributed to high software development and maintenance costs. Therefore, in order to achieve a competitive advantage in the turbulent global market, the manufacturing enterprise must change manufacturing processes from all angles including ordering, product design, process planning, production, sales, etc. As a control model for implementing CIM systems, hierarchical decomposition of shop floor activities has been commonly used in the shop floor control system (SFCS), the central part of a CIM system [2]. Generally, a central database provides a global view of the overall system, and controllers generate schedules and execute them. Hierarchical control is easy to understand and is less redundant than other distributed control architectures such as heterarchical control. However, it has a crucial weak point, which is that a small change in one level may significantly and adversely affect the other levels in the hierarchy. Therefore, it is normally said that hierarchical control of CIM systems is much more suitable for production in a steady environment than in a dynamically changing environment because it is so diffcult to apply control hierarchy changes immediately to the equipment. Furthermore, it is diffcult to meet dynamically changing customer requirements because the hierarchical control architecture is not flexible enough to handle the reconfiguration of the shop. Therefore, the manufacturing system of tomorrow should be flexible, highly reconfigurable, and easily adaptable to the dynamic environment. Furthermore, it should be an intelligent, autonomous, and distributed system composed of independent functional modules. To cope with these requirements, new manufacturing paradigms such as a bionic/biological manufacturing system (BMS) [6,7], a holonic manufacturing system (HMS) [8,9], and a fractal manufacturing system (FrMS) [10–13] have been proposed. Tharumarajahet al. [14] provide a comprehensive comparison among a BMS, a HMS, and an FrMS in terms of design and operational features. An FrMS is a new manufacturing concept derived from the fractal factory introduced by Warnecke [13]. It is based on the concept of autonomously cooperating


multi-agents referred to as fractals. The basic component of the FrMS, referred to as a basic fractal unit (BFU), consists of five functional modules including an observer, an analyzer, a resolver, an organizer, and a reporter [10,11]. The fractal architectural model represents a hierarchical structure built from the elements of a BFU, and the design of a basic unit incorporates a set of pertinent attributes that can fully represent any level in the hierarchy [12]. In other words, the term ‘fractal’ can represent an entire manufacturing shop at the highest level or a physical machine at the bottom-level. Each BFU provides services according to an individual-level goal and acts independently while attempting to achieve the shoplevel goal. An FrMS has many advantages for a distributed and dynamic manufacturing environment. Automatic reconfiguration of a system through a dynamic restructuring process (DRP) is the most distinctive characteristic of the FrMS. In this paper, the scope of the reconfiguration does not include reconfigurable hardware [15] and external layout design. Rather, it focuses on the interior structure of software components that can be reorganized with software manipulations. The reconfiguration or restructuring in this paper considers both dynamic clustering of the agents and construction/destruction/cloning of agents, which affect the number of agents in the system. The function of a fractal is not specifically designated at the time of its first installation in the FrMS. The reconfiguration addressed in this paper also includes situations where the agents’ enrollments are changed, meaning that the agents are assigned a new goal and new jobs, but their composition does not change. This paper focuses on formal modeling of agents and fractal-specific characteristics that will provide a foundation for the development of the FrMS. Because associated difficulties have, to date, prevented a fractal-based system from being embodied, it is necessary to first explicitly define a concept, mechanisms, and characteristics. The objective of this paper, therefore, is to clearly define and model fractal-specifc characteristics for a manufacturing system to have such characteristics. In order to develop the agents, interand intra-fractal


activities are first clarified. Then, dynamic activities for each agent and relationships between agents are modeled. In order to more fully develop the FrMS, several fractal-specific characteristics are also modeled. To support embodiment of modeled characteristics, a method for dealing with information about products, orders, and resources in the FrMS is investigated. Through this research, mechanisms of agents and characteristics of the FrMS can be described with simple diagrams that make the system easier to understand. The work contained in this paper extends the FrMS from previous papers by emphasizing and detailing its characteristics. The activities of agents are specified using activity models so that the agents can use the activity models to forecast their next activities at run-time. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes functions and dynamic activities of agents using functional and activity models of unified modeling language (UML). In Section 3, inter- and intra-fractal activities are specified. Several fractal-specific characteristics are described using UML models in Section 4. Section 5 describes a method for dealing with information about products and resources in the FrMS. Section 6 concludes the paper.

2. Agent-based fractal manufacturing system (FrMS) 2.1. Background of an FrMS An overview of the FrMS is depicted in Fig. 1. Every controller at every level in the system has a selfsimilar functional structure composed of functional modules. In addition, each of these modules, regardless of its hierarchical level, consists of a set of agents. After the initial setup of a system, the configuration of the system may need to be reorganized in response to unexpected events such as machine breakdown. The system will also need to be reconfigured when the set of parts to be produced in the system changes due to a change in customer needs. In these cases, fractals in the FrMS autonomously and dynamically change their structure, via the actions of agents for the appropriate working mechanisms of the fractals. Fig. 1 shows two facility layouts and the corresponding compositions of fractals before and after the restructuring process. When a machine (M) and a robot


(R3) are added to the system, fractals reorganize their interior configurations with the mechanism of dynamic restructuring process in a way that the system continues to work with greatest efficiency. A fractal consists of five functional modules illustrated with their relationships in Fig. 2. The functions of each module can be defined depending upon the application domain.

Fig. 1. Reorganization of the system using a dynamic restructuring

process in the FrMS.

However, when the target domain is determined, the main functions of each module will be consistent throughout the system. For example, the function of a resolver may be different depending upon whether it is defined for controlling a manufacturing system or for managing supply chains. However, the main function of a resolver in a manufacturing system is similar to other resolvers in that system regardless of their level in the hierarchy. A bottom-level fractal has similar functions to those of a conventional equipment controller in a SFCS. A fractal, which is directly connected to equipment (e.g. machine, robot, etc.), receives sensory signals of equipment and returns messages or


commands. The function of an observer is to monitor the state of the unit, to receive messages and information from outer fractals, and to

Fig. 2. Functional modules and relationships of a fractal in an FrMS.

transmit composite information to correspondent fractals. The function of an analyzer is to analyze alternative job profiles with status information, to rate dispatching rules, and to simulate analyzed job profiles in real-time. The analyzer finally reports results to the resolver so that the resolver can use them to make decisions. A resolver plays the most important role in a fractal, generating job profiles, goal-formation processes, and decision-making processes. During goal-formation processes, the resolver may employ a variety of numerical optimization or heuristic techniques to optimize the fractal’s goal. If necessary, the resolver executes negotiations, cooperation, and coordination among fractals. The function of an organizer is to manage


the fractal status and fractal addresses, particularly for dynamic restructuring processes. The organizer may use numerical optimization techniques to find an optimal configuration while reconfiguring fractals. The fractal status is used to select the best job profile among several alternatives, and the fractal address is used to find the physical address of the fractal (e.g. machine_name, port_number, etc.) on the network. The function of a reporter is to report results from all processes in a fractal to others. In the case of a bottom-level controller, the fractal is similar to a traditional equipment controller. Therefore, most of its messages are commands for controlling the hardware. 2.2. Agents in an FrMS

Agent technology has been widely used for various applications including information filtering and gathering [16], knowledge management [17], supply chain management [18], manufacturing architecture, system and design [19–21]. While the features and characteristics of an agent vary depending on the application, some common features found across different applications are as follows: Autonomy: capability of controlling and acting for itself in order to achieve goals. Mobility: capability of migrating its location to other places (an agent with mobility is called a mobile agent, otherwise known as a software or stationary agent). Intelligence: capability of learning and solving problems. Cooperativeness: capability of helping others if requested and accepting helps from others. Adaptability: capability of being effectively used at various domains. Reliability: capability of dealing with unknown situations (disturbances) and continuing actions if committed, etc. The mobility of agents is a useful feature in a distributed and dynamic system. A mobile agent is not bound to the system where it begins execution. It can travel freely among the controllers in a network and transport itself from one system in a network to another. The following are some advantages of the use of mobile agents in a system [22]: (1) it reduces the network load, (2) it overcomes network latency, (3) it encapsulates protocols, (4) it executes asynchronously and autonomously, (5) it adapts dynamically,


(6) it is naturally heterogeneous, and (7) it is robust and faulttolerant. The types and functions of agents that implement functional modules of an FrMS have been brie?y described, and their initial development has been published in the earlier literature [11]. This paper enhances and re?nes the previously defined types and functions of agents so that they can perform functions of fractals successfully in the system. The names, types, and functions of agents in the FrMS are described as follows. The terms ‘‘-M’’ and ‘‘-S’’ written after the abbreviated name of each agent represent mobile agents and software agents, respectively. 2.2.1. Agents for an observer

Network monitoring agent (NMA-S): It monitors messages from other fractals through TCP/IP. It receives messages from the upper/same/lower-level fractals, such as requests for negotiations, negotiation replies, job orders, status information, etc. The NMA delivers those messages to the resolver or the analyzer. Equipment monitoring agent (EMA-S): It monitors messages directly coming from equipment through a serial communication protocol such as RS232/ 422. Information on the status of equipment including signals indicating the start and completion of jobs are detected by the EMA. However, the fractal need not directly control equipment if it is not included in a bottom-level.

2.2.2. Agents for an analyzer

Schedule evaluation agent (SEA-S): A SEA evaluates job profiles generated by the resolver. It helps the resolver to select the best job profile with respect to the current situation of the fractal. Dispatching-rule rating agent (DRA-S): It chooses the best dispatching rule for achieving its goals among several rules, such as shortest processing time (SPT), earliest due date (EDD), and so on. Real-time simulation agent (RSA-S): It performs real-time simulations in the on-line state with the results of the analyzed job profiles and the best dispatching rule. The RSA reports the results of simulations to the resolver.

2.2.3. Agents for a resolver


Schedule generation agent (SGA-M): It generates operational commands or alternative job profiles for achieving the fractal’s goals. After evaluation and analysis of alternatives in the analyzer, the SGA selects the best job profile. It must have mobility in order to use SEA, DRA, and RSA in the analyzer.

Goal formation agent (GFA-S): It modifies incomplete goals delivered from the upper-level fractal, and tries to make the goals complete by considering the current situation of the fractal. GFA divides the goal of the fractal into several sub-goals, and sends them to the sub-fractals. Task governing agent (TGA-S): A TGA generates tasks from the best job profile and its goals. It also performs tasks after arriving at the target fractal. When it finishes performing tasks, it sends acknowledgement to its sender. Negotiation agent (NEA-M): It moves to other fractals to deliver negotiation messages or to gather negotiation replies created by participating agents. It filters out unreasonable replies by a pre-evaluation process and brings the rest back to the resolver. Knowledge database agent (KDA-M): KDA invokes knowledge data from the knowledge database to make decisions. It accumulates new knowledge or updates the existing knowledge. Decision-making agent (DMA-S): It performs several operations during the decision-making processes. A DMA creates NEAs to negotiate with other fractals and KDAs to use the knowledge database. After making decisions, the DMA generates several TGAs. Further, the DMA provides a context to agents for negotiation. 2.2.4. Agents for an organizer

Fractal status manager (FSM-S): The FSM collects and manages the information on the status of fractals that is used for analyzing job profiles in the analyzer. It also makes negotiation replies to the status requests from other fractals. Fractal address manager (FAM-S): The FAM manages information about the addresses of fractals in lower levels and at the same level. A fractal address is the fractal’s physical address on the network, such as an IP address. The reporter uses a fractal’s address to confirm the destination of tasks and messages.


Restructuring agent (REA-M): It performs several operations related to dynamic restructuring processes, such as BFU generation, BFU deletion, and the evaluation of the fractal’s performance. The performance of a fractal is its utilization, e.g. total number of processed jobs or the portion of processing time within total time, etc. If the REA decides that a fractal needs to be restructured, it gathers information about fractal and network addresses, and fractal status. It moves to the DMA and lets it generate a series of jobs for a restructuring process. The cloning mechanism is used to create a new BFU. After creation, the REA tells the FAM to update the addresses of other fractals. 2.2.5. Agents for a reporter

Network command agent (NCA-M): All tasks or messages are delivered to other fractals by the NCA. NCA gets the network address of the destination from the FAM and notifies the TGAs and NEAs of it before starting to migrate to other places to comply with the traveling list. Equipment command agent (ECA-S): When ECA gets tasks for controlling equipment from a TGA, it specifies or divides the tasks into several commands that can be accepted and performed by the equipment. Then it sends the machine commands to the equipment. Like the EMA, the ECA is not needed for a fractal at the bottom-level. In addition to the five functional agents, several other agents are needed for components to function like fractals. 2.2.6. Miscellaneous agents System agent (STA-S): It manages device hardware and basic operating systems of physical controllers. It maintains the specifications of controllers so that REA can find the proper specification for a new controller which has to be set up as a fractal among available candidates during dynamic restructuring processes. It can also help to copy agents by doing preparation work such as making directories or installing device drivers by giving notice to an installer about software for equipment. Network agent (NTA-S): It manages the network addresses of the unassigned controllers in the system. If the system needs more controllers during the restructuring process, the REA confirms the information about the unassigned controllers from the


NTA before cloning agents.When a fractal changes the information about the unassigned controllers, it must notify other fractals so that they can update their information. 2.3. Agent modeling with UML

To make system architecture manageable and understandable, the artifacts of a system-intensive process can be expressed, specified, visualized, constructed, and documented. In recent years, a unified modeling language has emerged from earlier methods for analysis and design of object-oriented (OO) systems. In 1997, UML became recognized and accepted as a potential notation standard by Object Management Group (OMG) for modeling multiple perspectives of various systems [23]. UML is a simple, expressive, extensible, and visual modeling language [24]. UML is based on the object-oriented paradigm, and enables the extraction of architecturally significant elements of a model with respect to different viewpoints, independent of the system’s scale. It is mainly used to develop control software because many UML tools support the automatic generation of programming code from UML models. In this paper, modeling of the FrMS with UML is based on the implementation of an agent-based system.

2.3.1. Why UML?

UML provides several advantageous features for modeling a system [25]. First, it enables modeling of systems using OO concepts because its semantics come from Booch, object modeling technique (OMT), and object-oriented software engineering (OOSE). In particular, the use of a ‘‘package’’supporting OO concepts allows users to refine models iteratively. Second, it uni?es several modeling perspectives, enabling modeling of different kinds of systems (business versus software) and different development phases (requirements analysis, design, and implementation). Various kinds of models from different perspectives can be easily managed with one ?le. Third, many UML tools automatically generate skeleton source code from a model. For example, Rational RoseTM supports code generation in C/Ctt, Visual Basic,


Java/J2EE, Ada 83/95. It also supports eXtensible Markup Language_Data Type Definition (XML_DTD) and Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). Fourth, UML supports the use of a formal constraint language called Object Constraint Language (OCL) to specify constraints and other expressions attached to the models. OCL is a formal language that remains easy to read and write for adding unambiguous constraints to a model. The last advantage of UML is that it supports Model Driven Architecture (MDA) which is accepted as a standard by OMG. MDA addresses the complete life cycle of designing, deploying, integrating, and managing applications as well as data using open standards. It also provides an open, vendor-neutral approach to the challenge of interoperability. 2.3.2. UML models for an FrMS and agents

The fractal agents are modeled by using a class diagram as shown in Fig. 3. A class diagram describes the types of objects that are used within an objectoriented system, and de?nes the types of relationships between them. Attributes and operations of each class are used to de?ne the types of objects and the constraints between them. Four types of relationships available in the class model of UML are association, aggregation, generalization, and dependency (instantiates). The class diagram in Fig. 3 uses only associations (uni- and bi-directional) and dependency. An association relationship, the most general relationship, provides a pathway for the communication between model components including a class and an interface. A dependency is a relationship between two classes in which a change to one class will affect the other class. Stereotypes are usually used in UML models for representing the sub-classification of model elements. In addition to the predefined stereotypes, users can define customized stereotypes. Some classes in Fig. 3 have a stereotype called an entity, which is represented as an icon (circle with underbar). Also, some other stereotypes are used such as uses, creates, and supports and so on for the clari?cation of the associations between the classes. Additionally, multiplicity values are usually used to indicate how many objects or classes may participate in


a given relationship. For example, the uni-directional association between the DMA and the TGA has the stereotype of creates and two multiplicity values: 1 and 1, . . ., . It means that one DMA class can create more than one TGA class (the asterisk value represents any positive integer value). To simplify the class diagram, the attributes and operations of the classes are omitted in Fig. 3. Also, several other agents necessary for the FrMS are omitted to focus on the relationships between fractal agents. One of these classes (DMA) will be explained in great detail later in this paper. Each agent in a fractal has been modeled with a class diagram and an activity diagram. An activity diagram is used for de?ning speci?c activities and state transitions for classes. Fig. 4 illustrates the class diagram of the DMA, one of the agents in the resolver. Compared with the simpled version in Fig. 3, there are a few additional classes in Fig. 4, including the status information class, goals class, fractal performance evaluator class, and decision-making rule class.


Fig. 3. Class diagram of fractal agents.

Fig. 4. The class diagram of DMA.

The activities and transitions of the states of the DMA are modeled via the activity diagram in Fig. 5. A rectangle with rounded ends is used to de?ne an activity or a behavior of an object; a rounded rectangle is used to represent a state of an object in the activity diagram; and a diamond is used when a decision is needed. Transitions between actions or states are represented as an arrow. Transitions may have events, a stereotype, arguments, conditions, and actions with such UML syntax as ‘‘event(args)[condition]: Action’’. Transitions can be split by the decision and the applicable conditions. For example, in the case of the DMA (see Fig. 5), the next activity after executing the ‘‘Get input’’ activity can be one of six actions depending on the input received. Note that, as shown in Table 1, some conditions are represented by


Fig. 5. The activity diagram of DMA.

symbolic values (c0, c1, . . ., c8) to simplify the diagram. ha; b; ci indicates that one of a, b, or c is a prerequisite ?ow for the condition, and [a] means that the condition cannot be applicable after a. Other logic (activities, states, decisions, and transitions) in Fig. 5 can be inferred from the English in the figure.

3. Activities of agents in the FrMS

In the FrMS, agents handle all processes and jobs without human


intervention. Some activities are processed within the fractal, while other activities require cooperation with other agents that exist in another fractal. Activities of agents are classified into two categories: intra-fractal activity (the activities that are processed in one fractal) and inter-fractal activity (the activities that are processed by the cooperation of several fractals). The classification of activities of agents in the FrMS is summarized in Fig. 6. Most fractal-specific characteristics are related to inter-fractal activities such as negotiation, goal-orientation, and the dynamic restructuring process.

3.1. Intra-fractal activity In order to control an FrMS, agents are involved in processing jobs with their specific roles. The activities of agents that are performed within a fractal are similar to those of other manufacturing systems including input/output control, scheduling, task generation, performance of tasks, and equipment control. Inputs from other fractals and equipment are controlled by the NMA and EMA, respectively. Many agents must cooperate for scheduling activities. The agents dealing with scheduling processes include: (1) SEA, DRA, and RSA in an analyzer, (2) TGA and DMA in a resolver, and (3) FSM in an organizer. The DMA first creates the alternative job profiles, and the SEA evaluates them. After the DRA selects the best dispatching rule with respect to the status and goals of the fractal, the RSA scores the evaluated job pro?les using real-time simulation. The DMA gets the results of the simulation from the RSA to generate TGAs. If a negotiation with other fractals is needed during the scheduling process, the DMA creates NEAs to gather the necessary information. After completing the schedule, each TGA generates tasks. Regarding the management of information, the FSM manages fractal status information, the FAM manages fractal addresses, and the STA keeps the speci?cations of controllers. The task executor in each TGA accomplishes tasks assigned to a particular fractal. The DMA interacts with a knowledge database and uses queried knowledge to make decisions by creating KDAs. A fractal has an EMA and an ECA to control the equipment in the system. The EMA monitors sensory signals


from equipment and the ECA sends commands made by the TGA to the equipment.

3.2. Inter-fractal activity

A negotiation between fractals is the most important process in an FrMS because it is essential in order for the agents to make decisions and to process jobs autonomously and coherently.

Fractal Intra-fractal activity ? Input/output control ? Scheduling ? Task generation ? Real-time simulation ? Information management ? Job (task) processing ? Database control ? Equipment control ? Intra-decision-making

Inter-fractal activity ? Negotiation ? Goal-orientation process ? Dynamic restructuring process Fractal Intra-fractal activity ···· Fig. 6. Intra- and inter-activity of agents.

Fig. 7. CNP-based negotiation vs. MANPro-based negotiation.

NEA is in charge of negotiation, which is created by DMA. To impose a negotiation ability on agents, the contract net protocol (CNP) proposed by Smith [26] is still widely used. However, the CNP is expensive in terms of network bandwidth when the negotiation process implies a heavy communication load. For this reason, the negotiation process in this paper follows the MANPro introduced by Shin et al. [27]. The MANPro applies the mobility and the cloning mechanism of an agent. The greatest advantage of the MANPro is the reduction of the network loads without disturbing the application process. As illustrated in Fig. 7, the communication loads between controllers can burden the system when the CNP-based negotiation is used. This is because the connections between controllers must be maintained at all times. On the


other hand, the MANPro-based negotiation generates network loads only when an agent moves from the issuer to the participants. Therefore, it can eliminate the extra network operations in which agents have to monitor communication messages. While all communications between controllers are executed globally in the CNPbased negotiation, they can be performed locally without using network resources in the MANProbased negotiation. Performing negotiations locally can reduce the number of network messages (e.g. acknowledgments). The MANPro-based negotiation, therefore, is more beneficial for negotiations among agents.

Agents in the FrMS always pursue their own goals. If necessary, they issue a bid and negotiate with others to make a complete goal. The goal-formation process is the process of generating goals by coordinating processes among participating fractals and modifying them as necessary [13]. The GFA is the agent that exists for this purpose. The GFA receives an incomplete goal from a NMA and makes sub-goals or modifies the current goal of the fractal. During the goal-formation process, the GFA cooperate with the DMA and FSM. The dynamic restructuring process is the most important activity of agents in the FrMS. It is performed through complex tasks including negotiations, goal-formations, and task generation. The DRP is initiated by one of the agents in an organizer referred to as the REA. The DRP enables a system to optimize its structure by reconfiguring network connections between the components. If a fractal’s workload exceeds a certain limit, the REA starts the DRP with the aid of other agents. A new fractal may be created, or existing fractals may be reorganized as a result of the DRP. When the DRP is needed in the FrMS, fractals first change their network connections, and then reorganize their structures to be more effective. In order to perform the DRP stably, it is assumed that there is always enough hardware suitable for use as a controller in a system. More details on the DRP will be presented in Section 4.2. 4. Fractal-specific characteristics and UML models

Characteristics that differentiate an FrMS from other manufacturing


systems include (1) self-similarity, (2) self-organization, and (3) goal-orientation. Speci?cally, the dynamic restructuring process, which is part of self-organization, is the most distinctive characteristic. This section describes fractal-speci?c characteristics with respect to UML models, focusing on their procedures and the relationships among participating agents. 4.1. Self-similarity

Self-similarity, an inherent characteristic of a fractal, refers not only to the structural characteristics of organizational design, but circumscribes the manner of performing a job (service), as well as the formulation and pursuit of goals [13]. To achieve goals in a manufacturing system, there can be various possible solutions with respect to the individual problems. Even if there may exist several components with the same goal in the system, conditions or situations in the surrounding environment may be different for each component. This can result in fractals that have identical goals, while their input and output variables have quite different internal structures. If two fractals return the same outputs for the same inputs, they are called ‘‘self-similar’’, even if their internal structures are different. This characteristic can be affirmatively used to develop control software in the design phase because control modules or agents can be generated from the common structures. Therefore, a fractal designed at one level can be applied to other levels in the FrMS because of the self-similarity of fractals. 4.2. Self-organization

Self-organization is related to a theoretical method and an operational method in the FrMS. The theoretical method referred to as self-optimization is de?ned as the application of suitable numerical approaches to optimize the performance of fractals in a system. It provides the FrMS with a mathematical background for designing the structures, compositions, and relationships of fractals. From various optimization techniques, fractals select and use a proper method to have a more optimal specification. Details on the optimization techniques are beyond the scope of this paper. The dynamic restructuring process


(operational method) supports the reorganization of network connections between fractals so that the FrMS can be optimized and adapted to a dynamically changing environment. The DRP continuously changes the structure of the whole system depending on the fractals’ goals and external environmental conditions. For example, it is supposed that an unexpected event causes a controller to malfunction, or the type of parts that have to be produced in a system changes. In that case, controllers need to be changed or reorganized. The FrMS can perform these tasks automatically and dynamically with little intervention from human operators by using the DRP. The REA in an organizer leads the DRP. The activities of the DRP are modeled by using an activity diagram as illustrated in Fig. 8. If the REA decides to perform the DRP based on the results of periodic evaluations of a fractal’s performance, it first makes a new structure of fractals by employing a resource optimizer. The REA also employs the DMA if it needs to negotiate with other fractals. The REA sends a request for the address information to a NTA. It also sends a request for the specification for a new controller to the FSM if the system needs more controllers. Then the REA sends a request to the FAM to get the addresses of fractals associated with the DRP. The REA creates a restructuring message, and informs the DMA of the DRP to make it generate the series of jobs for restructuring the fractals. The task executor in each of the TGAs conducts DRP-related jobs. Finally, the REA informs the FAM that fractal address information must be updated before the DRP can finish. 4.3. Goal-orientation

Goal-orientation corresponds to the motivated activities of agents in fractals. To coherently achieve agents’ and fractals’ goals during the process, goal consistency, which is supported by an inheritance mechanism, should be maintained. The FrMS continues to develop each goal autonomously in order to operate and harmonize the system by resolving confiicts. Basically, efficient production may be a usual goal. In accordance with the surrounding environment, however, a goal may


be changed to something like completing production at the earliest possible time or minimizing defects. The change of the goal in high level gives rise to the changes of the goals in subfractals. At the bottom-level, when a fractal controls a machining center, shortening the processing time or the optimization of tool paths may be exemplary goals. From the top-level to the bottom-level, the goals of each fractal are sequentially generated and pruned by the goal-formation process. Each goal is achieved and assessed in the opposite direction after the goal-formation. Warnecke [13] pointed out that the goalformation process is a reliable method for revealing any conflicts between competing goals. The system should allow fractals to negotiate their goals with other fractals at any time, since it is very hard to anticipate which situations will require negotiation.

Fig. 8. Activity diagram for dynamic restructuring process.

The negotiation in the MANPro has four phases: (1) preparation, (2)


cloning, (3) traveling and evaluation, and (4) awarding [27]. Figs. 9 and 10 illustrate the MANPro-based negotiation process and the activity diagram of NEA, respectively. When a fractal needs to negotiate with others, the DMA during the preparation phase determines a route for agent’s traveling and creates a NCA. Then, during the cloning phase, the DMA creates a NEA containing information about a negotiation, pre-evaluation, and con?ict-resolution methods. After moving to the reporter, the NEA is encrypted by the NCA and then starts the navigation following its traveling list to gather negotiation replies from others. During a traveling and evaluation phase, the NEA pre-evaluates negotiation replies from other fractals. If the reply does not meet the pre-evaluation requirement, then it is dropped. Otherwise, it is added to the reply_list. To simplify the UML model in Fig. 10, the pre-evaluation activity is modeled as one activity. After making a complete reply_list, the NEA goes back to the DMA and reports the results necessary for the decision-making. If DMA determines an awardee (fractal), then it generates TGAs and sends them to the awardee after they are encrypted by NCAs. When the fractal receives tasks from the issuer, it sends back an acceptance message so that the issuer can destruct the NEA that was used for the negotiation. 5. Data management in the FrMS

5.1. Data model for resources in the FrMS

Resources in this paper mean physical equipment in the FrMS such as robots, milling machines, turning machines, and so on. A manufacturing system is made up of a number of items of equipment. Wysk et al. [28] identified several classes of equipment, which have now been used as a basis for classification in this research. Equipment is classified into four major types including material processor (MP), material handler (MH), material transporter (MT), and buffer storage (BS). Each piece of equipment in the factory is classi?ed as belonging to one and only one of these classes. Formally, the equipment (E) is de?ned according to the following set notation, and modeled with the UML class diagram as shown in Fig. 11.


Fig. 9. MANPro-based negotiation in the FrMS.

E = (MP; MH; MT; BS) Where



Equipment that transforms a product is classi?ed as belonging to the MP class. MP is partitioned into four different classes including material removal processor (MRP), material forming processor (MFP), material inspection processor (MIP), and passive device (PD). Equipment belonging to MRP, MFP, or MIP requires an equipment controller whereas PD equipment does not need one. Equipment classified into MRP performs chip-making processes or material


Fig. 10. Activity diagram of NEA.

removal processes, e.g. machining centers, turning machines, drilling machines, and so on. Equipment classified into MFP performs shape-changing processes without making chips from a product, e.g. forming, forging, assembly, and so on. All equipment that inspects a product belongs to MIP. Equipment classified into PD performs auxiliary processes without changing material volume or shape. For example, PD equipment may change a product’s orientation or some non-geometrical property of the product. PD class equipment includes gravity-based inverters, heat lamps used for drying parts after a painting operation, etc.

Equipment that transfers products between pieces of equipment is in the MH class. MH normally indicates several types of robots, and it is


partitioned into fixed material handler (FMH) and movable material handler (MMH). The controller of MH class equipment requires synchronization with equipment associated with the transfer of products. If a robot operates within a designated position without moving, it belongs to FMH; otherwise it belongs to MMH. Human operators also can be classified as MMH.

Fig. 11. Class diagram for classification of equipment.

Equipment that moves products from one location to another location is in the MT class. MT is partitioned into fixed material transporter (FMT) and movable material transporter (MMT) in the same way that the MH class is partitioned. Conveyors belong to FMT, and AGVs, fork trucks, and human operators belong to MMT.

Equipment that stores products is in the BS class. General equipment that stores products is classified into either ABS or PBS. If storage equipment requires its own controller, it belongs to the ABS class; otherwise it belongs to the PBS class. Some requirements for ABS equipment controllers include synchronization with MH class equipment, location allocation, capacity control, etc. Since PBS equipment does not have its own controller, it must be controlled and maintained by some other controller that uses it. 5.2. Information for controlling equipment

The information and messages used in the FrMS can be classi?ed into two major categories: (1) durable information and messages and (2) instantaneous information and messages. ‘‘Durable’’ means the operations and communication messages that exist during the entire


lifecycle of a fractal. When a fractal is created for the purpose of controlling equipment, it can handle control-related operations and messages until it is destructed or its role is changed. On the other hand, ‘‘instantaneous’’ describes the operations and communication messages that can be changed at any time. Table 2 shows the information and messages that have been defined in this research. Operations and messages are clarified with several pieces of exemplary equipment in


operations or messages are dependent upon specific hardware vendors, they are classified as ‘‘specific’’. Otherwise, they are classified as ‘‘common’’. Messages including commands and signals are italicized in Table 2. In addition, Table 3 describes the abbreviated information and messages in Table 2. For example, fr_id (durable common information) means the fractal identification, and reset_ml (instantaneous specific


messages) means the operation for resetting the milling machine. 5.3. Management of resource data

The management of resources in the FrMS is modeled by using a use-case diagram of UML as illustrated in Fig. 12. A use-case can be described as a specific way of using the system from a user’s perspective. A use-case diagram contains actors, use cases, and interactions or relationships between actors and use cases. Types of interactions include associations, dependencies, and generalizations. The agent called FSM manages information about the resources. If a fractal becomes an equipment controller, the FSM manages equipment status while dealing with equipment commands or signals as well as fractal status. In addition to the FSM, the following agents are also related to the equipment: (1) FAM, (2) NTA, (3) STA, (4) EMA, and (5) ECA. The EMA receives signals from equipment through the RS-232/422 protocol or an equipment interface that connects directly to the equipment from the equipment controller. The ECA sends equipment commands to the equipment in the same way as the EMA. The FAM manages equipment addresses such as the numbers corresponding to serial ports which indicate speci?c equipment connected to the controller. The NTA manages the addresses of the unassigned controllers (fractals) that could be used as a controller in the system, and the STA manages the speci?cation of controllers that are currently working in the system.

The FSM manages the following information that constitutes a fractal’s status:

Hierarchical position of the fractal: Fractals are normally classified into hierarchical levels such as top, intermediate, and bottom. If a fractal belongs to the top-level, it naturally does not have any information about the fractal in the level above it; in other words, it has a null character in the address field for the upper-level fractal. A fractal belonging to an intermediate level has information about both its upper-level and sub-level fractals. A bottom-level fractal does not have any sub-fractals and is directly connectedtoequipment. It alsohasa null


character in the address field for the sub-level fractals in FAM. Information about controlling equipment: In fact, a fractal in any level in the hierarchy can control equipment. If a fractal is directly connected to and controls equipment, it has to manage information about the equipment. In such cases, the FAM keeps and manages the equipment address, and the FSM monitors the equipment status (e.g. busy, idle, or non-operational).

Information about currently processing jobs: The FSM manages information about the current work being processed according to job profiles or job schedules. It monitors and manages information about


Fig. 12. Use-case diagram for managing resources in the FrMS. all of the jobs that have been or are being processed in the fractal. Product information: When a fractal controls machine equipment (e.g. machining center, lathe, and milling machine), it has to deal with a product. In that case, the FSM manages product information. 5.4. Management of product data

The product class is created and managed by the FSM in the FrMS. The attributes of the product class include (1) product_id, (2) priority, (3) processing status, and (4) time information such as arrival time, desired release time, expected machining time, and due date. Normally, the fractals (bottom-level fractals) that control equipment have detailed information about products, while upper-level fractals manage abstracted information. For example, a bottom-level fractal manages all of the aforementioned information about the product in the course of processing jobs, whereas a top-level fractal keeps only abstract information about the product such as product_ids, the number of products, and references to product classes. Information in a product class is passed to another fractal along with the movement of a physical


part. Until a product is completely manufactured, information about the product is maintained by fractals through their coordination and cooperation. Unlike in the holonic manufacturing system, there is no particular component in charge of the products in the FrMS.

6. Development of prototype agents Before developing all 18 agents of a fractal as described earlier in this paper, a DMA and an NEA have ?rst been developed as a prototype implementation. The major focus of this development was the implementation of the functions of MANPro. Each agent has been designed with UML and developed with AgletsTM [22,29]. AgletsTM is the JavaTM-based agent development tool developed by IBM Japan. Environments are provided on the host computers by specialized servers which understand the Agent Transfer Protocol (ATP) and provide security and other services. The most important reason to use a JavaTM-based language is to facilitate platform-independent systems. Furthermore, AgletsTM is an open source program so that programmers can customize their own programming environments while they develop agents. The latest version of AgletsTM supports Java2. Fig. 13 illustrates the procedure for creating DMA and NEA from Tahiti, an agent server. Users, however, can operate agents without the Tahiti program by developing and using a customized program similar to Tahiti. The ‘‘create’’ button displays the list of registered agents to the users. When a user chooses DMA from the list, a DMA is created as illustrated in Fig. 13. The ‘‘Make NEA’’ button belonging to the DMA is used to create an NEA. Negotiations between the DMA and the NEA are performed based on the MANPro as illustrated in Fig. 14. As shown in the current address field of each DMA, each DMA is expected to be on a different (distributed) server. As shown in the figure, four prototype agents have been tested on the same machine (POSCIM) with different port numbers (e.g. 4434, 4444, 4445, 4446) for the ease of presentation. Similarly, the same system has been successfully tested on distributed machines. The current status display of the agents in Fig. 14 shows that an NEA has been created by a DMA (port: 4434), and it is currently


traveling according to its traveling list. The status display also says that the NEA has just finished negotiating with a DMA (port: 4445), and it is about to physically move to another DMA (port: 4446). After ?nishing negotiations with all the other DMAs, it will be returned to the original place (DMA, port: 4434) and will submit the ?nal report to the DMA. The time taken for the NEA to travel these DMAs is less than a second, but will vary depending on the functions of the NEA. The execution time in a MANPro-based negotiation may be arguable by other researchers. However, owing to the rapid increase of computing power, the execution time will be signi?cantly reduced, and, therefore, it will not be a major burden in the near future.

Fig. 13. The procedure for making DMA and NEA from Tahiti. 7. Conclusion

The FrMS has autonomy, ?exibility, and a high degree of self-similarity, and it is based on the concept of autonomous cooperating multi-agents referred to as fractals. The FrMS has many advantages that arise from fractal-specific characteristics including self-similarity, self-organization, and goal-orientation, particularly in a distributed and dynamic environment. The most outstanding function of the FrMS is the dynamic restructuring process, and it allows the FrMS to be more


Fig. 14. Negotiations between NEA and DMAs.

efficient and effective by reconfiguring fractals. In this paper, several fractal-specific characteristics and the DRP are described and modeled with UML diagrams. Agents for an FrMS are also described and modeled with UML. The use of UML allows not only an easy understanding of a system but also various other advantages mentioned in this paper. Through the dynamic modeling of the interactions among agents, an FrMS is now ready to be implemented containing several types of agents defined in this paper. This paper has also clarified the activities of agents based on inter- and intra-fractal activities. Information and messages regarding resources (equipment) are de?ned in detail along with exemplary equipment, and a method to deal with resource data and product data is presented. To test a new negotiation scheme for agents, the prototype agents (DMA and NEA) have been developed and tested based on the MANPro. The implementation and testing of a complete FrMS is left for further research.



This work was supported in part by the grant No. 2001-1-31500-005-1 from the Basic Research Program of the Korea Science & Engineering Foundation and the BK 21 Project in 2002. The authors would like to express their gratitude for the support. References

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KwangyeolRyu isa PhDcandidateinthe Department of Industrial Engineering at Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH) in Korea. He received his BS and MS degrees in industrial engineering from POSTECH in 1997 and 1999, respectively. His research interests include mobile agent systems, distributed and dynamic control of automated manufacturing system focusing on the fractal manufacturing system (FrMS), and integration of supply chains based on the fractal concept.

Dr. Youngjun Son is an assistant professor in the Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering at University of Arizona. Dr. Son received his BS degree in industrial engineering with honors from POSTECH in Korea in 1996 and his MS and PhD degrees in industrial


and manufacturing engineering from Penn State University in 1998 and 2000, respectively. His research work involves distributed and hybrid simulation for analysis and control of automated manufacturing system and integrated supply-chain. Dr. Son was the Rotary International Multi-Year Ambassadorial Scholar in 1996, the Council of Logistics Management Scholar in 1997, and the recipient of the Graham Endowed Fellowship for Engineering at Penn State University in 1999. He was the faculty advisor for the University of Arizona team that was awarded first place in the eighth IIE/Rockwell Software Student Simulation Contest. He is an associate editor of the

International Journal of Modeling and Simulation and a professional member of ASME, IEEE, IIE, INFORMS, and SME. Dr. Mooyoung Jung is a professor of Industrial Engineering at Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH) in Korea. Since receiving his PhD in 1984 from Kansas State University, Prof. Jung has published more than 130 technical papers in the ?elds of CIM, Intelligent Manufacturing, and Agile Manufacturing. He is currently an associate editor of the Journal of Design and Manufacturing Automation and an editorial board member of the International Journal of Industrial Engineering and the International Journal of Computers & Industrial Engineering. His current research includes web services technology, distributed manufacturing systems, and bio-informatics.




工业工程部、浦项科技大学、浦项、南韩及工业系统工程系,美国亚利桑那大学图森、M110-AZ,2002年9月9日收到, 2003年4月16日接受。

摘要:为了应付瞬息万变的市场环境,要求生产制造系统必须具有灵活、适应性强、可重复使用. 制造系统的分形剂,是制造新的模式,必须解决这些问题. 由管理的若干个''基本内容'',每个又有5个功能模块组成: (1)观察者,(2)分析者,(3)组织者, (四)解答者、(五)记录者. 每个单元,使用代理技术,自主处理,同时与其他国家进行谈判和合作自己的工作. 由此建设一个自我相似高度的主要分形特征. 尽管有许多的有利条件,但并未成功地得到详细说明和贯彻使用,因为到目前为止,还陷在未解决的苦难中. 在这篇文章中,每个代表的静态功能和动态特性使用统一的建模语言(UML). 然后,代表之间的关系,每一个工作人员的机制,一些分形的具体特点(自我相似、自我组织、目标导向)用UML模式. 那么,一种处理几种服务信息方法被提供,如产品信息、订货、资源的管理信息. 最后,提出一个典型的资源初步利用列. #2003ElsevierB.V.保留一切权利. 关键字:不规则碎片制造系统(处);技术人员; UML;型号

简称:FRMs、分形制造系统; BFU、分形的基本单位; DRP,动态调整进程;UML,语言模型; HMS、生产体系;预算管理系统、仿生/生物制造系统;保险合同网议定书;MANPRO,移动公司基本谈判进程;制图、网络监控代理;医疗设备监管机构; SEA,公司计划评价; DRA,金额调整规则;RSA,实时仿真剂;SGA,地铁代理人;GFA,形成目标剂;TGA,经纪人管理工作;香港新闻行政人员协会、谈判代理;KDA、知识数据库代理;DMA、决策机构;FSM,管理状况分形;FAM,分形处理经理;REA,重组机构;NCA,国家版权局、指挥网络公司;ECA,非洲经委会、装备指挥机构;STA,系统代理;NTA,网络代理;MP,材料加工;MH、物资搬运,物资运输;BS,缓冲储存;MRP,物质清除处理;MFP,形成材料加工;MIP,材料检查处理器;PD,过滤设备;


FMH,混合材料处理;MMH,动产搬运物资;FMT,规定运输物资;MMT,动产物资运输;ABS,流动缓冲储存;PBS,被动缓冲储存的电子邮件地址:Myjung@postech.ac.kr(M6月). *相关作者. 电话.:T82-54-279-2191;传真:T82-54-279-5998. 0166年至3615年/$-#2003ElsevierB.V.事项见前面保留一切权利. DOI:10.1016/s0166-3615(03)00099-X 1.介绍

面对日益推向全球市场的激烈的竞争,生产企业已经重整生产系统,以实现计算机集成制造系统(国际). 监测的主要目标包括,但不一定限于,降低生产成本,快速响应客户要求,缩短交货时间、提高产品质量[1-3]. 然而,计算机集成制造系统的发长是一个非常复杂的活动,向计算机集成制造系统的演变已经比预期的[4-5]要慢. 这可直接归因于软件开发和维护成本高. 因此,为了实现竞争优势,在动荡的全球市场,生产企业必须从各个角度改变制造工艺,包括订购、产品设计、工艺规划、生产、销售等。作为控制模型实施监测系统、等级分解车间活动已普遍使用的车间控制系统、中心部分是一个监测系统 。一般来说,一个中央数据库,为全球的整体制度,它们控制产生和执行时间表. 比其他诸如不同种类的控制,分级管理是不太容易理解和重复控制结构. 然而,它有一个致命的弱点是一个小的改变,就会大大影响水平等级的制度. 因此, 比起不断变化的环境,通常说的计算机制造系统等级管理制度更适合于生产环境较稳定的环境中,因为它是采用控制系统立即改变设备. 进一步说,它很难满足客户需求的不断变化,因为分级管理体制不够灵活处理改装店. 因此,制造系统的未来应该是灵活性高,更容易适应动态的环境. 此外,它应该是一个具有明智、自治、分配制度独立的功能模块.

为应付这些要求,制造新的模式,如仿生/生物制造系统(预算管理系统)[6,7],holonic制造系统(英国)[8,9],分形制造系统[10-13]已经被提出. TharumarajahetAl. [14]提供了比较全面预算管理系统,以及设计和经营管理方面的方法. 管理是一个新的制造分形的概念,源自介绍Warnecke[13]. 它的指导思想是自主与多营,称为不规则碎片形.FrMS的基本部分被称为分形的基本单位,由五个功能单元包括观察、分析者、解决者、组织者、记录


者. 分形的建筑模型是由等级结构建筑构成的内容框架,并设计了包括基本单位在内的一套相关的属性,是完全可以放在12等级中的任何级别的. 换句话说,这个词'分形'能代表整个制造业的最高级别或物理机械的最下面一级.当试图达到目标时,每架根据个体提供的服务目标级别,独立为目标的实现而努力.

一个FrMS有许多资源优势,积极为分布制造环境. 在自动调整过程中,使用强有力的制度是最鲜明的特征. 本文的范围,不包括重新调整硬件和外部设计图[15]. 相反,它的重点是内部结构软件,操作软件可以调整. 调整或重新考虑这两个文件的动态分类和人员构筑/破坏/经纪人克隆,影响了许多代理人制度. 功能在特定的分形并非首次安装的管理. 重新讨论这个文件还包括代理人的情况没改变,就是一个新的代理人指定的目标,新的就业机会,但并未改变其组成. 本文的焦点是模型代理和分形的具体特点,为FrMA的发展提供了基础. 由于相关的困难,至今没有分形被体现出来,必须首先明确界定的概念、机制特点. 这份文件的目的,是要明确分形模式的制造系统的特点. 为培养代理 ,内分形活动首次澄清. 随后,各代理商和动态活动方式代理关系被确定. 为了更充分地开发资源,一些分形的特性也被仿效. 为支持体现特色的方式来处理有关产品订货、财政资源的调查. 通过这一研究机构和人员的管理特色,FrMS能够以简单的图象描述,使系统更易于理解. 这个文件内包含的工作,扩展了FrMS,并详细说明,强调其特征. 活动的活动模式,用指定代理人,代理人可以利用模型预测其未来的活动,活动举办的时间. 其他组织如下:第二部分,功能介绍公司动态活动的功能和使用统一建模语言活动模式. 第三部分,国际和国内活动具体分形. 一些分形,用UML特性介绍第4模式. 第五部分描述的方法是处理有关的产品和资源的管理. 第六是结论文件.

2. 以代理人为基础的不规则碎片形制造业系统 (FrMS)

FrMS的背景。FrMS 的概观在图 1 中被描述。每层控制的系统结构功能由自我相似功能模块组成. 另外,每个单元,不论其等级,都有一组人员. 在最初的制度体系,该体系结构可能需要重新针对突发事件,如机器故障. 该系统还需要一系列的调整, 由于客户需求的变化,将部分生产制度变革. 在这种情况下, 通


过适当的行动机构的工作机制,自主地、动态管理不规则碎片形的结构转变. 图 1 展示两个设备地面区域规划和不规则碎片形的对应作文在更改结构程序之前和之后。. 当机器(M)、机器人(R3)加入系统,不规则碎片形其内部结构调整的动力机制,在改革过程中的一种方式,系统继续工作的最大效益. 由五个功能模块的分形显示其特殊关系.每个单元的功能的界定取决于其应用领域.

但是,在确定目标方面,各主要功能模块将整个系统连贯起来. 例如,解决者可能有不同的功能, 举例来说,解决者的功能可能是不同的,依靠其是否为了控制一个制造系统或者管理供应链被定义。 不过,主要的功能是制造系统的解决者,其他类似解决者,不分层次的体系架构. 被一个级别的分形有类似功能的传统设备的SFCs控制,一个分形直接连接设备(如机械、机器人等)、信号接收设备及感官讯息或指挥效益. 观察员的职责是监督国家的部队,接受来自外部的不规则碎片形的信息,将综合信息通讯. 分析者的功能,是其他工作概况与分析现状资料,利率调规则,模拟分析工作概况实事. 最后分析的结果报告给解决者,让解决者可以用它们来作决定.解决者扮演最重要的角色,分形、创造就业概况、目标形成过程和决策过程.

1. 该系统采用动态调整重组的过程管理.



在目标形成过程中,运用各种分解器,启发和优化数字技术的分形优化的目标. 如有必要,解决者执行谈判、合作与协调不规则碎片形. 组织者的职能是管理和分形处理情况,特别是动态调整过程. 主办者可利用数字技术,找到最佳配置的优化配置. 分形的使用情况,是从不同的就业形象中选择最佳的就业选择,分形是用来解决实际,寻找解决的不规则碎片形(如Machine_name,Port_number等)的网络. 记者的职责是报告结果全过程的分形情况. 对于一个底部级控制,分形类似传统设备的控制. 因此,大部分的信息指挥控制系统硬件. 2.2. FrMS的代理人

技术人员已被广泛应用,包括信息收集和过滤[16]、知识管理[17]、供应链管理[18]、生产结构、系统设计[19-21]. 而性质和特征取决于代理人,发现一些共同的特点,不同应用如下:自主控制能力和行动,以实现自己的目标. 流动迁移能力与其他地方的位置(代理人必须有一个流动性剂,又称软体或固定剂). 智能学习和解决问题的能力. 合作性帮助他人的能力,如果可以接受,


并要求别人. 适应性能力在各个领域得到了有效利用. 可靠性能力处理情况不明(动乱),若继续实施行动等人员的流动有益于分布特征和动力系统. 一个移动的代理人对它开始实行的系统不是约束的。资讯科技能从一个网络的一个系统到另外的自由地在网络和传送中的控制器之中旅行它本身的职能。 以下是利用移动代理在系统内的一些优势[22] :(1)减少了网络负荷,(2)它克服了网络缺点,(3)它概括议定书(4) 它非同步地而且自主地运行、(5)它动态地适应、(6)自然是参差不齐、(七)它是强健地和宽容地. 实现 FrMS 的功能组件的代理人的类型和功能已经是被描述,而且他们已经开发较早公布地文献[11].这篇文章提高而且精炼代理人的先前定义的类型和功能,以便使他们能在系统中成功地运行不规则碎片形的功能。术语‘‘-M '' 和‘‘ - S'' 被分别标在表达每个移动的代理人和软件代理人的缩写的名字之后。

2.2.1. 作为一位观察者的代理人

网络监听代理人(NMA-S): 资讯科技通过传输控制协议

TCP/IP 检测来自其他的不规则碎片形的信息。资讯科技接受来自上面人的信息/相同的/ 水平比较低的不规则碎片形, 像是对谈判,谈判答复,工作次序,状态数据, 等等的请求。资讯科技检测经过一个连续的沟通记录 , 像是 RS232/422 直接地来自仪器的信息。 关于包括指出开始和完成的工作被 EMA 发现的信号仪器的状态资讯。 然而, 不规则碎片形如果不被包含在底级之中,不需要直接地控制仪器。 2.2.2. 作为一个分析者的代理人

预定评估代理人(SEA-S): 海洋评估工作被解决者描绘。 资讯科技帮助分解者选择关于不规则碎片形的最好工作描绘。 匹配- 规则的等级代理人 (DRA-S):资讯科技为达成像最短的处理时间 (SPT) 这样的一些规则之中的目标选择最好的配送规

则, 最早的约定日期(EDD),等等。 即时的模拟代理人 (RSA-S): RSA 向分解器报告模拟的结果。 2.2.3. 作为解决者的代理人

预定世代代理人 (SGA-M): 资讯科技为达成不规则碎片形的目标产生操作的指令或其它可能的描绘工作。 在分析者的评


估和替代选择的分析之后, SGA 选择最好的工作描绘。 资讯科技一定为了要使用分析者的海洋, DRA 和 RSA, 有可动性。 资讯科技修正从高水平传递的不规则碎片形,而且试着使这个目标通过不规则碎片形的目前情形完成。 GFA 把不规则碎片形的目标分为一些子目标, 而且派遣他们给子不规则碎片形。工作管辖代理人 (TGA-S): TGA 产生来自最好的工作描绘和它的目标工作。 资讯科技也在达成目标不规则碎片形之后运行工作。 当它的表演工作完的时候,它送承给它的寄件人。 谈判代理人 (NEA-M): 为了递送谈判信息或者聚焦由叁与代理人被产生的谈判答复,资讯科技移到其他的不规则碎片形。出自前评估的不合理答复的资讯科技的过滤器处理进程,并且把其余者带回分解器。 知识数据库代理人 (KDA-M): KDA 唤起来自知识数据库的知识数据作出决定。 资讯科技累积新的知识或更新现有的知识。 决策的代理人:(DMA-S) 资讯科技在做出决定期间运行一些操作。 为了使用知识数据库,一个DMA产生 NEAs 同其他的不规则碎片形和KDAs。 在作出决定之后,the DMA 产生一些 TGAs 。 进一步,the DMA 为谈判提供上下文给代理人。 2.2.4. 作为组织者的代理人

不规则碎片形状态经理 (FSM-S): FSM 收集而且处理关于作为分析者的工作描绘的不规则碎片形的状态资讯。 资讯科技也作对来自其他的不规则碎片形的状态请求谈判答复。一个不规则碎片形的地址是特定不规则碎片形的在网上物理地址,例如一个IP地址。记者使用不规则碎片形的地址确定工作和信息的目的地。 更改结构代理人(REA-M):资讯科技完成与动态更新程序相关的一些操作,像 BFU 世代, BFU 删除这样的程序 , 和不规则碎片形的评估的一些操作。不规则碎片形的表现是它的利用, 举例来说加工工作或在总时间内处理时间的部分总数, 等等。如果REA决定一个不规则碎片形需要更改结构,它聚集关于不规则碎片形和网络地址的资讯 , 和不规则碎片形状态。 资讯科技移到DMA而且让它为一个更改结构程序产生一系列的工作。 克隆机制被用来产生新的 BFU 。 在创造之后, REA区别FAM其他不规则碎片形的当前地址。 2.2.5. 作为记者的代理人


所有的工作或信息被NCA递送到其他不规则碎片形。 NCA 在开始移动到其他的地方遵从旅行目录之前,从 FAM 获取目的地的网络住址而且通知 TGAs 和 NEAs 它。 仪器指令代理人

(ECA-S): 当 ECA 为控制来自 TGA 的仪器获取而工作的时候,它叙述或把工作分为能被仪器接受而且运行的一些指令。 然后它把机器指令送到仪器。 像EMA一样,ECA 在底部级者不需要一个不规则碎片形。 除了五个功能的代理人之外,一些其他的代理人是动作相似的不规则碎片形对成份的需要。

2.2.6. 代理系统的各种代理人 (STA-S): 资讯科技管理硬件设备

和基本物理控制器操作系统。 资讯科技维持控制器的规格以便REA能为一个必须在更改结构程序的期间被建立,如在可得的候选人之中的一个不规则碎片形的新控制器找适当的规格。 资讯科技也能帮助为仪器把注意给有关软件装置的事做准备工作 , 像是制造目录或安装驾驶员装置制代理人。 网络代理人

(NTA-S): 资讯科技处理系统的未被标志的控制器的网络住址。 如果系统在更改结构程序期间需要较多的控制器, REA确定来自复制代理人前的 NTA 的关于未被标志的控制器的资讯。当一个不规则碎片形改变关于未被标志的控制器的资讯时候, 它一定通知其他的不规则碎片形以便他们能更新他们的数据。 2.3. UML 的代理人模型

为了要使系统建筑学易管理和可以理解,密集的系统程序人工品能被表达,指定,可见, 构筑, 而且证明。 近几年来, 一个统一的模型语言已经为分析和设计物体定向 (OO) 系统从较早的方法中出现。 1997 年, 为仿制各种有前景的系统模型,UML作为一个有潜力的标准,被物体管理团体认可和接受[23]. UML 是一种简单,可表达的,可展开的,和可见的模型语言 [24]. UML 被建立在物体定向的基础之上, 而且使关于不同的观点一个模型的建筑的重要元素能够抽出,独立的系统范围。 因为许多 UML 工具支持自动程序密码来自UML模型,所以资讯科技主要地用来发展控制软件。 在这篇文章中, UML 同FrMS 的模型被建立在代理人为基础的系统之上。 2.3.1. UML为什么?

UML 提供一些有利的特征给仿制一个系统 [25].因为它的语意


学来自 Booch , 物体仿制技术 (OMT), 和物体定向的软件工程学 (OOSE) ,所以首先,它使系统的模型能够使用 OO 观念。 尤其,‘‘包裹的使用'' 支援 OO 观念允许使用者反复地精炼模型。其次,它统一一些模型远景, 不同类型系统 (生意和软件比较) 和不同的发展促使模型逐步实行 (需求分析,设计和落实) 。 来自不同的远景的各种不同类型的模型能容易地与一个文件一起处理。 第三,许多 UML 工具自动地产生来自一个模型的概略原始码。 举例来说, 理性的 RoseTM 支持在C/Ctt , Visual Basic ,爪哇/J2EE 中编码世代,Ada 83 世/95. 资讯科技也支持可展开的涨价 Language_Data 类型定义 (XML_DTD) 和通常的物体请求经纪人建筑学 (CORBA) 。第四,UML 支持被认为物体是限制语言 (OCL) 对模型叙述限制和其他的表达附件的正式限制语言的使用。 OCL 是一种保持容易的为把不含糊的限制加入一个模型读而且写的正式语言。 UML 的最后一个利益是它支援被认为是 OMG 的一个标准的样板受到驱策的建筑学

(MDA) 。 MDA 地址设计,展开,整合, 而且管理申请和使用开着的标准数据的完全生活周期。 资讯科技也提供开放的,厂商-中立者达成互通性的挑战方式。

图 3. 班级不规则碎片形代理人的图表。


2.3.2. 做为一个 FrMS 和 UML 模型的代理人

不规则碎片形代理人被藉由使用如图 3 所显示的一个班级图表做模型。 一个班级图表描述被用在一个物体定向的系统的物体类型, 而且定义在他们之间的关系类型的物体类型。 每个班级的属性和操作用来定义在他们之间的物体类型和限制。 可得的在 UML 的班级模型中的四类型的关系是协会,集合,一般化和属国。 (例示) 图 3 使用唯一的协会班级图表 (uni- 而且双方向的) 和属国。 协会关系,最一般的关系,提供一条路,给在包括一个班级和一个接口的样板成份之间的沟通。 属国是一个班级的一个变化将会影响另一个的二个班级之间的关系分类。 铅版通常为表现样板元素的子分类被用于 UML 模型。 除了被预先定义的铅版之外,使用者能定义根据客户需要而修改的铅版。 图 3 的一些班级有一个铅版呼叫了一个实体, 被表现如一个圣像 (有底线的圆周). 同时, 一些其他的铅版被用,诸如使用, 产生, 而且支持等,在对于班级之间的协会之上。 另外地,多数价值通常用来指出物体或班级可能参与给定的关系多少。 举例来说,在DMA和 TGA 之间的 uni- 方向的协会有铅版产生和二多数价值: 1 和 1,. 。 。,. 资讯科技一个DMA班级能产生超过一个 TGA 班级的方法.( 星号价值表现任何的积极完整的事物价值) 为了要单一化班级图表,属性和班级的操作在图 3 中被省略。 同时, 一些其他的代理人对于 FrMS 必需被省略,把重心集中在不规则碎片形代理人之间的关系。 这些班级 (DMA) 之一将会在这篇文章的后面的细节中被详细解释。 一个不规则碎片形的每个代理人已经与一个班级图表和一个活动图表一起做模型。 一个活动图表作为为班级定义特定的活动和描述转变。 图 4 举例说明DMA的班级图表,分解器的代理人之一。与图 3 的被单一化的版本相较,有图 4 的一些另外的班级,包括状态数据班级,目标班级,不规则碎片形表现班级和决策的规则班级。

DMA的状态活动和转变经由活动图表在图 5 中被做模型。同形的结尾一个长方形用来定义物体的活动或行为; 一个圆形的长方形用来表现活动图表的物体状态; 而且当决定被需要的时候,一个钻石被使用。 在行动或静态之间的转变被表现如一


图 4. DMA的班级图表。

支箭。 转变可能有事件, 一个铅版,争论,情况和行动,由于如‘‘事件 (args) 的 UML 语法[情况]: 行动''. 转变能被决定和可适用情况分离。 举例来说, DMA (见到图 5) 的情况,下一个活动在运行‘‘之后获得输入''活动可能是仰赖被收到的输入的六个行动之一。 注意, 如表 1 所示,一些情况被象征价值表现 (c0 , c1,. 。 。,c8) 单一化图嘿; b;ci 指出 a 之一, b,或 c 是情况的预先有不可的流程, 和 [一] 情况在不可能是可适用之后的方法一。 图 5 的其他逻

辑 (活动,州,决定和转变) 能从英国人被推论出。


图 5. DMA的活动图表

3. FrMS 的代理人的活动

在 FrMS 中,代理人处理没有人类干涉的所有的程序和工作。 一些活动在不规则碎片形里面被处理而其他的活动需要与在另外的一个不规则碎片形中存在的其他代理人的合作。 代理人的活动进入二个种类之内被分类: 在不规则碎片形内活动 (在一个不规则碎片形中被处理的活动) 和在不规则碎片形之间的活动 (被一些不规则碎片形的合作处理的活动). FrMS 的代理人的活动分类在图 6 中被概述。 大多数的不规则碎片形的特性被讲到在不规则碎片形之间的活


动 , 像是谈判,目标定位 , 和更改动态结构程序。 3.1.不规则碎片形内活动

为了控制 FrMS,代理人参与用他们的特定角色处理工作。 被运行的代理人的活动在一个不规则碎片形里面与包括输入/输出控制,与程序安排的其他制造业的系统类似,任务量,任务的表现和仪器控制。 分别地来自其他的不规则碎片形和仪器的输入被 NMA 和 EMA 控制。 许多代理人必须为计划安排活动合作。 代理人处理计划安排程序包括: (1) 一个分解器的分析者 , TGA 和DMA, DRA 和 RSA, 和 (3)FSM的一个组织者 。 DMA首先产生其它可能的工作描绘,而且SEA评估他们。在 DRA 选择有关于状态和不规则碎片形的目标最好的配送规则之后,RSA 获得使用即时的模拟被评估的工作描绘。DMA从 RSA 得到模拟的结果产生 TGAs 。 如果在行程安排程序期间是由于需要其他的不规则碎片形的一个谈判,DMA聚集产生 NEAs 必需的数据。 在完成时间表之后,TGA 开始工作。关于数据的管理, FSM 处理不规则碎片形状态数据,FAM 处理不规则碎片形住址,而且 STA 保存控制器的规格。 每个 TGA 的工作被指定遗嘱运行者完成,被指定给一个特别的不规则碎片形的工作。DMA与一个知识数据库互动,而且使用有争议的知识为创造 KDAs 作出决定。 一个不规则碎片形有 EMA 和 ECA 控制系统的仪器。 EMA 检测来自仪器和 ECA 的知觉信号送给对仪器的 TGA 做出的指令。 3.2. 在不规则碎片形之间的活动

因为它是必要的,所以在不规则碎片形之间的一个谈判是 FrMS 的最重要的程序,以使代理人作出决定并且自主地而且互相结合地处理工作。

NEA 是掌管谈判,被DMA产生。 为了把一种谈判能力强加于代理人, 被史密斯计划的契约网记录 (CNP)。[26] 仍然广泛地被用。 当谈判程序暗示一个重的沟通负荷的时候,然而,根据网络带宽 CNP 是贵的。 因为这一个理由,这篇文章的谈判程序跟随被外胫 et al 介绍的 MANPro 。 [27]. MANPro 应用代理人的可动性和复制机制。 MANPro 的最好利益是网络的减少负荷没有烦扰的申请程序。 当以 CNP 为基础的谈判被用的时候,如图 7 所举例,沟通在控制器罐子负担之间装载系统。 这是因为控制器之间的连结必须被一直维护。 另一方面,只有当一个代理人从发行者移到叁加者的时候,以


图 6. 区域、跨机构的活动.

图 7. 以 CNP 为基础的谈判和以 MANPro 为基础的谈判比较。 MANPro为基础的谈判产生网络负荷。 因此,它能除去代理人必须检测沟通信息的额外网络操作。在控制器之间的所有沟通在被建立谈判的 CNP 中全球性地被运行,不过他们不需要使用被建立谈判的 MANPro 的网络资源就能地方性地被运行。 履行谈判地方性地能减少网络信息的数量。 以 MANPro 为基础的谈判,因此,对在代理人之中的谈判是更有益的。

FrMS 的代理人总是追求他们自己的目标。 如果必需的,他们和其它发行竞标而且商议制造一个完全的目标。 目标形成的程序是由在叁加不规则碎片形而且修正他们,如必需的之中协调程序产生目标的程序 [13]. GFA 是为这一个目的存在代理人。GFA 接受来自 NMA 的一个不完全的目标而且制造子目标或者修正不规则碎片形的现在目标。 在目标形成程序的时候, GFA与DMA和 FSM 合作。 动态更改结构程序是 FrMS 的代理人的最重要活动。 资讯科技经过复杂的工作被运行包括谈判,目标形成 , 和任务生成。 DRP 被一个组织者的代理人之一开始提到当做REA。 DRP 使一个系统能够由配置网络成份之间的连结将它的结构最佳化。 如果不规则碎片形的工


作量用其他代理人的帮助超过一个特定的界限,再一个开始 DRP 。 一个新的不规则碎片形可能被产生,或现有的不规则碎片形可能使DRP 的结果被重新组织。当 DRP 在 FrMS 被需要的时候,不规则碎片形首先改变他们的网络连接, 然后重新组织他们的结构是更有效的。 为了要稳固地运行 DRP ,为了在系统中用做一个控制者,它被假定总是有足够适当的硬件。 关于 DRP 的较多细节将会在区段中被呈现。

4. 特性不规则碎片形的特性和 UML 模型

区别来自其他的制造业的系统 FrMS 的特性包括 (1) 自我的类似,(2)自我组织 , 和 (3) 目标定位。 特别地, 动态更改结构自己的部份程序组织是最有特色的特性。这一个区段描述有关于 UML 模型的不规则碎片形的特性,在叁加代理人之中把重心集中在他们的程序和关系上. 4.1. 自我相似性

自我相似性,不规则碎片形的一个固有特性, 涉及不仅组织设计的结构特性 , 而且在完成一个工作 (服务), 连同形成和追求目标的样本周围画线 [13]. 为了达成一个制造业的系统目标,能有关于个别的问题各种不同的可能解决方案。 即使在那里可能存在有周围的环境系统,情况或情形相同目标的一些成份可能对每个成份是不同的。 这能造成有同一目标不规则碎片形,而他们的输入和输出变数有相当不同内在的结构。 如果二个不规则碎片形为相同的输入反馈相同的输出,他们被认为‘‘自我相似性'',即使他们的内在结构是不同的。这一个特性能肯定地用来发展设计控制软件逐步运行,因为控制组件或代理人能从通常的结构被产生。因此,由于不规则碎片形的自我相似性,一个以高水平被设计的不规则碎片形能在FrMS中被适用于其他水平。 4.2. 自我组织

自我组织被讲到 FrMS 的一个理论上的方法和一个操作的方法。理论上的方法提到到如自己的-最佳化被定义为适当数字化的方法,申请将一个系统的不规则碎片形的表现最佳化。 它为设计不规则碎片形的结构,文章和关系提供数学的背景给 FrMS 。从各种不同的最佳化技术,不规则碎片形选择并且使用一个适当的方法,有一个最佳的规格。 关于最佳化技术的细节是超过这一篇文章的范


围。 更改结构程序 (操作的方法) 的动态支持网络之间的连结,不规则碎片形改组,以便 FrMS 能被适应最佳化而且动态地变更环境。 DRP 不断地改变不规则碎片形的目标和外部的环境情况的整个系统的结构。 举例来说, 一般推想一件料想不到的事件导致一个控制器发生故障,或必须在一个系统中被生产的部份类型改变。 在那种情况下, 控制器需要被改变或重新组织。 FrMS 能通过使用 DRP 自动地而且动态地执行来自人类操作员的小干涉运行这些工作。 REA 在一个组织者中领导DRP。 DRP 的活动被由使用如图 8 所举例的一个活动图表做模型。 如果REA决定运行以不规则碎片形的表现周期评估的结果为基础的 DRP,它首先由雇用资源 作不规则碎片形的新结构。 如果它需要以其他的不规则碎片形商议, REA也雇用DMA。REA送地址数据的请求给 NTA。 如果系统需要较多的控制器,它也为一个新的控制器送规格请求到 FSM 。 然后REA送一个请求给 FAM ,获得与 DRP 有关的不规则碎片形的地址。 REA 产生一个更改结构信息, 而且告知DMA,DRP 使它产生更改结构不规则碎片形的一系列的工作。 每个TGAs 的工作被指定遗嘱运行者引导与 DRP- 相关的工作。 最后, REA 告知 FAM 在 DRP 能完成之前 , 不规则碎片形地址数据必须被更新。

4.3. 目标定位

目标定位符合不规则碎片形代理人的被给与动机的活动。 为了要互相亲合着地在程序期间达成代理人和不规则碎片形的目标,被一个遗传机制支持的目标一致性应该被维护。 FrMS 继续为了要解决冲突操作而且使用调和系统 , 自主地发展每个目标。 基本上,有效率的制造可能是一个平常的目标。 符合周围的环境,然而,一个目标可能被改变到某事,像在最早的可能时间完成制造或将缺点减到最少。 高的水平目标的变化引起次不规则碎片形的目标变化。 在底部级者,当一个不规则碎片形控制机制中心的时候,缩短处理时间或工具路径的最佳化可能是可仿效的目标。从最高阶层者到底部级者,每个不规则碎片形的目标继续地被目标产生而且修剪形成处理。 每个目标被达成而且在目标之后,在相反的方向中估定形成。 [13] 指出目标形成程序是在竞争目标之间揭露任何冲突的一个可靠的方法。 系统应该允许不规则碎片形随时用其他的不规则碎片形商议他们的目标,因为预期哪一情形将会需要谈判是非常困难的。


图 8. 为更改结构程序的动态活动图表。

MANPro 的谈判有四时期: (1) 准备,(2)克隆,(3)旅行和评估和 (4) 奖赏[27]. 图 9 和 10 分别地证明了以 MANPro 为基础的谈判程序和 NEA 的活动图表。 当一个不规则碎片形需要和其它商议的时候,DMA在准备状态期间对于代理人旅行决定一条路径,并且产生 NCA 。 然后,在克隆状态期间,DMA创造一个NEA包含关于谈判,预评估,和冲突的解决方法的信息。 在转移到记者之后,为了从其他人搜集谈判答复, NEA 被 NCA 编加密码然后跟随它的旅行目录开始航行。 在一个旅行和评估状期间, NEA 预先评估来自其他的不规则碎片形的谈判答复。 如果答复不符合预评估需求,然后它被降低。它被以别的方式增加到答复目录。 为了要单一化图 10 的 UML 模型,预评估活动被仿做作为一个活动。 在制造一本完全的答复目录之后, NEA 返回到DMA而且为做决策记录必需的结果。 如果DMA决定 awardee(不规则碎片形),在他们被 NCAs 编加密码之后,然后它产生 TGAs 而且送他们给 awardee 。 当不规则碎片形接受来自发行者的工作的时候, 它往回传达一个接受信息以便发行者能破坏作为谈判的 NEA 。


5. FrMS 的数据管理

5.1. 在FrMS中的资源数据模型。

这篇文章里资源意谓着在FrMS里的物理设备, 比如机械手,铣床的仪器,旋转机械,等等。 一个制造业的系统由若干项仪器组成。 Wysketal[28] 识别了仪器的一些级别,现在已经为这项研究的分类被当作一种基础使用。 仪器主要被分为四类包括物质的处理器 (MP) ,物质的处理人 (MH) ,物质的输送人 (MT) 和缓冲储藏 (BS) 。 工厂的每批仪器被归为一类,而且使这些等级中唯一的一类。 通常地,仪器 (E) 被依照下列各项固定的记号法定义, 而且以 UML 如图 11 所显示的班级图表做模型。

图 9. FrMS 的以 MANPro 为基础的谈判。

E = (MP; MH; MT; BS) Where




转换一种产品的仪器被归类为属于MP级。MP被分为四个不同的级别,包括材料处理程序(MRP), 材料成型程序(MFP), 材料检验处理程序(MIP), 和消极的程序(PD)。 属于 MRP , MFP 或 MIP 的仪器需要一个仪器控制器,而 PD 仪器则不需要。被阐明为MRP的设备执行薄片制作程序或者材料去除程序,例如机制中心,转机器,演练 机器,等等。被阐明为MFP的设备执行变形程序,不需要从一个产品 制作薄片,例如形成,锻链,集会,等等。 检查一种产品的所有仪器属于 MIP 。 进入 PD 之内被分类的仪器不需要变更物质的体积

图 10. NEA 的活动图表。

或形状就运行附加的程序。 举例来说, PD 仪器可能改变产品的定


位或一些产品的非几何学特性。 PD 级仪器包括以地心引力为基础的反相器,作完画之后,用热灯将其烘干等。

在一批设备之间转变为产品的设备是MH级。 MH 正常地指出一些类型的机器人,而且它被分为固定的机械手 (FMH) 和可动的物质机械手(MMH)。 MH 班级仪器的控制器用与产品的移动有关的仪器需要同步。 如果一个机械手不需要移动就在一个被指定的位置里面操作,它属于 FMH; 否则它属于 MMH 。 人类的操作员也能被归类为 MMH 。

图 11. 为仪器的分类图表。

移动从一个位置到另外的一个位置的产品仪器是在MT级中。与MT级一样,MT被分为固定的物质输送人 (FMT) 和可动的物质输送人 (MMT) 。 运送装置属于 FMT, 和 AGVs, 叉子卡车,而且人类的操作员属于 MMT 。

储存产品的仪器是在 BS 班级中。 储存产品的一般仪器进入 ABS 或 PBS 之内被分类。 如果储藏仪器需要它自己的控制器,它属于 ABS 班级; 否则它属于 PBS 班级。 为 ABS 仪器控制器的一些需求以 MH 班级仪器,位置配置,能力控制包括同步, 等等因为 PBS 仪器没有它自己的控制器,它一定被使用它的一些其他的控制器控制而且维护。

5.2. 控制仪器的数据

数据和被用于 FrMS 的信息能进入两个主要的种类之内被分类: (1) 持久的数据和信息,(2) 即时的数据和信息。 “持久的”意谓操作和沟通信息以在不规则碎片形的整个生命周期期间存在。 当一个不规则碎片形被为了控制仪器产生的时候, 它能处理相关控制的操作和信息直到它被破坏,否则它的角色被改变。 另一方面,“立即的” 描述操作和沟通信息以能在随时被改变。 表 2 表示数据和信息已


经被在这研究方面定义。 操作和信息与表 2 的可仿效仪器的一些块一起澄清。

如果操作或信息依赖特定的硬件厂商,他们被归类为‘‘特性''. 否则,他们被归类为‘‘通常的''. 包括指令和信号的信息在表 2 中被用斜体字排字。 除此之外,表 3 描述表 2 的被缩写的数据和信息。 举例来说, fr_id(持久的通常数据) 意谓不规则碎片形确认,而且 reset_ml(即时的特定信息) 意谓重新设定铣床的操作。 5.3. 资源数据的管理

FrMS 的资源管理被由使用如图 12 所举例的一个 UML 的使用- 情形图表做模型。 一种使用-情形能被描述为使用来自使用者的远景系统的特定方法。 一个使用- 情形的图表包含演员 , 使用情形 , 和在演员和使用之间的交互作用或关系情形。 交互作用的类型包括协会,属国和一般化。

被称为 FSM 的代理人处理关于资源的信息。 如果一个不规则


碎片形成为一个仪器控制器, FSM 处理仪器状态或信号和不规则碎片形状态。 除了 FSM 之外,下列的代理人也被讲到仪器: (1) FAM , (2)NTA , (3)STA ,(4) EMA 和 (5) ECA。 EMA通过RS-232/422或一个直接连接到仪器的仪器接口接受来自仪器控制器的信号。 ECA 同样地送仪器指令给仪器EMA 。 FAM 处理仪器地址 , 诸如适合对控制器被连接的特定仪器的连续港口的数字。 NTA 处理被未被标记的可能被当作系统的一个控制器使用的控制器 (不规则碎片形) 的地址,而且 STA 处理现在正在系统中工作的控制器的规格。

图 12. 管理 FrMS 的资源使用- 情形的图表。

FSM 处理下列组成不规则碎片形的状态的数据:

不规则碎片形的阶层位置: 不规则碎片形进入阶层的水平 , 像是顶端,中间物和底部之内正常地被分类。 如果一个不规则碎片形属于最高阶层者,它自然地没有在它上面的水平关于不规则碎片形的任何资讯; 换句话说,它对于上面- 水平不规则碎片形,有一个无效力的个性在地址域。 一个属于一个中间水平不规则碎片形有关于两者,它的上面-水平和子水平不规则碎片形的资讯。 一个底部级的不规则碎片形没有任何的子不规则碎片形并且直接地被连接到仪器。

踏对于 FAM 的子水平不规则碎片形也有地址的一个无效力的


个性领域。 关于控制仪器的资讯: 事实上,阶级组织的任何水平的一个不规则碎片形都能控制仪器。如果一个不规则碎片形直接地被连接到控制仪器,它必须处理关于仪器的资讯。 在这种情况下, FAM 保存而且处理仪器地址,而且 FSM 检测仪器状态。 ( 举例来说忙碌的,懒惰的, 或非操作的) 关于现在处理工作的资讯: FSM 处理关于被依照工作处理描绘或工作时间表的现在工作的资讯。 它

检测而且处理关于所有的工作资讯已经被或是正在不规则碎片形中被处理。 产品数据: 当一个不规则碎片形控制机器仪器 ( 举例来


说机制中心,车床和铣床) 的时候,它必须处理一种产品。 在那情况下, FSM 处理产品数据。 5.4. 产品数据的管理

产品等级被 FrMS 的 FSM 产生而且处理。产品等级的属性包括 (1) 产品属性 ,(2)优先性,(3) 处理地位性和 (4) 时间数据 , 诸如抵达时间,渴望解放时间,期望解放时间,和决定日期。 正常地, 控制仪器的不规则碎片形 (底部- 水平不规则碎片形)已经详细说明关于产品的资讯,而上面- 水平不规则碎片形处理抽象的数据。 举例来说个底部级的不规则碎片形在处理所有的关于处理工作期间的信息,然而一个最高阶层的不规则碎片形只保存关于产品的抽象信息 , 产品属性,产品的数字和关于产品等级的参考。 信息在一个产品等级中连同实际的运动部份一起被传给另外的一个不规则碎片形。 直到一种产品完全地被制造,关于这个产品的信息被不规则碎片形通过他们的协调与合作保持。 不像在制造系统中, 没有特别的成份掌管 FrMS 的产品。 6. 原型代理人的发展

在发展所有不规则碎片形的18个代理人之前,本文早期的描述,一个DMA和 NEA 被首先发展作为一个原型落实。 这发展的主要焦点是 MANPro 的功能落实。 每个代理人已经以 AgletsTM 与 UML 一起设计而且发展 [22,29]. AgletsTM 是被 IBM 日本发展的以 JavaTM 为基础的代理人发展工具。 环境被提供在特殊化的理解代理人移动记录 (ATP) ,而且在旁边的主机上提供安全和其他的服务服务器。 使用一种以 JavaTM 为基础的语言最重要的理由是促进平台- 独立的系统。 此外, AgletsTM 是一个开放的资源计划,以便当他们发展代理人的时候,程序师能定制他们自己的发展环境。 最新版的 AgletsTM 支持 Java2 。 图 13为来自大溪地岛的DMA和 NEA,一个代理人服务器举例说明程序。 使用者,然而,能藉由类似大溪地岛发展,而且使用一个根据客户需要而修改的计划操作。‘‘产生''按扭对使用者显示注册代理人的目录。 当一个使用者选择来自目录的DMA的时候,一个DMA被产生如图 13 所示。 ‘‘制造 NEA''属于DMA的按扭用来产生 NEA 。

在DNA和 NEA 之间的谈判被运行基于如图 14 所举示例

MANPro 。 如每个DMA的现在地址领域所示,每个DMA被期望在一


图 13. 利用大溪地岛做成DMA和 NEA 的程序。

个不同的 (分配) 服务器身上。 如在文章中所展示的,四个原型代理人已经为发表的安逸测试有不同的代码 ( 举例来说 4434,4444,4445,4446) ,用相同机器 (POSCIM)被测试 。 类似地,相同的系统已经被分机器成功地测试。 NEA 已经被一个DMA产生的图 14 展示的代理人的目前状态展览 (港口: 4434),而且它现在正在依照它的旅行目录旅行。 状态展览也说 NEA 刚刚才完成以一个DMA谈判 (港口: 4445), 而且它正要物理地移到另外的一个DMA(港口: 4446)。在用所有的其他DMA完成谈判之后,它将会被回到最初的地方 (DMA,移植: 4434) 而且将会使最后的报告遵从DMA。 被轮流让 NEA 旅行这些DMA少于Y一秒的时间, 但是将会改变依靠NEA 的功能。实行时间在一个以 MANPro 为基础的谈判中可能会被其他研究员争论。 然而,由于计算力量的迅速增加, 实行时间将会大量地被减少,因此,在不久的将来它将担当重要的角色。 7. 结论

FrMS 有自动化,柔性, 和高度的自我相似性,而且它以被称为不规则碎片形的自主合作多个代理人的观念为基础。FrMS 有从不规则碎片形- 个性特征出现的包括自我相似性,自我组织性和目标定位等的优点, 特别地在一分配和动态的环境。 FrMS 的最杰出功能是更改动态的结构程序,而且它由再配置不规则碎片形允许 FrMS


图 14. 在 NEA 和DMA之间的谈判。

是更有效率和更有效的。 在这篇文章中,一些不规则碎片形的个性 特征和 DRP 与 UML 图表一起被描述而且做模型。 为 FrMS 的代理人也与 UML 一起描述而且做模型。

UML 的使用允许不只系统的容易理解而且在这篇文章中被提到的各种不同的其他利益。 经过在代理人之中的交互作用的动态模型, FrMS 现在准备好被实现包含在这篇文章中被定义的代理人的一些类型。 这篇文章也已经澄清以代理人为基础的活动在中间和不规则碎片形内活动。 有关资源 (仪器) 的数据和信息被连同可仿效的仪器一起详细地定义,而且处理资源数据和产品数据的一个方法被呈现。 为了要为代理人测试一个新的谈判方案,原型代理人 (DMA和 NEA) 已经被发展而且测试基于 MANPro 。 完全的 FrMS 的落实和测试被留给更进一步的研究。 致谢

这一项工作在 2002 年部份地被来自基本的研究计划与

2001-1-31500-005-1 号韩国科学 & 工程基础的计划和 BK 21 计划的支持。 作家想要为这些支持表达他们的感谢心情。 叁考文献


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KwangyeolRyu 在韩国的科学技术 (POSTECH)的浦项大学是一个工业工程的博士学位后选人。 分别地他在 1997 年和 1999 年接受了来自 POSTECH 的工业工程的他 BS 和MS学位。他的研究兴趣包括移动代理人系统,分配和自动化制造业的系统,动态控制把重心集中在不规则碎片形制造业系统 (FrMS), 和以不规则碎片形观念为基础的供应链的整合。

KwangyeolRyu 在韩国的科学技术 (POSTECH)的浦项大学是一个工业工程的博士学位后选人。 分别地他在 1997 年和 1999 年接受了来自 POSTECH 的工业工程的他 BS 和MS学位。他的研究兴趣包括移动代理人系统,分配和自动化制造业的系统,动态控制把重心集中在不规则碎片形制造业系统 (FrMS), 和以不规则碎片形观念为基础的供应链的整合。

Dr. Youngjun Son在亚历桑那州大学是系统部和工业工程部的助理教授。1996年,Dr. Son 在韩国POSTECH工业工程部收到了他的BS学位和荣誉,在1998年和2000年又分别从Penn State University 收到了他的MS和PhD学位。他的研究工作包括了为了分析的分配和整合模拟,自动控制制造系统,整合的供应链。Dr. Son在 1996 年是旋转的国际多年大使的学者, 物流管理学者的议员在 1997 年,而且葛兰姆的接受者在 1999 年在 Penn 州大学为工程学捐赠了团体。 他是亚历桑那州被颁发第八 IIE/Rockwell 软件学生模拟竞赛的第一个地方的队大学的全体教员顾问。 他是模型和模拟的副主编和一个 ASME , IEEE , IIE 的专业成员的国际日记,INFORMS, 和 SME。

Dr. Mooyoung Jung在韩国的 Pohang 科技 (POSTECH) 大学是一位工业工程的教授。 在 1984 年从堪萨斯州大学,教授收到他的博士学位。 Jung 已经在 CIM ,智能制造和敏捷的制造业的领域中出版超过 130个技术上的文件。 他现在是设计和制造业的一个副主编,自动化和编辑的董事会工业工程的国际日记和计算机工业工程的国际日记的成员。他现在的研究包括网络服务技术,分配制造业的系统 , 和生化资讯学。

